
=== Kuraokami is now known as IchabodCrane
cpaelzerhiho MIR people14:31
cpaelzerone few more semi-calm weeks before 23.04 starts :-)14:31
cpaelzer#startmeeting Weekly Main Inclusion Requests status14:31
meetingologyMeeting started at 14:31:50 UTC.  The chair is cpaelzer.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology14:31
meetingologyAvailable commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick14:31
cpaelzerPing for MIR meeting - didrocks joalif slyon sarnold cpaelzer jamespage14:31
didrockshey cpaelzer14:32
cpaelzer#topic current component mismatches14:32
cpaelzerMission: Identify required actions and spread the load among the teams14:32
cpaelzer#link https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches-proposed.svg14:32
cpaelzer#link https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.svg14:32
cpaelzernothing new in there14:32
cpaelzeras I said, the last few calm weeks :-)14:32
cpaelzerwb slyon14:32
cpaelzer#topic New MIRs14:32
cpaelzerMission: ensure to assign all incoming reviews for fast processing14:32
cpaelzer#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/?field.searchtext=&orderby=-date_last_updated&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&assignee_option=none&field.assignee=&field.subscriber=ubuntu-mir14:32
sarnoldgood morning14:33
sarnoldoh my14:33
cpaelzerso much for calm14:33
cpaelzerbut hey I've wanred about that a few weeks ago14:33
slyonhaha that's plenty of ruby MIRs14:34
* didrocks removes his hand from the alarm button then14:34
cpaelzerto be fair14:34
cpaelzerit is a lot of very small usually easy packages14:34
sarnoldo/~ to be faaiir o/~14:34
cpaelzerinstead of a single super massive one14:34
cpaelzerok let us talk about the non-pcs one first14:34
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 1990655 in libgit2 (Ubuntu) "MIR: libgit2, http-parser" [Undecided, Confirmed]14:34
didrocksI haven’t noticed that slyon answered, the status is wrong though14:35
cpaelzerthat is the other known "there will be more" case by schopin14:35
didrocksI need to have a reread and asses on libgit2, I will do that14:35
didrocks(tomorrow probably)14:35
cpaelzerok, so I'll re-assign it to you for now didrocks14:35
cpaelzerand depending on the outcome it goes to ack/nack/security next14:36
cpaelzernow around PCS14:36
cpaelzerthis was all meant to be doen in 22.10 but the dependency tree exploded on us14:37
cpaelzeras you can see14:37
cpaelzerI've asked to at least provide it very early for 23.04 because the item will move there14:37
cpaelzerlet us first distribute the "easy" ones - which are the 14 ruby-* cases14:37
cpaelzerhow about round robin them between the four of us being joalif didrocks slyon and myself ?14:38
cpaelzerthat would be 3 or 4 of them for each of us14:38
didrocksyeah, please note I have another pending, failing to trying to get one assigned and no time for review14:38
didrocksbut at least, for those, before 23.04 opens, that should be doable14:38
slyonyes, though I might not be able to get all of them reviewed by next week.14:38
cpaelzerthat is totally fine14:39
cpaelzerok that set is done14:41
cpaelzeryou can reload the list now that the view is clearer14:41
sarnoldwow :)14:41
cpaelzerwe have pcs itself, two python* and "thin"14:41
cpaelzerI guess in complecity this is (descending) pcs > tornado (but easier as it was in main before) > thin > dacite14:42
cpaelzerthis is again 414:42
cpaelzerone each?14:42
cpaelzerany preference?14:42
cpaelzersince I'm the manager of the team driving it I'd prefer not to do pcs itslef for political reasons14:43
cpaelzerother thna that I'm happy on any of them14:43
slyonOK, maybe something in the middle for me thin or tornado14:43
cpaelzerok tornado it will be14:43
* didrocks picks randomly a python one, let’s take python3-dacite14:43
cpaelzerjoalif: are you ok to take PCS itself or does that make you cursing my name for the rest of the day?14:44
joalifcpaelzer: that's ok :)14:44
cpaelzerto be clear - on this barrage no one expects a return of all next week14:44
cpaelzeraim for 1-2 per week and we should be good14:44
didrockssounds good to me, let’s hope we don’t get the cargo stuff at the same time :)14:45
cpaelzerwe knew both will come14:46
cpaelzerand one had to be earlier14:46
cpaelzerif cargo comes next week it will just enqueue and still be ok14:46
