
=== keypushe- is now known as keypusher
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hamshello, is there a rdp equivelant for ubuntu? vnc does not have as many features02:02
xrandrhams: xrdp02:02
xrandrhams: can use Remmina for it02:02
xrandrHope that works for you02:05
hamsis xrdp the client and remina the server?02:05
xrandrOtherwise you can use things like logmein,  Team Viewer, etc.02:05
xrandrWait,  you're looking to RDP into a Linux Desktop?02:05
xrandrIf that's the case, TeamViewer or LogMeIn or something like that is your best bet02:06
hamsyes. im on a windows machine and i want to rdp into my ubuntu desktpop02:06
xrandrYou can set up RDP to a linux machine02:06
xrandrbut it can become a little painful02:06
xrandrThe 2nd link lol02:07
murmelhams: depending on which release and which flavour you are on, xrdp can still be used, as gnome for example implements an rdp server in their gui02:08
hamsdoes ubuntu desktop come with knome?02:08
xrandrIt comes with Unity which is a gnome derivative02:08
murmelxrandr: it does not02:09
xrandrFollow that link I posted02:09
murmelhams: if you use proper ubuntu, yes it's gnome02:09
xrandrmurmel: ubuntu desktop comes with Unity/Wayland02:09
murmelxrandr: no? last release with unity was 16.0402:09
hamsim installing ubuntu 22.04 desktop02:10
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xrandrSo it just runs gnome with the unity look n feel then?02:10
xrandrhams: That link should get you where you need to go02:11
hamsshould i follow the first step to install knome?02:11
xrandrRead it02:11
hamslol ok02:11
murmelhams: if you are finished with installing, go to settings, sharing and there enable it02:11
hamsxrandr is like RTFM02:11
murmelyes, which you don't have to do, as 22.04 implements a rdp server itself02:12
murmelso you don't have to install anything02:12
xrandrhams: listen to murmel02:12
xrandrhe/she/they are correct02:12
murmelxrandr: I mean if you mean that 3 addons by default make it unity feel, okay i guess02:13
xrandrmurmel: so,  when I did it a year ago,  it created a separate desktop session. With Windows,  you RDP into another Windows machine,  you end up using the same session as if you were actually in front of the machine.  It may have changed in later releases02:14
hamsi really like in front of the machine thing02:15
hams0 lag02:15
xrandrhams: actually,  that was meant for you02:15
xrandrI should probably make my way to bed lol02:15
hamsthe proxmox rdp makes the window small sized and i cant 4k it02:16
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* enyc meows :O04:25
=== Carlos is now known as Guest9460
morgan-usbhello I am on a live-cd and today I cannot see my hard drive OR a 2nd USB that I put in to see what is on it. I tried a 2nd USB and same story.05:43
morgan-usbusing "Files" 22.0405:43
alkisgmorgan-usb: open a terminal and run this: sudo lsblk --fs | nc termbin.com 999906:01
hamshelo guysss06:15
hamsok so it turns out that rdp is working06:15
hamsscreen displays but no actual control06:15
neonhow do i build gcc06:41
lotuspsychjeneon: we usualy advice users to use the packages from the ubuntu official repos instead of building/compile06:43
lotuspsychjeneon: maybe if you share your whole story/end goal the volunteers might be able to help think along with you06:44
neonim currently building as06:45
neoncd gcc-master ; rm -rf objdir ; mkdir objdir ; cd objdir ; ../configure --disable-multilib ; make06:45
neonbut i get       ar: charset.o: No such file or directory06:45
neonwhen libcpp is being built06:45
neonlotuspsychje: i want to try to extend C with new syntax06:46
neoncus i cannot find any existing languages that suit my needs06:47
webchat10Hello, my wifi card isn'ẗ working;06:47
webchat10When I run:06:47
webchat10sudo dmesg | grep ath06:47
webchat10[   19.940159] ath11k_pci 0000:09:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0xbe000000-0xbe1fffff 64bit]06:47
webchat10[   19.940177] ath11k_pci 0000:09:00.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0002)06:47
webchat10[   19.940216] ath11k_pci 0000:09:00.0: failed to get 32 MSI vectors, only -28 available06:47
lotuspsychje!paste | webchat1006:47
ubottuwebchat10: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:47
neonor you can do `cat file | nc termbin.com 9999`06:48
lotuspsychjeneon: i think #linux or #programming might be more of use for you06:48
neonand then paste the outputted link06:48
neonwhere do i find the build script that ubuntu uses to build gcc ?06:49
webchat10My wifi card stopped working and I've been stuck trying to fix it for weeks now, it's a brand new PC,06:51
webchat10when I run06:51
webchat10sudo dmesg | grep ath06:51
webchat10This is what I get:06:51
webchat10[   17.893068] ath11k_pci 0000:09:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0xbe000000-0xbe1fffff 64bit]06:51
webchat10[   17.893089] ath11k_pci 0000:09:00.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0002)06:51
webchat10Hello my wifi card stopped working and I can't figure out why06:54
webchat10[   17.893068] ath11k_pci 0000:09:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0xbe000000-0xbe1fffff 64bit]06:54
webchat10[   17.893089] ath11k_pci 0000:09:00.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0002)06:54
webchat10[   17.893129] ath11k_pci 0000:09:00.0: failed to get 32 MSI vectors, only -28 available06:54
webchat10[   17.893133] ath11k_pci 0000:09:00.0: failed to enable msi: -2806:54
webchat10[   17.893142] ath11k_pci: probe of 0000:09:00.0 failed with error -2806:54
neoni still get     ar: charset.o: No such file or directory    ;-;06:55
lotuspsychje!compile | neon06:55
ubottuneon: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall06:55
lotuspsychjeneon: here mate, the tuts from linuxconfig are always decent; https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-gcc-the-c-compiler-on-ubuntu-22-04-lts-jammy-jellyfish-linux06:58
neoni already have a prebuilt gcc07:00
morgan-usbalkisg   https://termbin.com/inpvk07:06
