=== Kuraokami is now known as IchabodCrane === lps__ is now known as CinLPS === elastic_dog is now known as Guest6647 [18:44] How do I build the AWS-specific Ubuntu kernel? I found https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel, but the kernel I built with it doesn't work on EC2. [18:46] did you use the config file from the aws kernel? [18:47] No, I did not. Do I grab that with `apt source linux-aws`? [18:47] no [18:47] it should be in the /boot folder [18:49] patdk-lap: So I have to build the AWS kernel on AWS? (I'm already doing that, but I want to be sure.) [18:49] no [18:49] but you have to enable the drivers aws requires [18:50] unless you using a REALLY old aws instance that doesn't require aws specific drivers [18:50] Ahh, yes, that explains why the generic kernel I built caused my instance to be unreachable. [18:50] ya, lacks the specific aws network driver [18:51] I think there is another aws specific driver also, but it's been awhile [18:52] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/enhanced-networking-ena.html [18:52] if you want reading matterial [18:53] but really just using the config from an aws kernel should be enough [18:53] After I get that config, I just follow the standard build procedure from the wiki page? [18:53] dunno [18:53] I assume you can pass the config file as an option or something, I have never tried it