cpaelzerat the intended 1-2 per week that will still be very early in the 23.04 cycle14:46
cpaelzerand then sarnold knows his queue early on and can call for addition reviewers on security14:46
cpaelzer#topic Incomplete bugs / questions14:46
cpaelzerMission: Identify required actions and spread the load among the teams14:46
cpaelzer#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/?field.searchtext=&orderby=-date_last_updated&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.subscriber=ubuntu-mir14:47
cpaelzerlibgit (we talked) and tuned (old)14:47
cpaelzernothing to discuss here IMHO14:47
didrocksyeah, tuned still has no response…14:47
cpaelzeroh well 27th Sept ??14:47
cpaelzeryeah that was you incompleting it14:47
cpaelzer#topic MIR related Security Review Queue14:47
cpaelzerMission: Check on progress, do deadlines seem doable?14:47
cpaelzer#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/+bugs?field.searchtext=%5BMIR%5D&assignee_option=choose&field.assignee=ubuntu-security&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=ubuntu-mir14:47
cpaelzerno surprises here14:48
cpaelzersarnold: now that the plan for 23.04 slowly gets real - how about those smartcard things there?14:48
cpaelzerwill they be back on the roadmap?14:48
sarnoldI don't think much was done in the last week; mark is workingo n putting together a fuzz test harness for editorconfig-core14:48
cpaelzerwas that after you tried to say no14:49
sarnoldcpaelzer: heh, that's a good question; I think we have a meeting on our agenda with desktop team to see if that's still desired14:49
cpaelzerand then realized it is already in the archive (bundled)14:49
cpaelzersarnold: is that a breakout session on one of the sprints?14:49
sarnoldcpaelzer: it should eb, yeah, thanks for the reminder, I'll doublecheck it :)14:49
cpaelzersarnold: while checking (I couldn't find it) could you ask for my name to be added to the invitee list please?14:50
sarnoldit's not great for editorconfig to be bundled into one program, but at least that limits the scope of flaws to whoever runs that one program, not all the dozen editors that use it14:50
sarnoldwill do!14:50
cpaelzerand that is an interesting insight into potential benefits of bundled sources :-)14:50
sarnoldyes :)14:50
cpaelzeroh we forgot14:50
cpaelzerInternal link14:50
cpaelzer- ensure your teams items are prioritized among each other as you'd expect14:51
cpaelzer- ensure community requests do not get stomped by teams calling for favors too much14:51
cpaelzer#link https://warthogs.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/SEC/boards/59414:51
cpaelzerwell I forgot14:51
cpaelzernow we14:51
cpaelzerncie confusion14:52
cpaelzersmartcard has a pcscd14:52
sarnoldyes :(14:52
cpaelzerand we now entered pcs and pscd for HA14:52
cpaelzernot to be mistaken for pcscd14:52
cpaelzeranyway, next agenda entry14:52
cpaelzer#topic Any other business?14:52
sarnoldnothing here14:52
cpaelzernone from me, except thanking you for spreading the pcs load14:52
didrocksI have one14:52
slyondidrocks: did you already have a chance to look into bug #199150814:53
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Bug 1991508 in licheerv-rtl8723ds-dkms (Ubuntu) "MIR licheerv-rtl8723ds-dkms" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/199150814:53
didrocksso, I have not yet fully check for https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/199150814:53
didrocksslyon: this is what I told before, I haven’t the time to start it14:53
didrockshowever, this is another case of new hardware support14:53
slyonI was asked by Foundations to push for this as it seems to be required to build usable LiceeRV 22.10 images for the release14:53
didrockswith no test14:53
didrocksslyon: well, TBH, that request should have got scheduled way before FF :)14:54
didrocksso, there is no testplan either14:54
didrocks(I find that a lot of MIRs are too easily filled without fulfilling any test requirement)14:54
didrocksI feel that at least, someone has access to the hardware somewhere14:54
didrocksand there should be a written testplan14:54
cpaelzerIt ends in the usual "this should at least be a compromise - what testing could you offer" sitation14:54
slyonI think the hardware is available at my team mates... but it would require a manual test plan, right?14:54
didrockswhat do people think?14:54