alkisgmorgan-usb: I'm not using GNOME so I don't know why Files isn't showing you these (or where it would show them), but if you want to mount any of this via the command line, it's easy. Which one do you want to access?07:07
morgan-usbsoory but I think tired caught up with me.07:08
morgan-usbwhat do you use instad of gname?07:08
morgan-usbjust bash?07:08
alkisgMostly MATE07:08
morgan-usbI think it failed for some reason. -- going to sleep.- My new plan is to install buntu. but first I wanted to see what is on the othere 4 flashdrives I have. I will ask again tomorrow. Thanks man. (Los Angeles time is after 1 am)07:10
morgan-usbI was going to amuse myself by installing windows first. So I was looking for a blank flash drive.07:11
morgan-usbI might have to recoil if it is as confusing as what I expect. but then I will have say 4 partitions for ubuntu. I may make one a server to get aquainted. (And I want to see why adding the mate destop to standard uubuntu failed. I might just download mate-ubuntu and see if it works that way. (I do like an application tree. and a taskbar. I can deal07:13
morgan-usbwith any of them, except kdeplasma.07:13
morgan-usbtoo late..07:13
morgan-usbHey and today my monitor is not flashing off for 7 seconds and coming back on. It only happened for 2 or 3 days ever. Wo woo = cheer.07:18
varaindemianI'm on ubuntu 22.04 and I'd like to stay up to date with the latest Gnome UI. How can I do that?08:26
tomreynvaraindemian: keep upgrading08:26
varaindemiantomreyn: don;t want to upgrade08:27
varaindemianI mean I still want to be on 22.0408:27
tomreynthen start embracing what you have08:27
tomreyn!latest | varaindemian08:28
ubottuvaraindemian: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.08:28
varaindemiantomreyn: I see. So there might be an option to add a ppa for latest gnome updates? :D08:28
tomreynmight, but you'd better move to a distribution with a rolling release model then08:30
tomreyntrading stability (who needs a stable desktop anyways! oh wait, everyone.) against latest08:30
b0bstable as in not moving or as in not breaking? if the former: not everyone needs that per se, if the latter: that's just plain wrong. you trade ease of maintenance for latest. and even that's debatable08:58
uioiI installed lubuntu on a usb stick and made it persistence space09:05
uioinow everything gonna be saved right? or it will be a fresh system every time i reboot?09:05
bobdobbsHi all. I'm using Ubuntu 22.04 as my desktop OS. Earlier today my mouse speed suddenyl dropped massively. I found the mouse speed settings and hoisted them up, and that really improved things. But it's still a little slow for me.09:49
bobdobbsIs there another way for me to increase my mouse speed?09:49
bobdobbsI kinda need the speed, cos I work across three monitors09:49
yasseri was updating my system and it turned into black screen with bunch on errore09:57
yasseri was updating my system and it turned into black screen with a lot of errors10:03
yasseri have a image of the errors but I don't know how to upload it here10:04
yasseri booted into the system again and nothing wrong but why has this happend10:07
brkrootwhats the safest way to remove LUKS encryption on a usb drive and restore its values to original (as bought) ?10:18
brkrootI have this usb for 3 years now and just want to remove the encryption and use it as normal10:18
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loosebrkroot: the safest way would be to backup its data and the reformat the drive10:39
brkrootloose, i remember last time trying to format the drive it gave me an error and failed to format. I was using gparted10:41
alkisgWhat error? If it has hardware issues (worn out) then these cannot be solved with software10:54
brkrootit doesnt have any hardware errors. Ok I will try11:04
alkisgAfter trying, tell us (1) the gparted error and (2) the last lines of the `sudo dmesg` command11:39
brkrootalkisg, thank you, will do11:46
brkrootbefore that, If i move the files with cp from the encrypted usb to the home directory, will the files be locked/encrypted?11:48
brkrooti mean i will copy them, not moving11:48
tomreynbrkroot: only if the home directory is somehow encrypted11:49
brkrootok, it isn't encrypted. Thanks11:50
=== Phase4 is now known as Phase
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
BluesKajHi all12:36
unimatrix9hello all12:39
unimatrix9is there a guide / guidelines somewhere on what to do when you want a top quality software to be added to the ubuntu software store ( licence still to be considered )12:41
ThinkT510top quality but doesn't yet have a license?12:44
unimatrix9i think it will be Proprietary software12:50
ThinkT510will be? how can it be top quality software if it is unreleased?12:51
ThinkT510has it been some internal tool that has been used for years?12:52
tomreynunimatrix9: you may want to /join #snapcraft12:56
unimatrix9updating myself on the idea of propriety software https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_proprietary_software_for_Linux12:56
tomreynplease keep the licensing discussion out of this support channel12:56
unimatrix9well why ? It does raise a very valid point.12:58
unimatrix9and i am happy that it was brought up, but no need to go deeper than this for sure13:00
=== Leoneof|2 is now known as Leoneof
arkanoidhello! I'm trying to figure out what causes my little home ubuntu server to go offline until manual reboot every week or so13:08
ThinkT510read through the logs?13:09
arkanoidjournactl shows no unexpected log lines before the event happens13:09
arkanoidI just see normal CRON jobs lines, and then my manual --reboot-- line13:10
arkanoidis there any other log I should check to figure out whats happening?13:13
tomreynarkanoid: is it server hardware?13:17
arkanoidtomreyn: no, it is an apu313:20
tomreynarkanoid: check "ip -s link" next time it happens13:20
tomreynalso, how do you test that it's offline?13:21
tomreyncan't connect by ssh?13:21
tomreyndo you have serial soncole access?13:22
