[00:00] I think it's because my chroot only has the 'main' repository, which I created like `sudo sbuild-createchroot jammy /srv/chroot/jammy http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/` [00:10] that was it ... got it working :) [00:12] noarb: dh-python moved to universe startting with focal. i'm not into packaging, but this can be a hint that different tolling is nowadays more suitable. [00:13] dh-python is the way to do Python packaging. [00:14] ok, cool, so i guess it moved for other reasons. [00:14] anyways, the other two python related packages are also in universe, so... [00:21] tomreyn: Just a couple things build-depend on it, https://termbin.com/xd2d you know? [00:21] :) [00:23] i guess it's all fine since for some, universe now gets proper security support, too. === Kuraokami is now known as IchabodCrane [00:59] what group do I need to be in to use ttyACM0? [01:28] hello, I'm trying to install the newest nvidia driver (I have gtx 970) on ubuntu 22.04, and it is giving me the error " 'nvidia-drm' appears to already be loaded in your kernel " [01:29] answers on the web just say like check for processes running nvidia but like, a bunch of stuff is cuz its a graphical os..? (xdg-deskt, gnome-she, Xorg) so I'm not sure how to install this [01:29] also apologies if this is in an inappropriate channel [01:35] oxphi, maybe try nvidia-uninstall first === xenial is now known as Guest2946 [01:36] oxphi: How are you attempting to install the NVIDIA drivers? Through the "Additional Drivers" GUI? By installing an NVIDIA package with apt? Or by using a .run script from NVIDIA's website? [01:37] ah yes, I'm running sudo .run script from website === M4he is now known as mahe [02:01] hi, i'm trying to connect a bluetooth device to my 20.04.5 with `bluetoothctl` and once in that shell, when i run the `devices` command, i get 'No default controller available' ...can anyone help? [02:01] i know this laptop has a bluetooth device. i've used it before [02:02] does "rfkill" say thatit is soft blocked? [02:02] usually it is best to send the command line you used and the response you got in a pastebin log, [02:03] 1 bluetooth dell-bluetooth unblocked blocked [02:03] it's software blocked. unblock it using rfkill or the GUI [02:03] so soft: unblocked. hard: blocked [02:03] oh right, i mixed the columns up [02:04] you'll have a hardware switch or keyboard combination which enables / disables it. [02:04] i don't think that's the issue. i tried...... [02:04] oh [02:04] most commonly it's a keyboard combination, Fn + wireless or airplane symbol [02:06] thank you, now I realize my headset is not on my desk [02:06] hm i just changed the wifi switch on the side. now i get HARD: unblocked [02:06] lemme retest... [02:06] oh, it is. [02:06] looks like that worked [02:10] i still dont see my device [02:10] on my phone i see SRS-XB41 [02:11] on my laptop, from `bluetoothctl` -> devices i get: [02:11] sry in advance for the minor spam but... [02:11] Device 00:FA:21:7A:E3:DE Galaxy A10e [02:11] Device 10:84:84:1A:60:45 onn. TWS Earphones [02:11] Device C4:1C:FF:1B:B4:A5 E48-D0 [02:11] Device 30:8D:99:E7:3B:04 OJL411MY57PF10S8 [02:12] slimjimflim: Sadly, there's a bot in here that will mute you (and has muted you) if you do that. It only lasts for 60 seconds though. [02:12] ok [02:12] slimjimflim: In the future, try using a pastebin service like https://bpa.st. [02:12] yea yea [02:12] You can paste large amounts of text into there, then send a link. [02:13] Looks like you're unmuted! [02:13] hello, I set up bridged network for QEMU/kvm hosts, I can ping the birdge IP but I can't ping any other IP's on the internet in windows 10 [02:18] oh i got it. pain in the ass [02:18] i'm gonna have to script this all out at some point lol [02:19] THAT GOD IM A COUNTY BOY [02:19] COUNTRY [02:19] YYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAW [02:19] Nice! [02:20] when in doubt push all the buttons until it works [02:20] That's "Thank God", and it's John Denver. [02:20] LOL don't get in the habit of doing that, but it is funny that it works sometimes. [02:20] you know what i meant [02:20] it's just bluetooth. not gonna