
sarnoldhi AndroUser01:06
=== M4he is now known as mahe
SuperLagsarnold: stalker :D02:23
blackhawkI am downloading some files with Transmission on ubuntu, Can i set the download location to a folder that is present over a network share in a windows laptop ?05:24
tomreynif you mount the share, i don't see why not.05:30
blackhawkhow to mount a windows shared folder ?05:30
rfmblackhawk, mount.cifs05:32
=== ejat is now known as fenris
=== dd3my is now known as Guest4999
Guest20Does Ubuntu have delay in file explorer? this might sound stupid but feels like theres 0.2s delay orwhatever when i change from downloads to documents by clicking for example07:49
Guest20Or is it not indexed and it searches index everytime... or?07:50
lotuspsychjenot here guest2007:50
Guest20lotuspsychje what do you mean?07:50
lotuspsychjeGuest20: are you testing this on xorg or wayland?07:50
Guest20im on ubuntu 22.04 lts , ubuntu newbie07:50
lotuspsychjeGuest20: could you logout and boot into ubuntu on Xorg, to see if you can reproduce that?07:51
Guest20i mean the delay is not big, but it is not instant, so i was just wondering if its intentional07:52
Guest20okay i can try07:52
Guest20lotuspsychje i think it is still there with xorg, almost like when switching folders the folder screen is forced to play a few blank folder screens before showing new content07:57
Guest20im running on 60hz so not sure if that would make a difference compared to 120hz07:57
Guest20but i can notice difference compared to windows xp (lol)07:58
Guest20where it is instant07:58
lotuspsychjeweird Guest2007:58
lotuspsychjeGuest20: can you pastebin; sudo lshw -C video plz?07:59
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:59
Guest20am just running on intel 7700k integrated HD craphics 630 since i mainly just write text and email08:00
Guest20would it better to have external gpu?08:01
lotuspsychjeGuest20: not that should run fine!08:01
ducasseGuest20: is it a big folder, lots of files/directories?08:10
Guest20ducasse not really, i turned off search in subfolders but did not have any affect08:11
=== UltraParadigm is now known as firesign
Guest20ducasse okay i installed pcmanfm, and it is running fine... i guess this small delay is justa a nautilus thing (?)08:14
lotuspsychjewell im on 2 intel graphics too Guest2008:14
lotuspsychjeand i dont notice delays08:15
lotuspsychjea 630 and 650 UHD08:15
Guest20lotuspsychje could you please try pcmanfm out of curiosity08:15
Guest20and compare08:15
lotuspsychjebut i dont have delays to compare08:15
Guest20lotuspsychje the delay is not big just noticeable for me, but i would be very curious to know if you can see the difference when comparing the two08:16
lotuspsychjeGuest20: can you confirm your nautilus version is 1:42.2-0ubuntu108:17
lotuspsychje(apt policy nautilus)08:17
Guest20yeah Installed: 1:42.2-0ubuntu108:19
lotuspsychjeGuest20: was it an upgrade or clean install?08:21
Guest20I would say on nautilus changing between desktop and home folder is about  0.3s ish while on pcmanfm it feels instant like on windows xp file explorer08:21
Guest20clean install08:21
lotuspsychjepretty weird08:21
Guest20lotuspsychje could please try? im not a pcmanfm shill, i just want to know if you see the difference when you try it08:21
Guest20I mean could you try pcmanfm since you have hd graphics too08:22
lotuspsychjeGuest20: yeah pcmanfm is fast indeed08:28
lotuspsychjebut i cant say nautilus is lagging on me neither08:28
lotuspsychjeGuest20: are you using any extensions or installed some programs recently?08:29
Guest20any recommended ubuntu app to play  old .swf files offline?09:41
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lotuspsychjeGuest20: there is a flasharch snap player if you like09:45
Guest20thanks lotuspsychje09:45
Guest20lotuspsychje strange when i open flasharch and browse for files, i assume it is using some nautilus mod... it is also very fast...09:49
Guest20but the one opened via Files has the small delay09:49
lotuspsychjeGuest20: i know its not secure, but just for a quick test you could try a sudo nautilus, and see if you see delays there09:54
EriC^better to use "sudo -H nautilus" so no files get owned by root09:55
lotuspsychjeoh tnx EriC^09:55
Guest20what does the -H do if I may ask?09:55
EriC^it sets the $HOME to /root09:56
lotuspsychjeGuest20: actualy, i do have a weird issue aswell, when switching from folders in the left quickstart pane, the mouse arrow does show a small 'loading' delay09:57
lotuspsychjedo you also see those?09:57
Guest20i havent paid attention to mouse, just how the files show up09:57
Guest20yea i see the loading thing now09:58
lotuspsychjethe mouse arrow shows a turning/loading circle here09:58
Guest20on the mouse09:58
Guest20Yeah I have it too09:58
lotuspsychjemaybe thats worth a bug, lemme check existing ones09:58