arkanoidtomreyn: can't connect via ssh, can't ping in LAN, can't vpn ping to it, can't serial console via /dev/ttyUSB013:22
arkanoidas soon as I hard reset the box, I get lines in serial console13:22
tomreynhmm that sounds a lot like a hardware issue13:23
arkanoidyes, I think too, but how to find out if I should replace a thing, or everything?13:23
arkanoidwhat should I do with ip -s link? check if I get any package from a directly-connected lan ubuntu box?13:25
tomreyni was thinking of RX/TX issues / dropped packet / IP address conflicts then. but that was before you said you loose serial console I/O13:26
tomreynmake sure you try a different kernel, just in case. and have the serial connected before it happens (if you have not had this, yet), so you can see kernel messages there, if any13:27
tomreynregarding "replace a thing, or everything", i'm not sure if this makes much of a difference if it's an SBC. you could try replacing the power supply.13:28
arkanoidis it possible to redirect kernel panics to something I can read without serial console, or after reboot?13:29
arkanoidit is still running 20.04, I could try upgrading to 22.0413:29
arkanoidsurely this would change the kernel13:30
arkanoidor maybe run memcheck?13:30
unimatrix9maybe its usefull to see the times and dates of the last 10 shutdowns : last -Fxn10 shutdown reboot ( terminal )13:33
OmarHanyKasbanUBUNTU SUCKED13:52
OmarHanyKasbani moved to fedora13:52
tomreynOmarHanyKasban: let us know if you have an ubuntu support question13:53
unimatrix9what ever works for you is good for us too ;)13:53
* neon runs out of ram13:54
OmarHanyKasbanubuntu came with my laptop with NVIDA-dell-oem-fix-disable drivers preinstalled13:54
OmarHanyKasbanis this a JOKE DELL OEM TOM E13:54
OmarHanyKasbanTO ME13:54
OmarHanyKasbanruns out of ram?13:54
neonOmarHanyKasban: oof13:54
neonOmarHanyKasban: live usb :)13:54
OmarHanyKasbanfedora just works13:54
OmarHanyKasbani tried ubuntu 22.04 and 22.10 on my laptop13:55
OmarHanyKasbanonly fedora worked13:55
neontoo many packages XD13:55
OmarHanyKasbanubuntu 20.04 came with my laptop13:55
OmarHanyKasbanI just want to know13:55
OmarHanyKasbanwhy ubuntu sucks?13:55
tomreynOmarHanyKasban: so you havee an ubuntu support question, though?13:55
OmarHanyKasbanwhy ubuntu sucks?13:55
OmarHanyKasbanwhy ubuntu sucks?13:56
tomreyncan you stop it please13:56
tomreynif you have construvctive criticism, maybe try #ubuntu-discuss. but so far this is not.13:57
unimatrix9ok thanks for the feedback i got , constructive and good, as ever, have a nice day all !14:00
OmarHanyKasbani have only installed hexchat14:00
OmarHanyKasbanto SEE Why ubuntu sucks14:00
OmarHanyKasbanto try to FIX IT14:00
yasserHi i have a problem with lubuntu14:23
yasserwhen i run Fire fox it doesn't open or show anything14:24
yasserit just shows that it open and doesn't show anything14:24
yasserit came with lubuntu I didn't install it14:25
_8lurryis it possible to keep some directory encrypted and decrypt it only when a perticular user logs in?14:28
EriC^_8lurry: anything's possible14:43
EriC^_8lurry: it's so weak security wise though cause it really just depends on the user logging in, which is trivial to bypass14:44
_8lurryEriC^, I suppose the question is about how can I do it? somebody on another channel suggested to make a fs image and keep it encrypted14:45
EriC^_8lurry: well for encrypted dirs there's encfs, but for some reason it's not really liked by the community14:46
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_8lurryhow can I make a more secure vault?14:47
EriC^well if you want, you could have the key on a usb, and if its plugged in then it decrypts it i guess14:48
EriC^it really depends on what you want, or maybe just memorize the key, a short(ish) key is still better than auto-decrypting on user login in case laptop is stolen or something14:49
_8lurryEriC^, I want some application to have access to the files inside the encrypted dir/vault or whatever I am gonna try to make. so this filesystem really should be decrypted for some user14:49
EriC^_8lurry: make an .img set up luks on it and fs of your choice and i guess in the user's ~/.profile set it up to decrypt and mount it, make sure the home dir isnt read access by all users14:52
EriC^_8lurry: https://askubuntu.com/questions/58935/how-do-i-create-an-encrypted-filesystem-inside-a-file14:56
_8lurryEriC^, Thanks, that's really helpful14:57
EriC^_8lurry: no problem14:58
_8lurryEriC^: I can probably remove read access (for all) only from ~/.profile, to be an the safe side and not break other programs15:03
EriC^_8lurry: you'll need this as well to set it up with a keyfile to autodecrypt https://www.cyberciti.biz/hardware/cryptsetup-add-enable-luks-disk-encryption-keyfile-linux/15:06
_8lurryEriC^: thanks agian15:09
zteamHi all, I'm trying to examine a system freeze from previos boot on my Ubuntu machine, does anyone knows how I can read dmesg messages from previous boot?15:20
tomreynzteam: journalctl -eb -115:20
tomreynzteam: this would give you the full system log from last run. if you just want the kernel log:   journalctl -ekb -115:21
tomreynnote it's always possible that a kernel message did not make it to the logs because the disk / file system was not writable or  there was not enough time for it to make it there before the system got unstable.15:23
zteamtomreyn, thanks man, any idea how to troubleshoot this? journalctl -eb -115:26
zteamokt 09 16:36:57 Steelhead pychess.desktop[12123]: Traceback (most recent call last):15:26
zteamokt 09 16:36:57 Steelhead pychess.desktop[12123]:   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pychess/perspectives/gam>15:26
zteamokt 09 16:36:57 Steelhead pychess.desktop[12123]:     gmwidg.gamemodel.terminate()15:26
zteamokt 09 16:36:57 Steelhead pychess.desktop[12123]:   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pychess/Utils/GameModel.>15:26
zteamokt 09 16:36:57 Steelhead pychess.desktop[12123]:     player.end(self.status, self.reason)15:26