break anything important [02:21] True (I think/hope). [02:22] i got this srs-xb41 for free from the craigslist free section lol [02:22] masssive win [02:22] sony. loud as all heck [02:22] slimjimflim: As a hint, we usually keep off-topic conversations in #ubuntu-offtopic (this is the tech support channel). [02:23] free playlist if yall want: https://t.me/bensplaylist0 [02:23] ok bye [02:23] anyone have any idea why it might not be working? I followed this guide to set it up https://youtu.be/DYpaX4BnNlg?t=508 [02:30] My Ubuntu in WSL2 on Windows 10 is suddenly unable to resolve domain names. [02:30] If I try `host archive.ubuntu.com`, I get ";; connection timed out; no servers could be reached" [02:31] I have no trouble visiting archive.ubuntu.com in Firefox, however. [02:35] k_sze: Welcome to Microsoft's attempt to prove to you that Linux is an inferior system. Try dual-boot. [02:37] k_sze: Last I checked, WSL won't let you anywhere near the resolver settings. [02:37] k_sze: VMs work pretty well too, I like VirtualBox on Windows. [02:50] I have ubuntu 20.04 on wls2, let me test [02:53] I got 4 ipv4 and 4 ipv6 addresses,, and [02:53] the ipv6 ones will take me a year to type them in [02:54] jhutchins, where are the resolver settings? [02:55] and could you do me the f....ine favor of adopting new features faster than anyone ? [02:57] * esv had a shitty night sleep, semi-drunk, 3/4s of a beer left and doesn't give a shit about anything. [02:59] I would assume the Ubuntu running on wls2 depends on the dns settings of the host system. I don't block (as if I could) anything and can resolve the host quite easily [03:06] esv: are those IP addresses your usual DNS server addresses *outside* WSL2 as well? [03:07] I run my home net on 192.168.x.x [03:08] oh wait, seems to be archive.ubuntu.com? [03:08] I can even access archive.ubuntu.com on Microsoft Edge, same 'puter. [03:08] Can you show me the content of your `/etc/resolv.conf` in WSL2? [03:09] probably but sure will try [03:09] [03:09] ... ood [03:10] eeeer ; odd [03:10] can you actually ping from within WSl2? [03:10] And I'm going to guess that is you HyperV virtual network device's subnet. [03:10] well, as I tell the jr support engineers, ping is not a reliable tool [03:11] esv, I mean, I couldn't even ping the IP address listed in my /etc/resolv.conf. [03:13] right now, my /etc/resolv.conf says `nameserver`, "happens" to be my HyperV virtual ethernet adapter's subnet. [03:13] I can't either nc should, I can never remember the flags [03:15] no wonder why, that is my own machine [03:16] that /20 looks odd [03:16] oh.. is /20 the network, not the entry in resolv.conf, I get it now. [03:17] * remember the alcohol [03:17] what's your ip ? [03:18] /20, tha's a ... wide address range. [03:19] for some reason I don't get nc to work [03:24] my /etc/systemd/resolved.conf is completely commented out with the exception of the [Resolve] line and there is no /etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d directory [03:37] hello [03:37] ngopi lah [03:40] esv, where does your `/etc/resolv.conf` symlink to? [03:44] to /mnt/wsl/resolv.conf [03:45] ok, that's odd. Mine is symlinked to /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf [03:46] And it's probably been like that since I installed WSL2 in June. [03:46] (according to the modified timestamp of the symlink) [03:47] esv, inside your resolv.conf, does it say that it's generated automatically by WSL? [03:48] no, but I did not touch it. [03:48] also, I enabled systemd on this particular instance. [03:54] my wsl2 is running kernel [03:57] xcloud [04:30] esv, mine is running kernel (Windows 10) [04:30] are there any known issues with ubuntu 22.04 breaking ssh [04:31] i upgraded ubuntu from 20.04 to 22.04 and now Ubuntu is rejecting all connections even though its up and has no errors [04:32] devslash: I think I've noticed something like that, but I originally figured that it was something wrong with some part of my config since I could SSH into an Ubuntu 22.04 box from Chrome OS but not from another Ubuntu 22.04 system. [04:34] huh I found the solution. [04:34] devslash: Great, what? I'd like to know so