
=== arraybolt3_ is now known as arraybolt3
=== Kuraokami is now known as IchabodCrane
AjcozyHi, i have a technical question? if anyone here that's versed in 22.04, may or may not answer? its a few lines that i get when i apt upgrade or update(not all the time)01:55
IrcsomeBot<prabhushakti> I'm building kubuntu from Ubuntu server. What are the packages required to build kubuntu?02:03
IrcsomeBot<prabhushakti> kde-plasma-desktop (also installs sddm)02:03
Ajcozythis may or may not be correct, and please i advise you not to listen to me, but i went from ubuntu to kubunty through Unity... but i had little experience with linux02:04
IrcsomeBot<prabhushakti> Wow! I miss unity. I'm used to kde neon but their last update broke my system. So I'm settling on Ubuntu server + kde desktop.02:07
IrcsomeBot<prabhushakti> Just don't see my WiFi icon (even getting network-manager installed).02:07
IrcsomeBot<prabhushakti> And want to get rid of snapd because my ssd is 500gig only.02:07
Ajcozyi have no idea tbh im like a week into linux02:09
Ajcozyi wish you good luck!02:09
Ajcozytry to keep that wi-fi on! though02:09
arraybolt3[m]@prabhushakti: kde-plasma-desktop is the wrong package. kubuntu-desktop is the one you want.02:10
arraybolt3[m]Ajcozy: Yeah, what's your question?02:10
arraybolt3[m](re: Hi, I have a technical question?)02:11
Ajcozyi have firmware, that i think needs update/or reinstalled : ive been doing to much sudos as a new user02:11
Ajcozylike i get 6 W: firmware prompts02:11
arraybolt3[m]Is there a particular device that's not working? Having to use sudo a whole lot is normal if you're doing system-level stuff.02:11
Ajcozyright, um im worried about my RAM and display could i elaborate(briefly)02:12
Ajcozyi have 4gb but kubuntu shows 3.3bg (maybe normal) and my native display or reccomnded isnt showing as high as it can02:13
arraybolt3[m]It's fine to elaborate, in fact, we need elaboration to know how to help fix the problem!02:13
Ajcozyi think i unistalled something i shouldnt have and.. laslty, i just reinstalled os (kubuntu 22.04 plasma)02:13
Ajcozyoh well i can try to get the 6 W failure readings i think it happens when i do apt upgrade -y02:14
IrcsomeBot<prabhushakti> Hmm, I'm installing kde-full. Let's hope it works. (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3[m]> @prabhushakti: kde-plasma-desktop is the wrong package. kubuntu-desktop is the one you want.)02:14
Ajcozygood luck prabhushakti!02:14
IrcsomeBot<prabhushakti> Thank you. (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3[m]> @prabhushakti: kde-plasma-desktop is the wrong package. kubuntu-desktop is the one you want.)02:14
arraybolt3[m]@prabhushakti: Good luck! You'll still get something Kubuntu-like, it just won't be Kubuntu.02:15
IrcsomeBot<prabhushakti> If that doesn't work. I'd purge and reinstall with kubuntu. I should have contacted you first. Anyway let's see what happens.02:15
arraybolt3[m]Ajcozy: OK, two things. One, don't ever do "apt upgrade -y", if it decides to uninstall something important due to a glitch (which happens sometimes!), it will indiscriminately start destroying stuff without your consent. Omitting the "-y" will avoid that.02:16
Ajcozyokay great noted02:16
arraybolt3[m]Ajcozy: (Though with "apt upgrade" I think it won't uninstall things, I might be thinking of what happens with full-upgrade, now that I think about it.)02:16
Ajcozyokay, i cant seem to force the prompts now anyways02:17
arraybolt3[m]Ajcozy: Secondly, if you're getting W: warnings from apt related to firmware, that's probably not a firmware problem, but rather a package manager problem, so if you can get those warnings and put them into a pastebin, we can try and help with that.02:17
Ajcozymaybe the updates helped when i reinstalled02:17
arraybolt3[m]Ajcozy: Heh, probably reinstalling fixed the package manager problem.02:17
Ajcozyokay thanks array good tidings02:17
arraybolt3[m]Ajcozy: As for the screen, that one might be trickier. Can you tell us what resolution it's at now, what resolution it can get to, and what kind of graphics hardware you have (Intel, NVIDIA, AMD?).02:18
IrcsomeBot<prabhushakti> After installing Ubuntu desktop my WiFi is on as set in netplan but network manager is unable to detect.04:41
IrcsomeBot<prabhushakti> nmcli device show04:41
IrcsomeBot<prabhushakti>  is unable to get any information.04:41
IrcsomeBot<prabhushakti> After installing kUbuntu desktop my WiFi is on as set in netplan but network manager is unable to detect.05:01
IrcsomeBot<prabhushakti> nmcli device show05:01