lotuspsychjeGuest20: do you have a launchpad account to file a bug?10:00
Guest20i dont know what that is10:00
lotuspsychjeGuest20: https://launchpad.net/ register there, then run ubuntu-bug nautilus from a terminal10:01
Guest20oh looked like I had one Lol... okay what next?10:03
Guest20I am not sure how this works10:03
lotuspsychjeGuest20: once you ran ubuntu-bug nautilus, add a title + description (your story of what happens)10:05
Guest20nautilus small lag ?10:05
lotuspsychjeor Nautilus switching folders delay10:05
lotuspsychjeGuest20: tnx to file bug #199223410:12
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 1992234 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Nautilus switching folders delay" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/199223410:12
Guest20do you get email for that? you noticed it quickly10:12
Guest20anyway thanks for your help10:12
lotuspsychjewe have a channel for new incoming bugs10:13
Guest20ok cool10:13
lotuspsychjeGuest20: i affected/confirmed your bug now as it happens on my side too10:13
lotuspsychjeGuest20: maybe also describe it happens switching the folders in the left favorites folders10:14
lotuspsychjewell, it does happen on egular folders too10:14
lotuspsychjeso nvm10:14
lotuspsychjetnx for reporting this Guest2010:15
lotuspsychjethe developers will now follow your bug up and they might ask you to test things10:16
lotuspsychjewelcome SOUMIK10:18
jeronimohi, I did something stupid and did a git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git copied the amdgpu files into /lib/firmware/amdgpu/10:38
jeronimoany way to restore them?10:38
jeronimoto the original files10:39
alkisgjeronimo: sudo dpkg -V10:55
alkisgWill list all modified packages that are owned by a package; then apt reinstall that package10:55
iloveubuntuuuuHi~ Have a problem connect libera.chat with Tor, is there anyone has the similar issues?11:00
iloveubuntuuuuHi~ Have a problem connect libera.chat with Tor, is there anyone has the similar issues? Need some help please~11:02
=== Guest4999 is now known as DD3my
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
vanczI need to install a specific version of this so I can use --purge to remove it from the /var/lib/snapd/seed/snaps directory, does anyone know how to get this to work?:11:53
vancz# snap install gnome-3-38-2004 --revision 11211:53
vanczerror: cannot install "gnome-3-38-2004": Access by specifying a revision is not allowed for this Snap.11:53
ducasseiloveubuntuuuu: try #libera11:59
vanczok apparently snap install /var/lib/snapd/seed/snaps/gnome-3-38-2004_112.snap works12:07
vanczThe other thing is its not clear if the .snap file can just be removed after removal, so that's why I'm fighting with snap...12:07
murmelvancz: is there a reason why you want to remove older snaps?12:08
respawnmanu2: welcome this is ubuntu help channel if you need help with ubuntu issue ask here12:24
manu2hi respawn12:24
respawnmanu2: for non help general chat go to #ubuntu-offtopic right click join12:25
manu2lol using weechat xD12:25
wez_hnmaum: irssi exists you know12:30
wez_hnoops, I meant manu2, sorry12:30
murmelwell manu2 left :)12:31
wez_hnmurmel: My tab complete didn't know that :(12:31
wez_hnwell, actually, it didn'y12:31
codedmartNot ubuntu related, but I am using docker containers for development and using zsh as my shell. When I exit a container shell I see `zsh: can't rename $HOME/.zsh_history.new to $HISTFILE`. I mount a `zsh_history` file from host to container to save history which works fine. So not sure why it is trying to use a `.zsh_history.new` file.12:33
EriC^^codedmart: what's ls -ld $(echo $HISTFILE) give?12:35
EriC^^*ls -l12:35
codedmartEriC^^ `-rw-r--r--. 1 codedmart codedmart 925 Oct  8 12:35 /home/codedmart/.zsh_history`12:36
iloveubuntuuuuxx: how can I hide my IP like yours, I mean the form ...@...12:36
EriC^^iloveubuntuuuu: ask for a cloak in #libera i guess, you have to have a registered username12:37
codedmartEriC^^ doesn't that look correct? Not sure where the .zsh_history.new is coming from. If I delete it I still see the error and the file is back.12:40
EriC^^codedmart: yeah it looks right i think12:41
vancznevermind purge doesnt actually work12:45
vanczmurmel: because I need to shrink this disk enough to fit it into ram12:45
pikapikainstalling 'maxima' removed gnuplot-qt12:46
pikapikais there any way to safely also have gnuplot-qt along with maxima12:46
pikapikagnuplot is now using a different library probably gtk for its gui window12:46
vanczi see going off the trodden path is still a catastrophe... :(12:47
murmelvancz: deleting that file should be enough12:48
vanczmurmel: this directory afaict doesnt seem to be documented anywhere12:49
vanczwill I not end up leaving some database in some inconsistent state or something12:49
murmelvancz: afaik, there is /var/lib/snapd/seed/seed.yaml and a file in /var/lib/snapd/seed/assertions12:52