I can have my own setup work right. [04:34] I added this line to sshd_config: PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-rsa [04:34] restarted ssh and it worked like a charm [04:34] Oh, nice. [04:34] * arraybolt3 makes a note of that right now [04:35] devslash: Thanks! [04:35] np [04:35] guess in lucky. I upgraded Ubuntu and thats the only thing that went wrong [04:39] the real fix for this is generating an up to date ssh key btw :) [04:40] ravage: This kind of inability to connect happens to me on Ubuntu 22.04 out of the box, using freshly installed 22.04 systems. [04:40] (Both server and client being 22.04.) [04:44] the from a usb ubuntu system will write on the harddrive just fine but the in-my-laptop 22.04 system will not. I see some problem here. [04:48] ah ha, is this related to the ravage problem? === oyos__ is now known as morganlappy [04:55] Question: the from a usb ubuntu system will write on the harddrive just fine but the in-my-laptop 22.04 system will not. I see some problem here.  -- I am now morganlappy [04:57] morgan-lappy: Probably file permissions. [05:06] hello, I have problems pinging outside of the host from a guest kvm but I can ping the bridge, I have made the bridge adapter and it acquires an ip address, can anyone help? thx [05:08] cybertek2: What kind of networking is the VM using? Usermode or bridged? [05:09] arraybolt3: bridged [05:10] Hmm. Crud. Sorry, I don't know much about how this sort of thing works, so I'll let someone more knowledgeable try to work out what might be wrong. [06:03] arraybolt3, sure. I did the same thing on both systems. I inserted the drive and copied to it. or failed to. both files have read permissions. IT WAS THE SAME FLASH drive. - That's not any different from one wrote attempt to the next Only the system differs. [06:04] be back tomorrow. I did reformat the desktop hard drive. End of "learning exploration" [06:04] gnite [06:40] youtube === lps__ is now known as CinLPS [08:30] if I connect from my laptop to my android's phone hotspot while using phone's data, it gets connected but no internet, but if the phone is using wifi, then there is internet. the phone already has internet access if data is enabled btw, any idea? [08:33] Hmm? In the second scenario, the phone is using wifi AND sharing wifi over wifi? [08:34] alkisg: probably over usb [08:34] That's usb tethering, not wifi hotspot [08:36] depends on who you ask, but yes, the more technical the person is, the more likely they get it right. i mean it sounds to me rather that maybe tethering is disabled on the plan. [08:38] ice9: ^ [08:38] what is the default TTL in ubuntu? [08:39] Haha, I guess you can ignore all our answers, sure [08:45] Hi all! is there in the Ubuntu world a tool like RHEL's Satellite / Spacewalk or Uyuni? Thanks! [08:46] SteelRose: launchpad [08:47] but afair not as built out as satellite [08:47] MAAS ? [08:47] https://maas.io [08:47] luna: that's something different [08:50] murmel: I need something to keep all our Ubuntu systems updated and under control... group them by application or OS, etc and keep them patched ... Satellite/Spacewalk and Uyuni can do that but I was also looking for something more Ubuntu-native... can Launchpad do all that? [08:51] SteelRose: use foreman or ansible tower or a puppet master [08:51] SteelRose: argh i meant landspace, not launchpad, but yes [08:51] you can look at MaaS too ? [08:51] ikonia: Foreman implies Puppet, which implies ... uuuggghhh!! :-D [08:51] SteelRose: no, it doesnt [08:52] I would also go foreman route [08:52] or katello [08:53] murmel: I think you meant Landscape. :) [08:54] arraybolt3: already said that ;) [08:54] murmel: You said Landspace. [08:54] SteelRose: but really, just test out landscape, look if you like it, as it's free for 10 machines. [08:55] arraybolt3: man, you are right. [08:55] I've made worse typos :P [08:56] arraybolt3: well first I had launchpad xD [08:57] Kinda the same thing though. One lets you control Canonical's servers, the other lets you control your own servers. (This has been another episode of Aaron Grossly Oversimplifies and Messes Up Things. Tune in next week for my comprehensive 