tomreyn!paste | zteam15:26
ubottuzteam: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:26
tomreynzteam: the first lines you (incorrectly) posted into the channel are just a python traceback for this pychess application which apparently failed. this would not explain that a server froze.15:28
tomreynand you can talk again15:28
zteamtomreyn, https://pastebin.com/hBeG4BQF15:29
tomreynzteam: those lines are cut off to the right15:30
tomreyn16:49:10 is when the critical error seems to have occurred15:30
tomreynwhich ubuntu version and kernel version was it running then?15:31
mortis the ubuntu software experience considered "finished" or "working as intended"?15:32
tomreynzteam: journalctl -b -1 | grep -A1 'Linux version' | nc termbin.com 999915:32
mortsnap store always wants to be updated but clicking the update button gives a broken-looking error message about snap-store having running apps15:33
mortand if I'm reading the error message right, ubuntu software is itself from the snap-store snap, so you have to close ubuntu software in order to update snap-store, but ubuntu software is the software responsible for updating snap-store15:34
mortthis is getting better before 22.10 right...?15:34
mortand the error message: Unable to update "Snap Store": (null): cannot refresh "snap-store": snap "snap-store" has running apps (ubunut-software), pids: 3852 -- is this actually supposed to be a user-facing error message? With the (null) and all?15:36
zteamtomreyn, https://termbin.com/d17d15:36
zteamtomreyn, here is link with fixed output from the journalctl https://pastebin.com/iMhTBcvk15:39
tomreynzteam: is this the focal -edge kernel?15:40
tomreynlinux-image-generic-hwe-20.04-edge ?15:40
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tomreynzteam: can you:    apt list --installed linux-image\* |& nc termbin.com 999915:44
zteamtomreyn, what makes you ask that? (i'm problably missing something obivious, but that's not what uname -a suggest so I'm not sure where you get that from? :-)15:45
zteamtomreyn, https://termbin.com/pcig15:46
tomreynzteam: https://termbin.com/d17d says you were running "Linux version 5.15.0-48-generic [..] #54-Ubuntu", and i didn't find this version on https://packages.ubuntu.com other than with the -edge kernel image. but your apt output shows that either i missed it or packages.ubuntu.com is outdated15:48
tomreynzteam: so, you're on the latest kernel image, that's good. i can't say what triggered the null pointer dereference though15:48
tomreyni mean an illegal memory access did, but it't unclear what would have caused it.15:49
tomreynif this happens again / regularly, i'd run a memory test15:50
tomreynand undo overclocking, if any.15:50
zteamtomreyn, okey, well, I don't know either, it happens occasionally,abotut once in a month, I have QEMU and Vmware installed not sure if any drivers from those stuff are responsible, I don't overclock either :-)15:51
tomreyni'm a bit puzzled as to why systemd-hostnamed.service  started and got deactivated there in the middle of the system, triggered by pychess15:54
tomreynbut i guess that is probably unrelated15:54
tomreynzteam: misbehaving drivers can cause such, but we don't really know enough at this point.15:59
zteamtomreyn, I believe I have seen something about systemd hostname in previous crashes as well, but I never knew how to browse previous system logs from dmesg before (I just used to do cat /var/log/syslog.1 and then use grep to search around :-)16:01
tomreynzteam: it's certainly more convenient with journalctl16:02
tomreynzteam: the 3 lines that were captured of the kernel fault were not the full output, it would normally look similar to this: https://retrace.fedoraproject.org/faf/reports/72845/16:03
tomreyn(on the bottom grey background box)16:03
tomreynyou only have the three lines it starts with, but more will have been reported by the kernel while it could16:04
tomreynit just didn't end up on the logs, i assume16:04
tomreynthe "CPU:" and "RIP:" line as well as the lines belonging to the "Call Trace:" could have provided mor einformation on what actually went wrong there.16:06
tomreynbut you'd need a serial console attached to catch those lines, i guess.16:06
tomreynor kernel crash dumps16:06
zteamtomreyn, dumb question, then I look into /var/log/kern.log I don't see those lines from our journalctl command earlier, shouldn't those lines be in  /var/log/kern.log as well?16:10
tomreynzteam: i /think/ so. you have two logging mechanisms: rsyslogd and systemd-journald, each creating their own logs. /var/log/kern.log would be written by rsyslogd whereas what you read with journalctl is written by systemd-journald.16:13
tomreynso depending on how fast they could persist those log lines these lines may or may not have ended up on disk before the system became unstable16:14
tomreynit's a matter of memory buffering and disk write caching. this time it ended out like this, next time it can be different.16:15
zteamtomreyn, sometimes, I wish there was a single command to browse these logs, just like dmesg but for previous boots :-/16:20
nowakaHi, I am struggling with a sed command, and I thought someone in here might be able to help me.16:20
tomreynzteam: you mean like the journalctl command i provided earlier?16:20
tomreynnowaka: you can try asking here, or in #bash16:21
nowakaI have this command and it places "ADDED_CONTENT" where I want it to: sed -e '/}/{N;/\n/N;/\nvhTemplate cent/{s/^/ADDED_CONTENT\n/;};}' test.conf > new_test.conf16:21
nowakaBut I want to add a variable instead of "ADDED_CONTENT", like $string, but the it places "$string" in my file instead of the content of $string.16:23
nowakaSo: sed -e '/}/{N;/\n/N;/\nvhTemplate cent/{s/^/$string\n/;};}' test.conf > new_test.conf Does not work as I expect it to.16:23
tomreyni'm afraid that's beyond my pay grade on a sunday evening.16:25
nowakahaha fair :D16:25
rfm_nowaka, use double quotes instead of single quotes, bash doesn't sub variables in single quoted strings16:25