IrcsomeBot<prabhushakti>  is unable to get any information.05:01
=== yetimaan1 is now known as yetimaan
BluesKajHi all12:29
m_tadeuhi...is there a way to enable auto-rotate on videos in gwenview?13:47
cbreakm_tadeu: why not use a video player, like mplayer / mpv / vlc ?14:39
IrcsomeBot<Omar> hi, Is there a chance to use plasma 5.26 in kubuntu 22.04 ?15:29
user|71I am trying to install kubuntu 22.04.1 on a 512gb nvme sdd, the installation starts at first, then i get an input/output error15:49
user|71The device with the ssd is a HP Pavillion x360 convertible 14-dh0525sa15:51
tomreyndid the ssd come with the computer or did you install it manually?15:52
user|71I installed it manually15:53
user|71it is fully seated into the connector15:53
tomreynis it the only storage on the computer?15:54
user|71other than the installation usb15:54
user|71i created install usb then i'm using the install kubuntu tool to install it on the ssd15:54
tomreyncheck your bios for boot sector protection option (HP boot guard ?) and disable it15:54
user|71ok im gonna look15:55
tomreynit's probably a good idea to also disable most of the other "smart" and "HP" "security" options15:55
tomreynuser|71: also, if you have notpowered down it yet, and the installer is still running:15:56
user|71disable tpm?15:56
tomreynopen a terminal (konsole) window and run:  journalctl -kb | nc termbin.com 999915:56
tomreynif you're online, this will post your kernel log to termbin.com, a pastebin-like site15:57
tomreynso you could share it here15:57
tomreyntpm should not get in the way15:58
user|71i did close the installer, can i just start it again15:58
user|71*installer = device15:59
tomreynwhat do you mean by "i closed the device"?15:59
tomreynwhich device, closed how?15:59
user|71after it failed i closed the laptop15:59
tomreynyou closed the lid? did this make it power off?15:59
tomreynthenthe log is probably lost. ignore the part about the log for now, just inspect the bios options.16:00
user|71ok i already did the bios options thats why i turned it off16:00
user|71ok i did the bios options and it has finished booting, what next?16:01
tomreynuser|4: try installing again.16:09
tomreynif the same problem occurs again, post a kernel log16:09
user|4my name changed for some reason16:10
user|4The installer encountered an error copying files to the hard disk:16:12
user|4[Errno 5] Input/Output error16:12
tomreynnicknames on IRC are not persistent, unless you register them and assign a password.16:13
ubottuFor information on registering your IRC nick, see https://libera.chat/guides/registration - For any further help, ask in #libera16:13
tomreynthis is just a way to make ubottu, our channel bot, tell you what it did16:14
user|4it failed16:14
tomreynyou mean the bot, or your installation?16:14
user|4the installation16:15
tomreyn<tomreyn> open a terminal (konsole) window and run:  journalctl -kb | nc termbin.com 999916:15
user|4does it need to be sudo16:15
user|4it gave me a link: termbin.com/ibtn16:16
tomreynnow you need to post the URL here16:16
user|4i installed pop os on it and it worked16:17
user|4but kubuntu doesnt work for some reason16:18
tomreynthis looks like a broken installer media16:18
user|4i thought it was a broken ssd16:18
user|4ok ima look for a new installer media16:18
user|4i only have 3 but 2 are broken16:19
tomreynyou have squashfs errors, those will refer to reading from the installer medium16:19
user|4ok ima dig in my junk box for some usb drives16:19
tomreyni would suggest using balena etcher to write the iso16:19
user|4i do16:19
user|4it worked16:19
tomreynit automatically verifies the data written16:19
tomreynhmm ok :-/16:19
user|4back, got a new usb drive16:23
tomreynbtw. you should get a bios update installed on this sometime16:24
user|4how do you do that16:25
user|4on the website i found an exe16:25
user|4but im not using windows16:25
user|4Oops! Looks like the flash failed16:26
user|4must be a dead usb16:27
user|4brb gonna find ANOTHER one16:27
user|91will the amd64 version run on gen 12 intel system, I seem to have problem installing17:01
arraybolt3[m]user|91: Very recent systems might have problems working with the older kernel present in Kubuntu. If you can find a workaround to get Kubuntu installed in the first place, you may be able to install a mainline kernel thereafter and have your hardware working better.17:02
user|91I managed to get neon kde loaded so the plasma/debian doesn't seem to be a problem but that may be the case with kubuntu which I really prefer17:04
arraybolt3[m]Interesting. Were you trying to install Kubuntu 22.04?17:06