cpaelzeryes a manual test plan and proof that it is executable (e.g. a sample log) is much better than <nothing>14:55
didrocksyeah, and I am a little bit unhappy TBH that it’s the 3rd MIR in a row where the testing requirement is simply discared14:55
didrocks(not only Foundation, but cross team)14:55
didrocksI’m wonder how we can emphasize "If you don’t say what’s your plan on this, this is not even something we are considering"14:56
cpaelzeryep, but each time we got at least something out of insisting which is better than just doing nothing14:56
cpaelzerack on that didrocks14:56
cpaelzerpeople should try to comply without us rejecting it first to force it14:56
didrocksyeah, it’s just that maybe the test is no clear enough? Should we use bold/scary message on the template? :p14:56
slyonack on that, indeed14:56
cpaelzerdidrocks: I'm happy to make it more scary, but I do not have great words for it in cache atm14:57
sarnoldthere is a comment in the description, "we commit to install and test this package for each new kernel that would be released, which is enough to make sure it still works"14:57
cpaelzerwhoever gets to it is welcomed to throw a PR at https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-mir14:57
didrockssarnold: right, but this is not a testplan, written down14:57
didrocksand what if the person writing this has this somewhere on his head and leave?14:57
didrockshence writing is better :)14:57
slyondidrocks: do you see any chance this licheeRV MIR could be resolved ahread of release if a testplan is provided in a timely manner?14:58
slyon(i.e. today/tomorrow?)14:58
cpaelzerI mean what ar ewe trying to do here a) keep ubuntu great and b) ensure teams are not digging their own grave - I think it is helpful (and not mean) to be more explicit what/why a test plan is expected14:58
didrocksslyon: as you are in touch with whoever is pushing this to write the testplan? I still hope to be able to review it in parallel before EOW14:58
didrocksI can’t commit for today/tomorrow unfortunately, as I’m already max out14:58
cpaelzerdidrocks: slyon: is this looking like it also needs a round of security?14:58
didrocksdoesn’t look like it (from the description)14:59
cpaelzerit is a kernel module after all right?14:59
slyonEOW should be fine, I guess. I'm in touch with Alex and Heinrich and will ask them to provide a testplan ASAP14:59
cpaelzerok, I'm sure you'll make the right call didrocks14:59
cpaelzerand slyon will get the team crunching on completing this to be acceptable14:59
didrockskernel module, I will have to look how scary the code is14:59
cpaelzerany other - other topics?14:59
didrocksslyon: sounds good, thanks!14:59
slyonok, thank you!14:59
joalifi have one14:59
joalifi'm reviewing libssh214:59
cpaelzerI'm slightly disctracted by other meetings now- but go joalif15:00
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 1991650 in libssh2 (Ubuntu) "MIR: libssh2" [High, New]15:00
slyonmy other (parallel) meeting just ended :)15:00
cpaelzerwhat is the question there joalif?15:00
joaliflibssh with same functionality in main, however chopin's argument "Regarding the feature duplication between libssh1 and libssh2, the Rust bindings for the latter are well-maintained and see substantial usage, whereas the former are barely used..Given that FFI bindings are one of the trickiest area of Rust in terms of unsafe code, I believe it safer not to try and port cargo to libssh1."15:00
joalifsounds ok to me15:00
joalifwhat do you think ?15:01
cpaelzerto me that is a reasonable explanation why duplication is needed, although it makes me sad that we have to have two15:01
cpaelzerlet me check why the deps I knew have changed ...15:01
sarnoldI'm not sure they're as 'duplicate' as their names would sound, https://www.libssh2.org/libssh2-vs-libssh.html15:01
cpaelzeroh they are not "the same"15:02
schopinThey're similar enough that I thought justification was warranted :)15:02
joalifyup, btw great work on MIR bug schopin15:03
sarnoldgood instinct :)15:03
cpaelzerwhat is holding libssh in main?15:04
cpaelzermaybe they could switch to libssh2 as well?15:05
cpaelzeroh I see, curl and cryptosetup and a few - hmm maybe not15:05
schopincurl actually links against libssh2 by default upstream15:05
cpaelzerI'm leaning to "it was tried to not duplicate too much => ok"15:05
cpaelzerschopin: I was only looking at revdeps15:06