arraybolt3nowaka: Was just about to say what rfm_ just said.16:25
arraybolt3(Or something similar.)16:26
arkanoidtomreyn: sorry I went missing for some hours. I replaced thermal paste, performed memtest, upgraded bios and upgraded 20.04 -> 22.0416:28
nowakarfm_ thanks! that did the trick! I was going mad over this :D16:28
=== LanDi1 is now known as LanDi
zteamtomreyn, fair point, that command is actually pretty awesome, but it does cutoff the lines at right instead of just splitting the line then the text hits the window border, there is probably an option for this I don't know about16:30
tomreynarkanoid: good, then let's hope it won't happen again. here's what else you can do: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Debugging - see also "linux-crashdump -- How to use linux-crashdump to capture a kernel oops/panic" there16:31
tomreynzteam: ^ also relevant to you16:31
tomreynzteam: the "cutoff lines at the right" is something the pager application ("less" by default) does. you can just pipe the journalctl output into a file or a different command or use a different pager application (such as "more") by setting the PAGER environment variable accordingly.16:33
tomreynjournalctl -kb -1 > /tmp/past_kernel_log.txt && gedit /tmp/past_kernel_log.txt16:34
tomreynthere's also the "Logs" GUI application for viewing journald logs16:34
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zteamtomreyn, thanks, but why is it using less to read from journalctl and not with dmesg? (sorry if sound a bit whiny, but some stuff about linux really confuses me, even after being a Ubuntu user for several years) :-)16:44
tomreynzteam: convenience. you can just run     PAGER=cat journalctl -kb -1    if you want equivalent output16:47
tomreynin less you can just press the cursor key to the right to read the full line16:48
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tomreyn(or enable line wrapping)16:50
zteamtomreyn, what buffles is that I can't find any option in gnome terminal emulator to enable line wrapping (shouldn't the terminal emulator be able to do this by default) ? :-)16:57
tomreynzteam: it does it by default (while you're operating on the shell)16:58
tomreynthis would wrap:  while true; do echo -n 1234567890; sleep 0.1; done17:00
zteamtomreyn, :-O "it does it by default (while you're operating on the shell" sorry but I can't really tell what you are meaning here :-)17:11
tomreynzteam: "less" is an application, it can behave differently about line wrapping than your shell does.17:12
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tomreyn(*word* wrap is obviously the wrong term, it's about *line* wrapping / "folding")17:14
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Pasgagni disable mtd with systemctl but i can t logging in my desktop session i can write on the logging field . anyone have an idea?17:15
arraybolt3Pasgagn: Can you clarify? Are you not able to get to a usable desktop?17:16
Pasgagni reinstall desktop it seems ok17:16
Pasgagni can connect with putty ssh17:17
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arraybolt3Pasgagn: Can you explain, step-by-step, exactly what you're trying to do, and how? It's very difficult to help resolve a problem if we don't know what's going wrong, and right now I'm not sure what is going wrong.17:18
Pasgagnarraybolt3 i reinstall sddm and lightdm  and nvidia driver 340 and17:18
Pasgagni can type text on the logging field17:18
Pasgagni can t17:18
arraybolt3Ah, but then when you attempt to actually log in, it fails?17:19
Pasgagnit's like my keyboard doesn't work17:19
arraybolt3OK, that I can possibly help with. What flavor of Ubuntu are you using? Kubuntu? Lubuntu?17:19
arraybolt3(Also, knowing the exact version (like "22.04") will be helpful.)17:20
Pasgagn22.04 ubuntu mate17:20
arraybolt3OK. One moment...17:20
Pasgagn20.04 sorry17:20
tomreyni already failed to understand what "i disable mtd with systemctl"  means17:20
arraybolt3tomreyn: They're probably dealing with that "mtd device failed to initialize" message at boot. It doesn't actually cause any problems, but since other problems generally leave it as the last message on the screen, it looks like the problem.17:21
Pasgagnarraybolt3 mtd device must be supplied device name is empty17:22
tomreynoh, good guess there, arraybolt317:22
arraybolt3Pasgagn: Probably the first step here would be to back up your data. If an attempted fix goes really wrong, you'll be glad to still have access to your files.17:23
arraybolt3Once your data is backed up, I would uninstall SDDM. Ubuntu MATE 20.04 appears to use LightDM by default, so SDDM may be causing part of the confusion here.17:24
Pasgagnarraybolt3 ok i remove now sddm17:25
Pasgagnarraybolt3 i m on the logging session same problem17:29
arraybolt3Pasgagn: Do you remember what you did last before this problem started?17:29
arraybolt3Or is this on a brand-new installation of Ubuntu MATE?17:29
arraybolt3I know you reinstalled those drivers and componenets, but I think that's how you were attempting to fix the problem, not how you got into the problem originally.17:30
zteamtomreyn, I knew about less, I just found the behavior a little annoying since it made it harder to just paste the lines directly from the terminal, any way thanks for all your help and patience and sorry about the whining :)17:31
Pasgagnsure i install libgdk-pixbuf-2.0_0 depends libgdk-pixbuf-xlib2.0-0 but libgdk-pixbuf-2.4..2-2build4 was necessary so i downloaded directly because source was deprecated17:32
Pasgagnarraybolt3 every package I installed was giving me this dependency error17:35
arraybolt3Pasgagn: Ouch. You tried to install one of those packages using apt and it gave you a dependency error?17:35
Pasgagnaptitude and apt17:35
arraybolt3That's... odd. Can you share the output of "ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d | nc termbin.com 9999"? That will let me see if you've added any PPAs to your system.17:36
arraybolt3(Note that the damaged system will need to be connected to the Internet for that command to work.)17:36
