=== Kuraokami is now known as IchabodCrane [02:04] [telegram] i'm not the evil that was headed for Simon [02:09] @teward001 Well you usually are, so... [02:30] [telegram] nah not today [02:30] [telegram] no energy for it heh [03:14] OH NO THE EVIL WHAT HAVE I DONE [03:16] teward @teward:matrix.thomas-ward.net: watch out the nukes are coming [03:19] lubuntu-qa: ⚠🚧 upgrades for Kinetic likely broken today until libfm-qt 1.1.0-3ubuntu1 migrates, be careful [03:19] Yikes... [03:21] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'll swear this once since it's very fitting, shit happens. Dan alerted us this morning, I solved it with the uploader [03:22] Literally just need a member of the Release Team to push a button. I just nagged someone last week about nagging so I'd be a hypocrite to push it too hard [07:47] -queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- New binary: libfm-qt [amd64] (kinetic-proposed/universe) [1.1.0-3ubuntu1] (lubuntu) [08:25] "lubuntu-qa: ⚠🚧 upgrades for..." <- It is in proposed now so progress. Still building riscV of course. [09:55] Hi! [09:56] G'day SaptarshiRoy[m] [14:45] Did we end up with libfm-qt all under control? Or should I start work on it for Ubuntu? (I know Debian still needs help.) [15:04] I haven't checked in a few hours but the corrected version was uploaded by Simon and in proposed earlier. ^^ [15:10] Nice. [16:22] I privately asked a Release Team member to accept it this morning. We should be all good. I'd respin the ISO. Was a long night for me last night so I'm just making my way to the office [16:24] As soon as I get there (and get coffee...) I'll have a better look at this [16:24] * genii 's ears shoot up for a moment [16:24] Aaron, I've been told you have a default settings PR? Have a link to make it easy? [16:24] * arraybolt3[m] teleports a Red Bull and a bag of Hostess donuts to Simon Quigley [16:25] Simon Quigley: Yep, should be in the backlog, I'll hunt for it. [16:25] genii: The cowork space I'm in has a water line hooked up to their Keurig, and beer on tap right next to it (that's Green Bay, WI for you...) [16:25] https://github.com/lubuntu-team/lubuntu-default-settings/pull/2 [16:25] -ubot93:#lubuntu-devel- Pull 2 in lubuntu-team/lubuntu-default-settings "Change default theme to work around Breeze theming bug" [Open] [16:26] Wait they hardwired a Keurig into the water system??? [16:26] Hah [16:27] I guess that's one way to keep the office peaceful. Coffee, on demand, and we mean it. [16:28] arraybolt3[m]: No no, they have a water line hooked up to the Keurig regulating the tank level :) [16:29] Oh. Then I'm missing what "water line" means, because I still don't understand what you just said :P [16:51] "Oh. Then I'm missing what "water..." <- Small garden hose lookin thing that hooks up to the Keurig water tank and fills it as it's being used [16:52] tsimonq2: That's... ok I guess it's not hardwired into the water system but it has about the same effect :D Still, that's awesome. Overkill in my environment, but I bet it comes in handy where you're at. [17:18] [telegram] Just for the record bug 1981938 is back on 2 latest ISO's https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libfm-qt/+bug/1981938 [17:18] -ubot93:#lubuntu-devel- Bug 1981938 in libfm-qt (Ubuntu) "Selecting Install Lubuntu 22.10 from desktop results in error" [Undecided, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1981938 [17:21] lubot: Makes sense as libfm-qt mentioned above hasn't migrated yet. [17:21] [telegram] That is what I thought - just needed the confirm..tks (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) lubot: Makes sense as libfm-qt mentioned above hasn't migrated yet.) [17:22] Sure thing. [17:25] Looks like Britney isn't happy. [17:26] https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html [18:11] "Binary packages awaiting approval in NEW queue" [18:12] "Looks