5-second dissertation on chess strategy.) [08:57] arraybolt3: I would just hope that lp would work better :S [08:58] (Just... so no one gets confused, Launchpad and Landscape are *not* the same thing, I was making a joke, but hopefully that should be obvious.) [09:06] murmel: Ubuntu Pro [09:06] See full service description [09:06] 200 [09:06] Billed Yearly [09:06] $100,000.00 ... I entered 200 as a ballpark figure... that's insane! [09:06] that's why people use debian instead? [09:07] SteelRose: well, pretty sure rh is more expensive *shrug* [09:08] what about some heresy: [09:08] murmel: RHEL Satellite is RHEL-only, IIRC... same as the Community fork Spacewalk... [09:08] murmel: that's where Uyuni looks so nice [09:08] https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-endpoint-manager-blog/increase-security-enable-quality-collaboration-for-linux/ba-p/3640485 [09:08] still, I was hoping to find an Ubuntu-native solution [09:08] tl;dr: MS Intune for Ubuntu [09:08] SteelRose: the foss version of satellite can definitely handle debian/ubuntu systems, not sure about satellite [09:08] zaggynl: thanks, but no thanks :-D [09:09] heheh [09:09] SteelRose: additionally, you don't need the full service if you want "only" landscape [09:09] and not too trustworthy: https://github.com/wh1te909/tacticalrmm [09:10] murmel: "only" landscape is limited to 10 servers... we exceed that number [09:12] SteelRose: yeah, I never understood, why they put landscape only under the advantage/pro stuff, and not standalone :S [09:13] SteelRose: but there is really not that much of a need to go "ubuntu specific" imo [09:14] SteelRose: btw, the cheapest option would be 45k for 200 machines [09:14] (servers) [09:16] murmel: yep... still not a CAPEX I had in mind :-) [09:16] Thanks anyway! [09:17] SteelRose: yeah, canonical is always cheaper than rh, with the exception if you only need the "fringe" management stuff, as it's only ever included in paid version (as landscape is not foss, so no fork) [09:21] murmel: yep... shame. === denningsrogue1 is now known as denningsrogue === brktoot is now known as brkroot === elastic_dog is now known as Guest6647 [10:10] any iade how to solve the problem with high temperature on the laptop, while using VMs? I am using Boxes, and VirtualBox and as soon as I start one vm the temperatures spikes to 70-80 [10:11] when i got the laptop and installed fresh install of ubuntu i tested streamng 4k videos plus other tasks and my overall temperature was between 30-40 dregrees [10:24] brkroot: this has more to do with hardware than software, but make sure that you have most hw accel virtualization stuff active in the bios [10:27] murmel, i was trying different options in the bios and realised all have to be enabled. Only secure boot is disabled (for now) [10:28] can you please suggest a tool to monitor the temperature, I am using sensors [10:29] with watch -n1 sensors [10:29] brkroot: that's what I use, but I use it rarely. my temps only ever get super high when I compile stuff. [10:29] latptop with vents or pc? [10:29] brkroot: how old is the laptop? maybe cleaning out dust would also help [10:29] laptop [10:29] its about 4 months [10:29] oh, yeah, that shouldn't happen [10:30] brkroot: are you doing something worthwile in the vm? or is it jumping that high when both host and guest are idling? [10:32] murmel, I am watching videos with 720p on VLC and on the host there is no running apps. I have alocated just half of the RAM and have tried with 1 to four CPUs - and no difference. [10:33] I mean on the vm im wathing videos - not streaming, and on the host I am not using any apps.he overal temperatures are 80 degrees. [10:35] now just started one VM with no apps running and the overal temperature is about 39 degrees. Hm so its an issue with the guest machine. (ubuntu) [10:37] brkroot: do you have host-passthrough? so it can use hw accel for the video? [10:37] now just ran sys update and upgrade and the temps spiked to 80 degrees while downloading and installing [10:37] no, it likely is an issue with handing through the graphics acceleration from the VM to the host [10:38] (i.e. what murmel said in better words already 🙂 ) [10:38] video accel is on the gpu, and as you don't pass that through, it will spike as it's using the cpu [10:40] murmel, in terms of processor allocation ... I havent enabled options "enable pae/nx" and Nested VT / Amd-V is not enabled to. Also about video ... 