arraybolt3(And please **don't** just paste the output of "ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d" here, that could get an anti-flood bot to mute you.)17:37
arraybolt3Okay, that may explain dependency problems. You have weird old PPAs left over from a previous install, it looks like.17:39
arraybolt3Also I see multiple graphics driver PPAs, which may be causing further confusion.17:40
arraybolt3Ack, and Focal **and** Jammy PPAs?!?17:40
Pasgagnarraybolt3 because only nvidia-340 work on this laptop17:40
arraybolt3Pasgagn: At this point I think it would probably be in your best interest to back up all of your important data and install Ubuntu MATE from scratch, then only add the PPAs you need. Currently your system is in a rather scrambled state that may be difficult to fix.17:41
arraybolt3If you use a password manager or save passwords in your browser, make sure to back those up too.17:41
Pasgagni synch my webrowser and no problem if this system will be break i ll reinstall it17:43
arraybolt3Pasgagn: OK. If you really want to try to fix it without reinstalling, the last idea I have is to make a new user, and attempt to log in as them. If that fails, a total reinstall would probably be the easiest solution.17:43
Pasgagni ll try to adduser and connect on a new session and it s the same17:45
Pasgagnarraybolt3 since the addition of the dependency had the consequence of deleting the desktop is it possible that by reinstalling the office it is to forget files? keyboard . a lot of node file was deleted17:48
arraybolt3Pasgagn: I don't think that reinstalling an office suite would cause the loss of any personal files.17:49
Pasgagnarraybolt3 desktop file17:49
arraybolt3Oh, the desktop file. Yes, it *might* have gotten rid of the desktop file for the office suite.17:49
arraybolt3Running "sudo apt install libreoffice-gtk3" might fix that, I'm not sure.17:50
Pasgagni ll delete also rm .X and rm .Xauthority17:50
Pasgagni ll already use this to log and it was ok17:51
arraybolt3Pasgagn: I see your DM, and... crud. That looks like your package manager is really scrambled. In that event, reinstalling is almost certainly the easiest way to fix this17:55
arraybolt3Pasgagn: (As a sidenote, you can paste large amounts of text like that into a service like http://bpa.st, then get a link that you can send here so that everyone in the channel can see what's going wrong and try to help with it, without flooding the channel.)17:56
Pasgagnarraybolt3 https://bpa.st/7L7Q ok pour gstreamer17:58
alkisgPasgagn: what's the output of this command? systemctl status | nc termbin.com 999918:00
Pasgagnalkisg   https://termbin.com/bm4a18:02
Pasgagni am dowgrading office18:03
alkisgPasgagn: run sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf18:04
alkisgPut `autologin-user=pasgagn` or whatever you username is18:04
alkisgThen `sudo systemctl restart lightdm`18:04
alkisgThis will allow you to autologin without typing anything; let's see if that gets you to a desktop18:04
Pasgagnalkisg is empty18:04
alkisgls /home18:05
alkisgWhat's is your user name?18:05
alkisgsudo wget https://termbin.com/p0ym -O  /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf18:06
alkisgThen: sudo systemctl restart lightdm18:06
Pasgagni am on the desktop but i can t write something on the terminal18:08
alkisgDoes the mouse work?18:09
alkisgE.g. can you open programs with the mouse?18:09
Pasgagnthe mouse is ok and program also18:10
alkisgIf you press ctrl+alt+f2, do you get to a terminal screen? Does the keyboard work there?18:11
Pasgagni haven t screen window border18:12
Pasgagnno tty18:12
alkisgWith ctrl+alt+f2, you got a black screen?18:13
Pasgagnalkisg nothing happen18:13
alkisgIf you press caps lock, do you see the keyboard led light up?18:14
Pasgagnalkisg no led light up but i can t remember on this laptop if led exist ;)18:16
tomreynmaybe try ctrl+alt+f3 as well18:16
alkisgIt's the keyboard of a laptop? Can you connect a USB keyboard and see if that one works?18:16
Pasgagnalkisg at one point I wondered if I had not made a combo to disable the keyboard but the problem seems deeper18:17
alkisgPasgagn: a usb keyboard will tell us18:17
Pasgagnalkisg for today it will be complicated but I lean more for a problem of package it worked before18:19
alkisgPasgagn: doesn't your windows pc have a usb keyboard? Or that's a laptop too?18:20
alkisgPasgagn: you can also reboot and see if the keyboard works in BIOS or in grub18:20
Pasgagnalkisg laptop unfortunately18:20
alkisgOK, when you reboot see if keyboard works in BIOS or in grub18:21
Pasgagnalkisg i can write command directly on the laptop18:22
alkisgI've no idea what that means. Where can you write commands?18:23
Pasgagnalkisg now i am directly on the desktop but i can t write something on the terminal and office18:26
Pasgagnalkisg i can write when you boot on ubunturecovery and root command option18:30
Pasgagnalkisg i installed tty-clock but no tty again18:38
fauxprideHi. I'm trying to do a 18.04 > 20.04 upgrade via do-release-upgrade. It fails because of "Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu", which I understand can be 3rd party ppas. I've tried to disable all in the entries via the GUI under Software&Updates > Other Software which didn't work.18:42
fauxprideAlso tried running grep disabled /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log and using ppa-purge on everything it finds.18:42
fauxprideTurns out there were some dependencies to software I was actively using in that list so I ended up messing up my samba install and backup software in the process. Luckily I had a backup image of a previous system state so all's good now.18:43
fauxprideStill want to upgrade - any ideas?18:44
fauxprideMy main.log is at https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XgswRFYKFj/18:44
Pasgagnalkisg reinstall xorg?18:45
alkisgPasgagn: no idea, I think you played with too many packages to troubleshoot things properly, I agree with the reinstallation idea :)18:47