vanczhonest question, how am I supposed to figure this out?12:52
vanczIm googling snap seed documentation and getting nothing relevant, https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/seed-yaml-documentation/3050/4 from 2017 suggests this is undocumented but thats 5 years ago12:55
vanczapparently #snappy is a thing though12:55
murmelyeah would definitely ask in there or forums, to see what they recommend12:56
murmelforums are probably better to reach somebody12:56
BluesKajHi all12:59
wez_hnyay BluesKaj!13:01
BluesKajhey wez_hn13:01
wez_hnHow are you BluesKaj ?13:02
BluesKajwez_hn, doing ok here, how about you?13:02
wez_hnBluesKaj: Can't complain. How's your Ubuntu experience been so far?13:06
BluesKajso far so good. testing Kubuntu Kinetic atm, just finished upgrading to a new kernel version13:08
ogravancz, only the owner of a snap can install by revision ... ormal users only get whats recent in the respective channels13:09
vancz1) that sounds stupid as hell, no offense to you13:10
vancz2) i managed to get that part to work by installing from the .snap file13:10
vanczI thought --purge would remove the .snap file in the seeds directory if i managed to reinstall it, but it didnt13:10
vanczunless I goofed something13:11
vanczI mean passing snap the path to the file, instead of the package name and revision <vancz> 2) i managed to get that part to work by installing from the .snap file13:11
murmelvancz: remember when install the snap directly, no (auto) updates13:11
ogramurmel, only if there is no matching assertion file13:12
murmelogra: aha :) learned something13:12
ograif the snap is signed (i.e. an assertion file exists) it does not matter where it comes from, it will update13:12
murmelogra: wow didn't realize that you were _that_ heavily into snaps13:19
ogramurmel, i worked on the team that created them in 2014 🙂 (and worked on the first three versions of Ubuntu Core from 2015 on)13:20
murmelahh :) explains it then13:20
lolekhi, so since snap is something that came out from Canonical, I thought this is the best place to ask this. Why snap is using keyword "refresh" instead of "update" to actually update it's packages? Everything else is using... update .. it's kind of counter intuitive. What was the reasoning behind this decision?13:39
murmellolek: i mean even ubuntu itself doesn't use update to update it's packages. but I do agree refresh is quite different to update or upgrade13:42
lolekyeah well I'd like to learn about the logic that came to the point where someone say "hey, use refresh"..13:43
leftyfblolek: try #snappy13:46
loleklets go then13:46
pickanickwhat's the difference between cd-paranoia and cdparanoia? With -, uses libcdio-paranoia2 instead of ...0 , my guess is cd-paranoia might be a rewrite of cdparanoia, possibly less complete since the older one is kept available. Anyone use either?13:47
leftyfbpickanick: apt-cache show cd-paranoia ; apt-cache show cdparanoia13:52
_8lurrywhere can I see the logs for a cron job?13:56
leftyfbsyslog or the cron journal log13:57
leftyfb_8lurry: or wherever you wrote your script in the cron to write out to13:58
_8lurryleftyfb, where is the cron journal log?13:59
leftyfb_8lurry: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-journalctl-to-view-and-manipulate-systemd-logs14:00
rob0pickanick: did you ever get your Ethernet/wifi issues solved?14:14
_8lurryleftyfb, thanks14:27
pickanickrob0: not yet, I appreciate you asking, will ping you again another day. :)14:28
vanczone reason this is stupid, what if I have a backup for an old version of a program? <ogra> vancz, only the owner of a snap can install by revision ... ormal users only get whats recent in the respective channels14:31
vanczis there a way to solve that?14:31
pickanickIs there a package that will allow cd[-]paranoia to save to FLAC ? Or will I have to save to .WAV and then reencode to FLAC or some other compressed format?14:37
tanja84dkI have a question. Does anyone have an idea why it is that tcpdump fails on ubuntu with some flags even as root ( permission denied and sometimes apparmor in log ). I have even tried to uninstall and reinstall apparmor but same result. Ihave also tried to unload all profiles with aa-teardown but still same result15:20
tanja84dkand the flag I'm trying to use is -C ( the max file size ) and that is the flad there is giving the permission denied even as root15:21
tomreyntanja84dk: sounds like you may need to file a !bug to have this sorted out with an apparmor profile update.15:22
tomreyn!bug | tanja84dk15:23
ubottutanja84dk: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.15:23
tanja84dkwell unfortunally we know those bug trackers takes months and most get quashed and its only pro users ubuntu are listening to15:24
ikoniathat's not true15:25