3d Acceleration is not enabled. [10:40] brkroot: ahh virtualbox :( [10:41] Ubuntu is placing ads in apt dist-upgrade now? Really [10:41] murmel, unfortunately yes. But I am having same spikes of temperatures with gnome boxes (guest same ubuntu) [10:41] you don't need nested, no idea about 3d accel, as it still relies on dx10 or older, which means, it shouldn't help that much (only vb 7.0 switched to dx11, which also doesn't help) [10:41] That has to be the worst thing I have ever seen in 22 years of maintaining debian-derivative systems [10:41] Fravialis: -proposed active? [10:41] murmel: hmmm, what is that? [10:41] a repo [10:41] I'll have a look [10:42] murmel: referring to: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1434512/how-to-get-rid-of-ubuntu-pro-advertisement-when-updating-apt [10:42] I know [10:42] Fravialis, that usually only happens to people having -proposed enabled ... which means you asked for exactly this ... (running a test package before release to report bugs for it) [10:43] ogra: doesn't sound like he has [10:44] ogra: does anything in that stackoverflow conversation or anything I've said indicate this? [10:44] Fravialis, check with: apt policy ubuntu-advantage-tools [10:44] alright [10:44] Fravialis, yes, that you report it indicates you (accidentially ??) have the proposed repo enabled which is used for testing packages befre they get released [10:45] Fravialis, the packages in the official archive do not show these messages [10:45] ogra: where would this repository be enabled? I already looked in /etc/apt [10:45] Fravialis: what does apt policy ubuntu-advantage say? it should tell you where the package comes from [10:46] Fravialis, there is an UI option in the software settings ... [10:46] More importantly: if I'm *telling* you I didn't enable it, then why you tell me I did? [10:46] ahh -tools :X [10:46] https://paste.debian.net/plainh/4a6ff7d1 [10:47] Fravialis, check the options in Software & Updates, maybe you have enabled something after the install. [10:47] Fravialis, and you get the message with that package version ? [10:47] I'm running a server, is that the reason? [10:47] It's a cloudinit image, too [10:48] So, I have no GUI running in any case [10:48] https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/jammy/current/jammy-server-cloudimg-amd64.img [10:48] should not make a difference ... the message comes from the ubuntu-advantage-tools package ... and 27.11.2~22.04.1 should not have it [10:50] Well, I have no enabled proposed. I get the cloud image, then I run virt-customize to install qemu-guest-agent, then I run a bunch of qm set commands, then I turn it into a template, then I clone the template into a vm [10:50] After that, I run an ansible bootstrap playbook of which I am the author. There is _no_ proposed in there [10:51] well, then i dont get how you are getting the message [10:51] Then, I run a ssh "sudo apt update && sudo apt -y dist-upgrade" for three VMs [10:51] the code printing it does not exist in the version you have [10:51] ogra: well, there might be a clue on Stack Exchange [10:51] Others are experiencing this too? [10:52] * ogra isnt ... on 10 machines with different releases between 20.04 and 22.04 [10:52] nor in any containers i run ... [10:52] Possibly of interest: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-advantage-tools/+bug/1992026 [10:52] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1992026 in ubuntu-advantage-tools (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Pro APT integration is a bit much" [Critical, In Progress] [10:58] So how do I opt-out of this PR blunder? [10:59] https://old.