alkisgfauxpride: use google translate on this one, it will help you revert to the stock package versions, then you can do-release-upgrade normally: https://alkisg.mysch.gr/steki/index.php?topic=7370.018:47
fauxpridesorry, the above was the apt.log, this is the main.log https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/K37MWfMQjG/18:50
fauxpridealkisg, thanks, but the problem is that I need those packages to be there. ppa-purge did work, but it broke some programs they had dependencies on.18:51
fauxprideThat post suggest just removing the sources altogether and replacing them with the stock ones, which would probably have the same effect - broken software.18:52
brktootis it normal for having these temperatures?  https://ibb.co/R0xdz4H (is the screenshot clear or is it blur? )18:53
fauxpridealso, running apt list --upgradable / sudo apt autoremove didn't solve it either.18:57
zteam_fauxpride, did you tried to do sudo apt install -f to fixc your broken depeendencies after you ended up with broken packages?18:59
brktootsudo apt -f install18:59
brktootsudo apt -y autoclean18:59
brktoot and then update and upgrade18:59
fauxpridezteam_: didn't, going to now.18:59
brktootfauxpride, sudo apt update && sudo apt-get upgrade --fix-missing -y19:00
alkisgfauxpride: my link won't remove your packages, it will only downgrade the customized ones to the official versions19:01
alkisgYOu need that in order to upgrade19:01
zteam_fauxpride, that will tell apt to try to fix any missing dependencies19:01
fauxpride0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.19:02
fauxpridedoesn't seem to have made any difference.19:02
fauxprideto make it clear, I've used ppa-purge on some of the packages listed as "Foreign" or "Disabled" in the main.log - but doing that ends up breaking software I want to keep, like Samba and Backintime (the backup client I'm using).19:06
alkisgBroken xserver-xorg-video-all:amd64 Depends on xserver-xorg-video-ati:amd64 < 1:19.1.0+git2009161930.8da3e4~oibaf~b @ii mR >19:07
alkisgYou can't upgrade while having ppa packages. You didn't purge these.19:07
alkisgYou don't even need to purge them, you just need to revert to the official versions19:08
fauxpridealkisg - okay, I'll follow your earlier advice.19:10
fauxpridegoing to make a backup of sources.list.d before.19:10
fauxpridecould you tell me from the log which are the problematic PPAs I should remove?19:11
alkisgMove your sources.list.d aside19:11
alkisgThey will be disabled by the upgrader anyway19:11
alkisgLater on you can re-add the PPAs you want19:11
alkisgThe final step in the link is to run `apt-get dist-upgrade`. If you don't like what you see, just press no.19:12
fauxprideDoes dist-upgrade ask you if you want to keep/overwrite a config the upgrade wants to make changes to?19:13
fauxprideLike the do-release-upgrade script does.19:14
fauxprideoh, so I have to do do-release-upgrade after running dist-upgrade19:20
fauxpridethe translation is really obtuse.19:20
zteam_fauxpride, yup, do-release-upgrade have to be used after dist-upgrade19:24
alkisgfauxpride: the dist-upgrade will just restore your system to a sane state. You'll still have any external packages installed, unless they conflict with official packages19:25
alkisgWhen it's done, then you can run do-release-upgrade normally. And then you can re-add any PPAs you wish.19:25
Some0neeHello everyone! I was wonderful if anyone is familiar with libwacom on earliar versions of Ubuntu vs Latest. I feel like, if I can remember correctly, I was able to see how much my stylus was charged, now on Ubuntu 22 Jammy Jellyfish, I do see that anymore. Is there a way to add that functionality or someone point me into some kind of documentation for adding battery life?19:28
Some0neeI don't ** see that anymore.19:29
fauxpridethanks zteam_, alkisg. will try that.19:32
alkisgfauxpride: one of the broken packages in your logs is from the oibaf ppa, for newer mesa versions. You need to revert these to the official versions to avoid broken dependencies, then do-release-upgrade, and then you can add the oibaf ppa again if you wish19:33
alkisgfauxpride: but do-release-upgrade isn't designed to work while the oibaf ppa is still in your sources or its packages installed with unresolved dependencies19:33
fauxprideN: Ignoring file '50priorities' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has no filename extension19:38
fauxprideJust doing a sanity check here - do I need to give it a .list extension for it to be picked up?19:39
alkisgfauxpride: google translate says this for me: We create a file /etc/apt/preferences.d/50priorities with the following contents:19:39
fauxprideThe page didn't mention that.19:39
alkisgfauxpride: did it say a different folder for you?19:39
alkisgI.e. you put it in the wrong folder19:39
fauxprideoh, crap.19:39
fauxpridepicked the wrong folder after I tabbed after touch19:40
fauxpridewill try again.19:40
alkisgMake sure that you emptied your /etc/apt/sources.list.d completely; move all contents to some other backup folder19:41
alkisgRemoving the sources isn't the same as "uninstalling packages". Only the packages that BREAK stuff will be uninstalled, and apt-get dist-upgrade will notify you about that19:42
fauxpridealkisg - when do I need to move the contents of sources.list.d back? after dist-upgrade runs, or after the upgrade finishes via do-release-upgrade?19:47
alkisgfauxpride: after do-release-upgrade, BUT you need to re-check each one of them. If they say "focal", you need to change that to "jammy"19:48
fauxpridebionic > focal in my case.19:48
alkisgOK, that one then19:49
fauxpridedo-release-upgrade finally works now, but dist-upgrade did end up removing some stuff my backup software.19:56
fauxprideSmall collateral, I can reinstall after the upgrade19:56
fauxprideso thanks, alkisg!19:56
alkisgfauxpride: remember to remove 50priorities before do-release-upgrade19:57
alkisgCheers :)19:57
fauxprideoh man19:58
fauxpridefuck, I forgot19:58