tanja84dkbut yeah even with all profiles unloaded and as root it still gives me 'audit: type=1400 audit(1665239066.337:27): apparmor="DENIED" operation="capable" profile="tcpdump" pid=739136 comm="tcpdump" capability=16  capname="sys_module"15:25
tanja84dkThank you very much. Or actually noticed or were another error but still from apparmor so I know where to look audit: type=1400 audit(1665239066.337:27): apparmor="DENIED" operation="capable" profile="tcpdump" pid=739136 comm="tcpdump" capability=16  capname="sys_module"15:25
tanja84dk' even with apparmor directly uninstalled because ubuntu forces apparmor in the kernel15:25
ikoniamake a good factual bug report - and engage in getting it fixed and it will get fixed15:25
tomreynmaybe related to this? https://serverfault.com/questions/478636/tcpdump-out-pcap-permission-denied15:26
tanja84dkyes and no because its even when the server literally has apparmor removed it still gets that issue and again I'm literally root on the server15:29
tavatirnapiyonuz la burda15:32
tomreyn!ubuntu | tavatir15:33
ubottutavatir: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com15:33
tanja84dkohh just noticed it never will work out from the strace looks like even when you run tcpdump as root it still sets another user so I guess its tcpdump there is flawed and completely broken15:34
tomreyntanja84dk: so you tried -Z root?15:37
tanja84dkno because that shouldmt be needed the only tome that should be needed is when you want as another user then you are running as15:38
tomreyndid you read the serverfault post i pointed you to?15:39
tomreyn(or the tcpdump man page on the -C option)15:41
tanja84dki were in the middle of reading the post, but tbh the man page is way to confusing because of so poorly formatted the man pages are for screen readers ( in essense all of them wich why I never check them anymore ) and all the guides that mentioned the -C flag never told about that it dropped permissions15:52
tomreynlooks like everyone is at fault other than tanja84dk15:53
tanja84dkSTFU KID @tomreyn and get back to your dads dock15:56
helmetAnyone experiencing this at the momment? I suspect it is a temporary issue...16:17
helmet$ sudo apt update16:17
helmetErr:1 http://iq.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy InRelease16:17
helmet  403  Forbidden [IP: 80]16:17
oerhekshelmet, maybe that mirror is in sync now, or way behind?16:20
oerhekstry the main archive, in softwareupdate settings16:20
oerheksnot sure what country provides iq.archive.ubuntu16:22
tomreynGB according to ip-whois on
tomreynhelmet: does this also return a 403 (first line)?   curl -I --resolve iq.archive.ubuntu.com:80: http://iq.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jammy/InRelease16:23
vanczis it safe to use debian package channels with ubuntu? id like to use ubuntu's qemu-kvm because it seems to have less dependencies than what ubuntu has16:45
ravagevancz, no16:47
vanczhm actually https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/qemu-system-x86-microvm might work for me16:51
vanczugh no that still pulls in the graphics stuff16:52
samanthaany machine learning experts here16:54
_8lurrysamantha, I am not an expert, but can you bring the topic up what you want to talk about?17:11
=== polymorp- is now known as polymorphic
cgoI have a third party package that does not recognize my installation of libptscotch-7 for some reason18:28
cgoI'm on kinetic but the package is only available as jammy... does that matter?18:29
cgohow can i force it to recognize my installed package or ignore it?18:29
ubottuKinetic Kudu is the codename for Ubuntu 22.10. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.18:29
oerheksfor kinetic support, join the dedicated channel18:30
relipsehow do I install from the regular repository intead of andre's? https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/KvwXFMOh/18:34
oerheksremove the ondrej ppa, with ppa-purge, that reverses packages too?18:36
oerheks7,4 is available in our repos https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php7.418:36
relipsei don't want to uninstall php 8.1-fpm or anything, i just want to also install php 7.4 fpm18:37
tomreynusing ubuntu's packages and ondrej's side by side will most likely not work18:39
oerheksindeed, and why mixing versions?18:39
=== ednash is now known as ednash-afk
Exterminadormost of the people use ondrej's PPA on Ubuntu 22.04 because WordPress doesn't yet fully support PHP 8.119:56
Exterminadorit's weird to see someone using it on Ubuntu 20.04, though19:58
=== brassado is now known as sam_sepi0l
murmelExterminador: there is more software than wordpress that don't get upgraded that quickly22:20
Pasgagnmtd --         sudo systemctl disable systemd-pstore.service i can t log in my lighdm session . i can t write but os is okay i can connect with putty22:37

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