=== keypushe- is now known as keypusher [10:38] gfggh [10:41] fg [10:41] hi [14:59] hello, I can't create a boot device, I always get an error === rfm_ is now known as rfm [18:00] hi [18:02] hi man [18:02] hello [18:02] is there anyone alive here? [18:03] budsonbox: Yep, plenty of us. [18:03] budsonbox: This is the technical support channel for the Xubuntu operating system. [18:03] yes [18:03] im just lurking to learn more [18:03] That's cool [18:06] xubuntu uses an old design, which is why I switched to it. [18:08] who is from America? [18:30] budsonbox: if you're looking to chat there's #xubuntu-offtopic also === Eickmeyer is now known as NotEickmeyer