alkisgYou can probably remove it just now19:58
fauxpridegonna have to reach for that backup image...19:58
alkisgEven in the middle of the do-release-upgrade19:59
fauxpridedeleted it, hopefully it'll work20:00
fauxpridewhat would happen if it didn't work?20:01
alkisgI can't think of any scenario where it would hurt at this point when you removed it20:03
fauxpridefingers crossed you're right20:03
arraybolt3OK, this is a question I've had for a while. What is the right way to create a new user in Ubuntu Desktop from the command line? I know depending on the groups a user is in, they may or may not have access to sudo right, and maybe even to some of the hardware (not sure if that's an old thing or not).20:24
arraybolt3Assume Ubuntu Desktop 22.04 is the OS in question, since that's one area where this might be useful, but this might also be useful in other supported releases and flavors.20:24
oerhekshint; useradd vs. adduser20:29
oerheksuseradd does not create a home folder, adduser is a perl script which uses useradd and does some groups and configs stuff20:31
oerheksuseradd, userdel, groupadd and usermod vs adduser and addgroup and deluser20:33
arraybolt3oerheks: So adduser does everything except add a user to the sudo group?20:38
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bobdobbsI'm on #ubuntu 22.04. Yesterday my mouse settings spontaneously turned off. My mouse started moving really slowly. I found the settings and increased mouse speed to max. This helped a lot, but my mouse speed is still slower than I need it to be.21:08
bobdobbsIs there a way to make my mouse faster?21:08
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rob0Get a cat! [scnr]21:15
bobdobbsrob0: alas, tenancy rules forbid this possibility for my apartment21:16
GreyMatter551How can I modify the Encryption my LUKS uses? second question, which file-storage media is best for being able to erase data? HDD? I'm worried eMMC, SSD won't be truely eraseable.21:40
mybalzitchsome ssds have a "secure erase" function21:47
GreyMatter551Yeah but21:56
GreyMatter551Who knows if it even works, or is sufficient21:56
oerhekssecure erase does a 7 pass write, or somthing like that.21:56
oerheksone can change default crypt options, keysize, hash,.. but why would you need that? https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Dm-crypt/Device_encryption#Encryption_options_for_LUKS_mode21:57
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GreyMatter551How would I do that21:59
GreyMatter551For a GUI ubuntu installer21:59
mybalzitchGreyMatter551: then you should get some thermite.21:59
oerheksno, not from the gui, liee mode setup21:59
GreyMatter551how do I do that22:00
GreyMatter551CLI setup mode?22:00
GreyMatter551Can I just input my custom encryption settings and auto-install the rest22:00
oerheksmaybe the wiki is a help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManualFullSystemEncryption22:02
oerheksalso a good read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Full_Disk_Encryption_Howto_201922:02
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flybackso this extended support thing23:47
flybackdoes that apply to the core distro itself23:47
flybackand if so does that apply to the 32 bit version of 18.0423:47
VMGuy23UbuntuPro will probably only apply to versions 22.04 and above.23:47
flybackah :/23:48
sazboswhat do you need the extended support for?23:48
VMGuy23Nothing confirmed, though23:48
flybacksecurity updates for 32 bit machines for another few yrs23:48
sazboswhy still run an old version?23:48
VMGuy23How about use a distro that still officially supports 32-bit?23:48
sazbosyou could virtualize it if you need it, and firewall it.23:49
Bashing-omVMGuy23: https://ubuntu.com//blog/ubuntu-pro-beta-release >> support from 16.04 onward :D23:49
flybacksazbos, no reason just wondering :P23:49
sazbossometimes there are legit reasons for running older software23:49
VMGuy23Bashing-om: Thanks for the article, had not read up on it much but was taking a sensible guess23:49
flybackyes sazbos I work in IT, plenty of reasons to keep running old sw :P23:49
flyback18.04 won't let you install 32 bit but you can upgrade a 32 bit 16.04 install23:50
flybackto 18.04 32 bit23:50
flybackI do have one piece of sw that migth be iffy on newer distros but it doesn't need support really or even internet access23:51
flybackstill would be insteresting if I could keep it security current for the hell of it23:51
flybackbut that program can run in a vm  version23:51
flybackso blah23:51
sazbosif it is an offline box, why even care if it is never connected to the net.23:52
sazbosif it is ocassionally connected, it is another matter.23:52
sazbosbut you could always use the sneaker net if you need to load files onto or off it.23:52
flybackit's a data recovery program tool :)23:52
sazbosor, set up a local network that is not connected to the internet, use an intermediary host.23:52
flybackit just parses a data recovery program log and then tells you what files are in the unread sectors23:52
flybackshame the author quit updating it ;/23:53
sazbosthat happens.23:55
sazboswell, you could use virtual box, qubes or vmware to run an older version of linux too.23:55
sazbosi recovered some windows backups with acronis software a while back23:55
sazboshad actually to install windows 7 in a virtual machine, that was a bit nostalgic, still remember when win7 was fresh off the stores, that was the times.23:56
sazbosbut virtualization these days is awesome.23:56
flybackyeah I know23:56
flybackI wasn't asking for the sake of this program23:56
flybackjust one of the only reasons I have to run a old distro anymore, besides a 32 bit laptop or something23:56
flybackbut those run xp anyways so not needed23:57
flybackI rather run linux on them but they are for some origional factory modify and repair tools for flash media such as usb sticks23:57
flybackI have to use whatever the origional manfacturer used :P23:58

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