
=== Kuraokami is now known as IchabodCrane
andrew3Hi, I'm trying to use `sensitive_keys` in my cloud-init metadata to redact an access token, but I haven't figured it out yet. My access token is still visible/unredacted in the /run/cloud-init/instance-data.json file.03:11
andrew3Terraform exerpt: https://hastebin.com/raw/mizepubata03:11
andrew3Just curious if I'm using it wrong? Still working my way through the code.03:11
andrew3I figured something out that works in the end03:40
andrew3The security-credentials (sub)key is redacted by default03:40
=== janitha71 is now known as janitha7
=== janitha71 is now known as janitha7
meenai can only find two references to credentials, https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/search.html?q=credentials&check_keywords=yes&area=default and they don't look anything like that07:14
=== janitha73 is now known as janitha7
=== janitha79 is now known as janitha7
meenahas anyone survived the yesterday's holiday?18:14
minimalmeena: what holiday? I guess I missed it ;-)18:35
meenaminimal: there was a holiday in the US yesterday, which was the reason there was so little activity here18:41
minimalah ok18:41
minimalI assume there's likely to be a holiday on any day of the year in some country :-)18:41
falcojrheh...most of us are back now19:59
meenaconverted https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/1779 to draft20:34
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 1779 in canonical/cloud-init "Net: add BSD ifconfig(8) parser" [Open]20:34
meenabut https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/1759 is very much ready, if someone needs something to do20:34
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 1759 in canonical/cloud-init "cc_ntp: add support for BSDs" [Open]20:34
falcojrI can finish reviewing that one20:35
falcojrmeena: re ifconfig, is there anything you can borrow from the netinfo stuff?20:36
falcojrI just remember seeing ifconfig parsing in netinfo.py20:36
meenafalcojr: oh, i did, loads20:39
meenathat's how I got started20:39
meenabut, the netinfo one is, needlessly split into two20:39
meenadidn't wanna do that20:39
minimalfalcojr: if/when you review and merge 1759 then I can submit a related PR for Alpine20:40
meenaminimal: you could already do that, following this pattern: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/177820:41
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 1778 in canonical/cloud-init "Ansible Control Module" [Open]20:41
falcojrmeena: I commented on 1759. I'm not sure why the indirect module changes21:18
meenafalcojr: if you scroll back, that's all rharper's finding21:24
meenafalcojr: we had mysterious test failures, which rharper traced down 21:25
meenafalcojr: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/1759/commits/f9c8f722ae3b6cbfd6ac31cfa738fe9668d31a5f21:25
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 1759 in canonical/cloud-init "cc_ntp: add support for BSDs" [Open]21:25
falcojrI'd rather we fix our mocks...21:31
meenafalcojr: we capitulated before the mocks21:32
meenafalcojr: if you can do better, that would be cool, but right now, other distros can't test their manage_service() functions21:33
meena(that includes alpine, so it's not just BSDs ;)21:33
* meena needs to build a cloud-init for openbsd21:38
falcojrmeena: which test(s) were failing?21:46
meenafalcojr: essentially, the whole_package test was failing, but i don't know what else was failing21:48
meenafalcojr: you can back out the change and test it again21:49
meenai dunno if rharper has record of what was failing21:49
minimalfalcojr: what I was seeing failing was the ntp22:03
minimaloops, test_ntp_the_whole_package once I implemented a manage_services function in distros/alpine.py22:04
* meena might have to give up earlier tonight…22:05
minimalbasically that test was then failing for alpine as it was running "systemctl" rather than "rc-service" as the mock for determining that Alpine was non-systemd wasn't working22:06
meenai wouldn't say that22:06
meenawhen you looked at the state, uses_systemd was correctly returning false22:07
meenathat mock worked fine, as it was freshly overwritten22:07
meenabut the distro mock object wasn't entirely … clean, shall we say22:07
meenawhich is why rharper added             m_dsubp.reset_mock()22:08
meenabut that wasn't enough, either22:08
falcojrlol...just now realized the_whole_package means a test named that...not literally testing the entire package XD22:09
* meena → bed22:23
meena(no more code)22:23

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