=== Kuraokami is now known as IchabodCrane [10:51] nteodosio, I haven't forgotten about your chromium update (just really busy atm) [10:52] chrisccoulson: No problem! [13:04] Hello, I would appreciate sponsoring for an iptables fix for Kinetic : LP: #1992454. This has been fixed upstream recently [13:04] -ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 1992454 in iptables (Ubuntu Kinetic) "iptables: segfault when renaming a chain" [Undecided, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1992454 [13:05] I will take care of SRU requirements once this gets released to kinetic. I have the debdiffs ready [13:40] caribou: o/ [13:40] caribou: does debian/tests/control need tweaking for the new test? [13:45] rbasak: tbh, I haven't checked. I rebuilt the pkg & tested on all the distros. let me check the build logs [13:48] rbasak: now that you mention it, most probably yes. Let me fix that & make sure that the new test is run. [13:57] Can a core dev please trigger these PPA autopkgtests? [13:57] https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=kinetic&arch=amd64&package=systemd&ppa=enr0n/systemd-251&trigger=systemd/251.4-1ubuntu7~ppa1 [13:57] https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=kinetic&arch=ppc64el&package=systemd&ppa=enr0n/systemd-251&trigger=systemd/251.4-1ubuntu7~ppa1 [13:59] enr0n: done [14:00] schopin: thanks! [15:10] Is anybody on +1 today? I don't see anyone on the calendar [15:11] rbasak: new upstream test is added & checked. Uploaded new debdiff [15:21] bdmurray: ogayot is on +1 [15:43] bdmurray: yes, I am [15:58] ogayot: Could you look at https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/libfirefox-marionette-perl/kinetic/amd64 and the package in general? [15:58] I haven't looked for a bug about it at all but the failures and test time length are suspicious [16:00] bdmurray: looking! [16:14] caribou: won't this cause the entire test suite to now run twice? [16:14] I was expecting you to add to the existing chmod line, rather than add an entirely new autopkgtest [16:20] looks like ruby-tty-prompt is broken in jammy [16:30] bdmurray: libfirefox-marionette-perl was removed from the archive for kinetic (bug 1987959) , are we reconsidering the decision? [16:30] -ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 1987959 in libfirefox-marionette-perl (Ubuntu) "RM libfirefox-marionette-perl: incompatible with firefox snap" [Undecided, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1987959 [16:34] ogayot: Ah, I think the same thing is true for Jammy now [16:35] The tests last passed in 2022-02 and current runs of them are getting killed [16:36] If that can be reproduced outside of the autopkgtest infrastructure we should hint the test as never_run [21:57] Heads up to an incoming potential pr issue if canonical doesn’t get ahead of it. People are starting to report and be upset about “adverts in apt” https://mastodon.social/@Longplay_Games/109151841878156473 [21:58] I can’t say I blame them being upset. The advert might be limited in scope but they feel it shouldn’t be present in a community project [22:05] diddledani: bug 1992026 [22:05] -ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 1992026 in ubuntu-advantage-tools (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Pro APT integration is a bit much" [Critical, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1992026 [22:06] FWIW, Ubuntu is a community project but funded by Canoncial making money off add-ons. Advertisements for these extras aren't a new thing. The MOTD has add a Landscape ad since forever. While I'm not keen on this particular message in apt either, the general principle that Ubuntu points to its commercial offerings really shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. [23:00] I know I'm not adding anything new, but I would agree that Canonical should limit their advertising messages to the MOTD, and judging by the bug report this message will soon go away anyways. I appreciate that the appropriate Canonical team followed up on this. [23:07] I have somewhat mixed feelings about it. They are offering something free to people, that may help them significantly. I'm not sure that's a bad thing. On the other hand, the fact that it looks like an advertisement for a paid service (which it is if you have enough computers) does seem a bit annoying. We use adblockers to get around those things, so we don't like when the OS itself starts advertising other stuff to us. [23:07] Personally, if it wasn't for the fact that it makes other people mad, I'd say keep it. But since it looks like it makes people upset, I think it would be in the best interest of Canonical to remove it. But if they choose to keep it, I won't be upset. I might, however, enable Ubuntu Pro on a machine that I want to act as a server. :) [23:08] I understand that the current plan is that the message will remain, but be moved to the end: https://code.launchpad.net/~renanrodrigo/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-advantage-tools/+git/ubuntu-advantage-tools/+merge/431300 [23:08] Also, AIUI the message will change back to report the specific counts of updates available on your system once the service leaves beta. Or something like that. [23:12] Not sure that will result in any less upset LOL, but then again, Snap made people mad, and I think the idea is great and the implementation fantastic in most areas (minus a few rough edges). Shoot, automatic updates make people mad sometimes (especially in the Windows world), and those are how we keep malware from overrunning the entirety of the world of computing. [23:15] Anyway, I'm going to go back to my Snap-enabled, automatic-security-updating, probably Ubuntu Pro displaying Ubuntu laptop and be perfectly happy with it. I've got bugs to fix. [23:15] ^^^