arraybolt3[m]KDE neon is still using an Ubuntu 20.04 base, so that might be part of what's happening here.17:06
=== rodrigo is now known as Guest9118
user|91yes and my thoughts were to try older version, but if you think it might be the basic kernel that wouldn't work either17:07
user|91umm my mistake I thought neon was debian base....17:08
tomreynuser|91: if you still have problems with the usb installer storage, try a different usb port17:13
user|91yes I tried that one, (with usb 3.0 & 2.0) maybe the beta version might be worth a try at this point17:18
user|91thanx a ton for the time and patience......17:19
=== rodrigo is now known as Guest82
=== minty is now known as nixnoobish
nixnoobishhello got a MimeType error msg when doing an apt upgrade ( vscode only)19:35
nixnoobishfound: <https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/153259>19:35
-ubottu:#kubuntu- Issue 153259 in microsoft/vscode "Error in file '/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kdeconnect_open.desktop': '*/*' is an invalid MIME type ('*' is an unregistered media type)" [Closed]19:35
nixnoobishfollowed link inside that thread and edited the "bad" MimeType in a file deep in the bowels of the mysterious but awesome OS19:35
nixnoobishnow, do I need to unroll the upgrade to vscode and reinstall it?19:36
nixnoobishif so, how?19:36
=== thelounge70 is now known as MilkingStool
user|51I am a Noob - I don't seem to be able to install wordpress on kubuntu21:05
oerheksshould be doable.. https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/install-and-configure-wordpress#1-overview21:08
Ines|30i have some questions, i'm installing firefox22:29
mmikowskiInes|30: what question?22:29
Ines|30but i'm not sure where should i put the uncompressed folder (not the snap) which one is the best22:29
Ines|30should i put my folder in usr/bin22:30
Ines|30or should i put the folder in local share applications ?22:30
mmikowskiHow are you installing it? A tarball, debian, snap?22:31
Ines|30i don't want to use the snap anymore since there is no "custom" cursor inside of the snap :(22:31
Ines|30tarball i assume22:31
Ines|30it's tar gz22:31
mmikowskiThat's a tarball.22:31
Ines|30i extracted it22:31
Ines|30i'm kinda new to linux, starting to feel at ease lol22:31
Ines|30but there is no readme or smth like this, you just unzip it and it's done22:32
mmikowskiWhere did you get the tarball? My guess is you would have to compile, and there's no guarantee that would work without some experience.22:32
mmikowskiHmm, please provide the link and I can give you more feedback.22:32
Ines|30i didn't compile anything, i just extracted it22:33
Ines|30and clicked on the firefox file it opened22:33
Ines|30actually my folder is in local share applications22:34
mmikowskiYou can keep the app in your local folder (e.g.$HOME/bin).22:35
mmikowskiHowever, if you want to share it system-wide, then /usr/local/bin is a good choice.22:35
Ines|30okay so i might ask a dumb question but22:36
Ines|30why local/share if it's not shared22:36
Ines|30i assumed (without trying) that if i put my folder in home/local/share/applications22:36
Ines|30it would be shared with other user (but there is only me lol)22:37
mmikowskiThere are different levels of sharing :)22:37
Ines|30i see so everything i install with the package manager is in bin folder (atleast from my understanding22:37
mmikowskiThere are many parallel paths that have different levels of precidence. So $HOME/.local/share will have higher pecidence vs. /usr/local/share vs /usr/share22:38
mmikowski/usr/share => base system; /usr/local/share => non-standard changes to system shared by all users; ~/.local/share => user specific changes.22:39
mmikowski~/.local/share > /usr/local/share > /usr/share22:39
mmikowskiYes, all is installed to /usr/bin because that is default system-wide installation. If you can, you want everything there.22:40
mmikowskiSecond best, if you can, is /usr/local/bin22:40
Ines|30sorry i'm not native english speaker by precidence you mean priority or smth like that ?22:41
mmikowskiYes. The closer you get to the user, the higher the priority.22:41
Ines|30okay it makes sense, i guess there is no need to dig much more for me at the moment22:42
mmikowskiSo if you have 'firefox' in your PATH, usually ~/bin/firefox > /usr/local/bin/firefox > /usr/bin/firefox22:42
mmikowskiThis varies depending on how your path is set up, but that is the convention.22:42
mmikowskiSo yeah, Firefox does not provide instructions anywhere on how to install.22:44