like Britney isn't happy." <- Bumped in -release, thanks for the heads up. [18:12] "That's... ok I guess it's not..." <- Oh definitely [18:16] "https://github.com/lubuntu-team..." <- Yes, this works in the meantime, but what *precisely* does the UI change look like here? [18:16] * tsimonq2 scrolls backlog [18:18] Kay, I'll try this change on a daily, if it works it's going in the archive. Thanks :) [18:25] ""Binary packages awaiting..." <- Oh, that makes sense. I always forget that. [18:28] See my response on the bug report... after digging into this I'm trying the Breeze theme released a few hours ago [18:28] arraybolt3: I'll throw this ^^ in a PPA for your testing (and others) [18:29] I'm really not comfortable with changing the default theme for our default toolkit this close to release [18:29] Simon Quigley: Sounds good. I did test it locally, but can't hurt to do another test run. [18:29] I'll try too - where exactly this error is, don't know [18:29] A working Breeze theme is preferred for sure. [18:29] It is fairly non-functional from a menu standpoint right now though. [18:30] tsimonq2: Yeah, agreed. If we could find the bug in Breeze that would be awesome but I have little to no clue what I'm doing, especially since a Qt change broke it and I have still not figured out how to get Qt compiled and installed properly. [18:30] Was this a bug in the following versions: [18:30] - 22.04.1 (if so, 22.04) [18:30] - 22.10 Beta [18:30] (At least we think a Qt change broke it. Since the bug doesn't affect Kubuntu, though, I have a feeling it's Breeze vs. LXQt's fault, not Qt's.) [18:31] That will give me a much better idea of what exactly I'm looking at [18:31] Simon Quigley: 22.10 Beta for sure, no clue about 22.04.1, didn't test there yet. [18:31] (It might not have been in the beta, actually.) [18:31] (It was in a daily, not sure about the beta.) [18:31] * arraybolt3[m] only just now remembered that the beta and the daily are different [18:31] Simon Quigley: ^ [18:31] I haven't seen this in 22.04.1 [18:33] Can confirm this is an issue in the beta. [18:33] Which means a Qt update, at least the most recent one, did not break it [18:33] iebifuzyoiuhtetr [18:34] Well that's both encouraging and infuriating to hear. [18:34] https://github.com/KDE/breeze/compare/v5.25.5...v5.26.0 [18:35] Simon Quigley: Oh that's smart. I'm right in the middle of trying to test a bugfix elsewhere, is it awful if I'm not ready to start a bisect now? I can if we need to. [18:35] not quite that far yet sec [18:48] Eickmeyer: Cala alpha3 came out yesterday, FFE? 👍️ / 👎️ [18:49] Yiiiiikes. Today's Tuesday, Thurday is Final Freeze. This is cutting it REEEEAL close. [18:49] Anything compelling? [18:49] I think that is just begging for a humdinger of a bug in the final product. [18:50] (Oh, you only asked Eickmeyer, I responded with a -1... 🤦‍♂️) [18:50] I thought that was Erich 😆 [18:50] (Hey, figured out how to undo reactions!) [18:50] * Eickmeyer[m] yeets arraybolt3 accross Yellowstone [18:50] I'm asking before I JFD here since we're not the only Cala flavor anymore [18:51] We already ship alpha2 in the release [18:51] In terms of riskiness, can't get any riskier than that [18:51] IMO, alpha2 has been battle-tested thanks to guiverc and leok, alpha3 is total uncharted territory. [18:51] alpha2 is as good as stable for now, alpha3 is... exactly what it sounds like. [18:52] Simon Quigley: Right. Before I make a +1 or -1, I'd like to know if we have any features added, if there's any compelling reason to go for it, or if there's any bugfixes we'd like to have. [18:52] https://github.com/calamares/calamares/blob/calamares/CHANGES-3.3#L11 [18:52] https://github.com/calamares/calamares/compare/v3.3.0-alpha2...calamares [18:53] Looks like we might have to make changes in calamares-settings-ubuntu as well, unless I'm mistaken. [18:53] Yeah, you're right [18:53] Yeah, that