cpaelzermaybe once libssh2 is in we could do a check which could/would check15:06
cpaelzerqemu would be ok to change IIRC15:06
cpaelzeryou say curl as well15:06
cpaelzerlibvirt would be ssh2 compat as well15:06
schopinI'll put that as a roadmap idea for next cycle :)15:07
cpaelzerthanks schopin15:14
cpaelzerand by that and no other comment15:14
cpaelzerlet us close this meeting for today15:14
cpaelzerthank you all!15:14
sarnoldthanks cpaelzer, all :)15:14
meetingologyMeeting ended at 15:14:32 UTC.  Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2022/ubuntu-meeting.2022-10-11-14.31.moin.txt15:14
joalifthanks cpaelzer , all:)15:14
slyonthanks! o/15:22
sil2100cyphermox waved as well!19:01
cyphermoxyeah, I did19:01
rbasakGreat! Hello!19:03
rbasakWho's chairing?19:03
rbasakDoes anyone have any actual progress to report? AIUI, everything on the agenda is still in progress.19:04
cyphermoxI will chair19:05
cyphermoxvorlon would be double-booked, AIUI?19:05
rbasakI believe he can't make it today19:05
rbasakBased on his email earlier19:05
sil2100Yeah, I sadly don't have much to report on my end, as I only recently got back from my vacations19:06
cyphermox#startmeeting Ubuntu Technical Board19:06
meetingologyMeeting started at 19:06:23 UTC.  The chair is cyphermox.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology19:06
meetingologyAvailable commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick19:06
cyphermox#topic Action review19:06
cyphermoxguess this is all still in motion, as rbasak mentioned?19:07
rbasakUbuntu Unity is done I think19:07
rbasakThe rest is in progress or pending I think19:07
rbasakSame with the third party repository policy19:08
cyphermoxyeah I'm looking at the last agenda, seems right19:08
cyphermoxshould I just continue and we make this meeting short?19:09
cyphermoxfwiw, I had re-pinged the CC for the elections19:09
cyphermox#topic Definition of our third party repository policy. See https://docs.google.com/document/d/1apUKR4gtOrfPGCWmtoebaQUhoy-fG8Cyo3VKJyhnpD0/edit19:11
rbasakStill in progress19:12
cyphermox#link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1apUKR4gtOrfPGCWmtoebaQUhoy-fG8Cyo3VKJyhnpD0/edit#19:12
rbasakI am speaking to people and have been gathering feedback.19:12
cyphermoxrbasak: thanks!19:12
cyphermoxfwiw, it just threw me an "access denied"19:12
cyphermoxnah nevermind19:12
cyphermoxit was a misclick19:12
cyphermox#topic Scan the mailing list archive for anything we missed (standing item)19:13
cyphermoxthe schedule for elections is already adequately covered, I think?19:14
cyphermoxand then there's Steve's request to switch the schedule back19:14
rbasakAre we all agreed on Steve's proposed new schedule?19:15
cyphermoxtbh, I'm really *really* bad with the meeting being every two weeks, because I often am double-booked or not in a position to be on IRC, but it's on my to fix myself harder19:15
rbasakI already provided my +1 on the ML.19:15
cyphermoxI'm okay with the schedule change19:15
sil2100+1 on the schedule change from me19:15
cyphermoxwho would update the fridge?19:15
rbasakOnly Steve can update the fridge AIUI, since he created the original calendar item.19:15
rbasakI asked him to do it in my reply.19:15
rbasakAlthough maybe he could click "Guests can modify event"19:16
cyphermoxwell, it works as long as the fridge does accurately represent the real schedule19:16
cyphermoxfyi, I won't be able to make it to the Summit after all; I don't know who will be, but I thought it would be good to have a short presentation on the Technical Board, assuming it's not too late to schedule that already19:17
cyphermox#topic Check up on community bugs (standing item)19:17
cyphermoxNothing in LP19:20
cyphermox#topic Select a chair for the next meeting (next from https://launchpad.net/~techboard/+members)19:20
cyphermoxwho is next?19:20
rbasakMaybe leave sil2100 for next time and put me down as backup?19:22
rbasakIt's not like there are many of us!19:22
cyphermoxotherwise I was going to say I would do it, and put you as backup19:22
cyphermoxhaha :)19:22
cyphermox#topic AOB19:23
rbasakNothing from me thanks19:27
meetingologyMeeting ended at 19:28:24 UTC.  Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2022/ubuntu-meeting.2022-10-11-19.06.moin.txt19:28
cyphermoxthanks everyone!19:28
rbasakThank you for chairing!19:31

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