mmikowskiAt least, not that I can see.22:44
Ines|30okay okay this is great !! i have one last question22:45
Ines|30thank you for your time22:45
mmikowskiSo here's the fix which I just verified:22:45
mmikowskitar xvjf firefox-105.0.3.tar.bz222:45
Ines|30how could i now create a shortcut ? i have the path but i'm not sure how to do it22:46
mmikowskisudo mv firefox /usr/local/lib/22:46
mmikowskisudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/firefox/firefox /usr/local/bin22:46
mmikowskithen type firefox. It works.22:46
mmikowskiAnd you have employed the standard convention.22:46
Ines|30ooooh you're a god tier helper22:47
mmikowskihttps://kfocus.org <= I run that22:47
Ines|30can you tell me where you found this info so i might not have to bother22:47
mmikowskiUnix books22:47
mmikowskiLook at the Debian file system conventions. That's a great place to get probably all you need.22:48
Ines|30you really rock i'll add a bookmark to your site and check it !!22:48
mmikowskiWhere do you want the link?22:49
mmikowskilemme see; there should be a .desktop file already available22:49
mmikowskiaha, there is no firefox.desktop file22:50
mmikowskiSo there will be no automatic link in your application menus22:51
mmikowskiInes|30: are you still there?22:51
Ines|30YES SORRY22:52
mmikowskiAdding a link to desktop or the app menu is pretty easy.22:52
Ines|30yes sorry*22:52
mmikowskiNo worries.22:52
Ines|30why am i using firefox rn i'm asking myself lol22:52
mmikowskiSo are you looking for an app link?22:53
mmikowskiLike in the start menu?22:53
mmikowskiThat's the best place to start22:54
Ines|30i like when firefox is on my taskbar22:54
-ubottu:#kubuntu- Mozilla bug 296568 in Firefox "Firefox should have a firefox.desktop file for Linux builds" [S3, New]22:55
mmikowskiSo solution:22:57
mmikowskisudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/applications22:58
Ines|30and it solves by itself22:59
Ines|30just by creating the directory ?22:59
mmikowskiNot quite done yet...22:59
Ines|30oh yes22:59
mmikowskicd /usr/local/share/applications23:00
mmikowskisudo wget https://bug296568.bmoattachments.org/attachment.cgi?id=185295 -O firefox.desktop23:00
mmikowskiThat is the fix. Then go into your menus, and you will see firefox under Internet > Firefox23:00
Ines|30im copy pasting everything to do it after since i'm on firefox atm23:00
Ines|30i'm afraid it cut the chat lol23:00
mmikowskiNah, you just need a terminal open to do that.23:01
mmikowskiBut, there is one final issue: The Firefox icon does not exist.23:01
mmikowskiSo while it will be in the menu, there is no icon.23:01
Ines|30even tar xvjf firefox-105.0.3.tar.bz223:01
Ines|30holy molly23:02
Ines|30this is rough to use firefox lol23:02
mmikowskisummarizing ...23:03
mmikowskichecking if there is a firefox icon available ...23:04
mmikowskiok, found them, I think ...23:04
Ines|30don't ask me why23:05
Ines|30but i ahve23:05
Ines|30the firefox icon23:05
mmikowskiIt's probably left over from a previous install23:06
Ines|30i remember i looked for smth23:06
Ines|30with snap23:06
Ines|30i created a shortcut i was looking for a while23:06
Ines|30so the shortcut i made23:06
Ines|30is now working23:06
mmikowskiYes, I deleted the snap, and all firefox icons are now gone23:06
mmikowskiDid you use the recipe I sent?23:06
mmikowskitar xvjf firefox-105.0.3.tar.bz223:07
mmikowskisudo mv firefox /usr/local/lib/23:07
mmikowskisudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/firefox/firefox /usr/local/bin23:07
mmikowskisudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/application23:07
mmikowskicd /usr/local/share/applications23:07
Ines|30i used the wget to get the .desktop file23:07
Ines|30until here23:07
Ines|30and it works like a charm23:07
Ines|30i now just have to delete the file i made in .local/share23:08
Ines|30but i know how to do it by my self :D23:08
Ines|30thank you a lot i finally have the beautiful cursor of kubuntu :D23:08
mmikowski<== You may need that if the icon disappears. Put that in /usr/local/share/applications/firefox.desktop23:09
mmikowskiI've confirmed that works great.23:09
mmikowskiSo if you delete the snap, replace that line and it will be set.23:10
mmikowskiNot sure why firefox doesn't package an SVG, but there you go.23:10
Ines|30okay done !!23:11
Ines|30thank you !23:11
mmikowskiok Ines|30, enjoy your evening.23:11
mmikowskibest wishes23:12
Ines|30i'll check the debian file system convention as you adviced23:13
Ines|30nice evening too bye !23:13
Ines|30(y) '=D23:13

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