alone makes me want to nack this. [18:53] I don't see anything we need there [18:54] Sounds good, next cycle it is... something that will surprisingly be more favorable, I'm guessing, is SRUing Cala 3.2.x to Jammy as it gets released [18:54] * arraybolt3[m] buries Eickmeyer in a pile of marshmallow cream [18:54] > * <@arraybolt3:matrix.org> buries Eickmeyer in a pile of marshmallow cream [18:54] Nummy [18:55] LUKS v. LUKS2 sounds nice but needs some serious testing and possibly dependencies we don't have. [18:55] Yeah, seems a little late for that alone. [18:56] I think we need to SRU this one though: https://calamares.io/calamares-3.2.61-is-out/ [18:56] That I can agree to. [18:56] Have you taken a peek at the changelog entries for that? Seems to be all SRU-qualified anyway [18:57] Very minor changes, so definitely. [19:02] Looks trivial to do, BUT... we have to grapple with a curveball GitHub has thrown at us. [19:02] All of our GitHub-based debian/watch files that point to the Releases page are broken. [19:02] Do you have an example of a fix we've used for that by chance? [19:02] Not that we've used, but I have an example that bluesabre used in Xubuntu, lemme find it... [19:04] Simon Quigley: Behold, the workaround: https://github.com/Xubuntu/sgt-launcher/blob/master/debian/watch [19:04] I have seen a couple of things tossed around the Debian-devel mailing list too [19:05] I think the idea here is to use GitHub tags to sleuth out the right Releases URL and then grab it. [19:06] I found a script that basically creates watch files automatically. [19:06] (because I suck at it) [19:07] My first real attempt at making a significant change in a debian/watch file was looked at by Simon, who responded "Your regex-fu is weak"... [19:08] My regex-fu is non-existent. I just can't learn it, and I'm unashamed to admit it. [19:08] hahahahahahahahaha [19:08] This was another way to solve it https://github.com/volans-/gjson-py/blob/debian/debian/watch [19:09] It uses the api links [19:09] https://salsa.debian.org/debian/debian-package-init/-/blob/master/deb_create_watch.py [19:09] That's what I use. [19:10] Doesn't work all the time, but it works for Github 100% of the time. [19:10] Dan Simmons: That's more elegant in theory, and even uglier in practice. :D [19:11] Totes [19:11] Eickmeyer: The problem I can see with that script is that it uses the tags directory, which doesn't provide GPG signing. [19:12] I mean, I guess it depends on how much one does or doesn't care. [19:13] Well, considering the tags are how Github handles releases, everything else just gets added in metadata after-the-fact. [19:14] Hmm. And it uses HTTPS so as long as you trust the repo, it should be good (Git uses HTTPS transport, right? Pretty sure it does, I saw git-https-transport processes or something similarly named earlier today). [19:14] That's why one never grabs the release right away, but waits a few days (usually a week) for the dev to finish with the metadata. [19:14] arraybolt3[m]: Depends on how the Git server is set up. Generally, in 2022, the answer to that question will be yes. [19:15] It can be done over HTTP, SSH, FTP, you name it... [19:15] Then my call would be to gut out GPG verification and fall back to tags. Wonder how well upstream Debian will take to that idea. [19:15] Mailing list [19:15] carrier pidgeon [19:15] Smoke signals [19:15] They won't take it at all [19:15] git-300baud-modem [19:16] egyptian pyramids [19:16] tsimonq2: If that's the case, then I guess we have to figure out how to make GPG verification work? [19:16] I mean, bluesabre's hack seems to do the trick, and of all the solutions it's the least ugly one I see so far. [19:17] The ugly example I sent can handle releases and GPG but it is ugly. [19:18] arraybolt3: ...so where exactly did you push the previous Cala update in Git? :) [19:18] Simon Quigley: Should just be in my GitHub, gimme a sec... [19:18] "My first real attempt at..." <- (Meaning, it could be more concise...( [19:18] s/(/)/ [19:18] https://github.com/ArrayBolt3/calamares-packaging [19:18] kcoolthanks [19:18] Yep, that's it. [19:19] arraybolt3: no I meant Jammy :) [19:19] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calamares/3.2.60-0ubuntu0.1 [19:19] Simon Quigley: Is that not it? [19:19] If you didn't commit it anywhere nbd, just lmk that :) [19:20] I'm sure I did... [19:20] In the meantime I'll just use pull-lp-source... [19:20] ...but you're right, that ain't it. [19:20] Oh, I remember! Shoot, I didn't commit it anywhere. [19:20] Uh... crud, hold on, lemme find my SATA-to-USB adapter... [19:21] Ack, actually, I'm getting my data scrambled. Phew, we mess with Calamares a lot. OK, hang on... [19:21] so the theme issue is a bug in breeze, as there have been no changes at all in lxqt since jammy? [19:21] oh..... wait [19:24] 😕 ⁉️ [19:25] Un. Real. I can't find it in my Git stuff, all I see is a patch uploaded on the SRU bug report. [19:25] *'ll take care of it [19:25] I must have just spaced it or thought that Git wasn't important that time around. [19:25] nbd I [19:25] But, FWIW, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/614751142/calamares.diff [19:25] RikMills: What bug in breeze? [19:25] Eickmeyer: Lemme pull it up real quick... [19:26] LP: #1992196 [19:26] -ubot93:#lubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 1992196 in breeze (Ubuntu) "Various highly noticable graphical glitches have all started happening in Kinetic at the same time" [High, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1992196 [19:26] Yep, that's it. You beat me to it. [19:27] Oh, weird. [19:27] Yeah. And it only affects Lubuntu. [19:27] (That I can see so far. Kubuntu is unaffected.) [19:27] Yeah, I hadn't noticed anything on Studio (also uses breeze) [19:28] has anyone tried adding the Kubuntu backports PPA to Lubuntu 22.04 to see if the breeze version from Kinetic produces the same issue there? [19:28] as backports PPA has 5.25.5 backported from Kinetic [19:29] RikMills: Not tried that yet, I'll give it a whirl real quick [19:29] RikMills: You mean backports-extra [19:29] Sorry, yes [19:30] (that's why I'm here 🙃 ) [19:31] RikMills: I tried something similar locally with Neon, gave up, considered it a "later after dayjob" thing - I know if I don't do Cala now I'll forget until a week or two before 22.04.2 and I don't want that :P [19:31] tl;dr I can try later unless someone else can now [19:31] Neon will mess-up your lsb_release, FYI [19:32] leave Neon alone. it is frankendistro [19:32] RikMills: Wanna link me the PPA real quick? [19:32] ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports-extra [19:32] for jammy [19:33] RikMills: Oh for *jammy*. This bug is in Kinetic. [19:33] Oh but you mean that we can use a Jammy installation and then install Kinetic's breeze into it. [19:33] arraybolt3[m]: yes [19:33] Shoot, I don't have a Jammy ISO of Lubuntu on this laptop yet. [19:35] OK, pulling the ISO, this may take a while. [19:37] arraybolt3: ssh and scp are your friends. [19:37] Eickmeyer: And a decent network setup and having all my systems powered on at once, none of which I have. 🙃 [19:37] Ah, well.... [19:39] * tsimonq2 smacks arraybolt3 upside the head [19:39] ``` [19:39] filenamemangle=s/.+\/calamares-(\d\S+)\.tar\.xz/featherpad-$1\.tar\.gz/" \ [19:39] ``` [19:39] why. [19:39] :P [19:39] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ maybe that was me who knows [19:39] I did what? [19:40] existing watch file in cala jammy [19:40] That moment when wheels are reinvented. [19:40] What's more disturbing is that it works... [19:41] HAHAHAHAHAHA [19:42] Nope, that was 100% me, I can see it in the patch I uploaded to Launchpad. [19:43] I must have copypastaed and made spaghetticode. [19:49] Whew, at least I finally figured out how I did that. I was changing Calamares from using GitHub tags to using GitHub releases for GPG signing, and used Featherpad's debian/watch file as a cross-reference. I probably copied Featherpad's watch file wholesale, then went through and changed "all" instances of Featherpad to Calamares... and missed one. [19:50] * how I probably did that. [20:02] bug 1992507 [20:02] -ubot93:#lubuntu-devel- Bug 1992507 in calamares (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Calamares 3.2.61" [Medium, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1992507 [20:03] Gave the ack [20:03] -queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Unapproved: calamares (jammy-proposed/universe) [3.2.60-0ubuntu0.1 => 3.2.61-0ubuntu0.1] (lubuntu, ubuntustudio) [20:26] arraybolt3[m]: it reproduces the bug [20:26] it my breeze test on jammy [20:26] *in [20:27] so it IS a breeze issue, that gives me hope [20:27] the only issue with git bisecting KDE packages is it's difficult with all the build deps imo... Rik, is there an easier way to `git bisect`? [20:28] (or would you happen to know what commit broke this?) [20:28] well............ depends if it it breeze doing things right, or lxqt not keeping up [20:28] *doing things wrong [20:28] tsimonq2: I have not idea what commit [20:29] on initial thought I would agree with you, but git bisecting to find which commit in Breeze actually broke it is the way to determine what kind of changes would be needed in LXQt... [20:29] gah, my typing is crap withe a few beers. :oops [20:29] no worries, I will look into this later/tomorrow if Aaron or Erich don't happen to get to it first [20:30] thank you Rik [20:30] There's hardly any chance I'm going to be able to get to it. [20:30] I might possibly, but can't promise [20:33] also updating breeze from the PPA did require some of the frameworks it depends on to be updated as well. it is plausible the issue could be in those libs [20:33] as they codify the theming api/abi breeze builds on [20:35] also slightly puzzling is that I cannot find any bug reports from other distros or upstream [20:37] I'm 99% sure I can figure out and fix this given a full time day. Someone add more days to the calendar for me please :P [20:38] ha [20:41] It's not 1582 [20:42] teward: WITCH!!!!!! [20:42] oh sorry you're right XD [20:46] BURN THE WITCH! BURN THE WITCH... sorry, I came down with some FOMO. [20:50] [telegram] what the heck? [20:50] [telegram] *beats tsimonq2 with a Windows XP disk* [20:51] sorry someone said 1500s and my mind went to finding the nearest witch :P [20:51] you're funny, Vista would be a better challenger :P [20:57] "so it IS a breeze issue, that..." <- I'll try and tackle it hopefully. I have to do a particular part of development work on a different computer than my shiny new laptop because this laptop is SO AWESOME it can't reproduce a bug I'm trying to fix :P [20:57] So I'll set my desktop to attack that and then work on Breeze with the laptop. [21:45] [telegram] @tsimonq2 i'm evil not the devil himself, XP is the lesser evil xD [21:48] "I'll try and tackle it hopefully..." <- I mean, I can even reproduce it in a VM, soooo ;) [21:49] "So I'll set my desktop to attack..." <- Thanks. All I ask is that it's "pass off"able when you're done :) [22:08] "Thanks. All I ask is that it's..." <- You mean like don't rename a tar file to lxqt-sshaskpass? :P [22:09] bahahaha perhaps [22:09] Sounds like a good idea. Still tied up for a bit, will be on it ASAP. [22:50] "Sounds like a good idea. Still..." <- Ditto here. May have to come back to the office after my workout, which always sucks :/ [22:54] Oh that's crummy. But hey, could be worse! [23:20] RikMills: Any chance you can link me to the Git repo containing Breeze? [23:20] https://github.com/KDE/breeze/ [23:20] gh mirror [23:20] Simon Quigley: Thanks 👍️ [23:20] (Now I'm remembering invent.kde.org exists...)