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/xyu0bo/wtf_ubuntu_why_is_there_advertisements_in_sudo/ This has to be up there with some of the shit the Firefox dev team pulled over the years [10:59] Fravialis, the bug has a workaround ? [10:59] I've tried several now [10:59] Do a reboot of the VMs, do an apt dist-upgrade again and the ad is back [11:01] I mean, I'm not against Ubuntu making money, but to start messing with apt and trolling (power) users with ads through apt hooks which then behave as if they were adware is infuriating [11:02] In fact, Ubuntu deserves to make lots of money through support contracts for those who need them [11:02] Fravialis, well, this is actully the opposite of making money ... [11:03] it offers you to use it for free for 5 machines (even commercially) to get full 10y security support [11:03] the enterprises that actually pay for it do surely not do it because of this message (they sign big contracts regardless) [11:04] I don't care what it offers and or if it's free or not!! I've been using apt and before that apt-get for 22 years!! [11:04] Ads? In apt?? [11:04] On the terminal?? This offends me to my very core, to be quite honest with you [11:04] well, its a bug (though i still dont get how only a few people seem to see it) [11:05] Well, I'll be moving on with other tasks, because I was working on RabbitMQ and this is messing up my day, I'll get on it when I get home [11:07] Hi, there === user is now known as sazbos [12:08] When is vbox 7 coming to ubuntu 20.04lts? Anyone knows? [12:14] geosmile: very likely not at all, s is for stable after all [12:22] murmel, my overheating problem with no significant usage was mostly because i was always on high performance. Now tired Power Saver mode. Also installed tlp tlp-rdw, and installed cpufrequitils - to monitor and set values if needed. Finally used sensors-detect and added what was recommended in /etc/modules, followed by starting kmod [12:23] after boot now temperatures are below 40 degrees, although I don't know what actually helped. Mostly like is using the Power Saver mode I guess. === dabbill_ is now known as dabbill [12:30] Hi all [12:33] yay BluesKaj is here! [12:33] hi wez [12:33] hi! How you going? [12:33] ok here wez, and you? [12:35] BluesKaj: Can't complain! [12:35] :-) [12:41] oh and also have enabled Hyper-V to the guest on Virtualbox === user is now known as sazbos [13:38] ll [13:38] oops, sorry [14:00] when i use chrome and upload some files to a website, the filebrowser always shows me the recent files, not the folder i uploaded from the last time... is this on purpose? seems very unintuitive... [14:02] fweht, file a bug with: ubuntu-bug xdg-desktop-portal [14:02] i mean maybe somebody thought it makes more sense this way? always landing at the recently used files? [14:02] (the portals have quite some room for improvement 🙂 ) [14:03] thanks :) [14:03] i personally am with you (regardless of what "someone" thought) ... if you want to upload a few files in a row from the same folder it is petty distrubing if it doesnt memorize the last location [14:05] * alkisg adds a gnome/mate bookmark each time, as a small workaround to that issue [14:14] fweht, I think you can disable the portal with GTK_USE_PORTAL=0. [14:14] nteodosio: thanks! [14:15] be aware that you are then limited to files in your home though [14:16] I suggested that because my X session doesn't seem to use it because I don't use a full desktop, and I can't reproduce fweht's problem. === diskin is now known as Guest8694 === diskin_ is now known as diskin [14:39] I'm having some issues with adding typing to an internal library we use for a test server. In our system a server contains a bunch of test libraries, which contains a bunch of test sessions. A minimal example of what I have implemented is https://pastebin.com/ZmMKgwBb (The __main__ part is how I would like to use the library), but my problem is that either pylint, python3 or mypy throws errors [14:40] theoceaniscool_: I think you're looking for #python for support with python [14:40] leftyfb, True, sorry, wrong channel === LabMonkey is now known as Mechanismus === fauxpride- is now known as fauxpride === ViktorasCAM is now known as sinvet === Scotty_Trees2 is now known as Scotty_Trees [17:56] I am having a terrible time connecting to a hidden wireless network on ubuntu 18.  I have verified the connection shows as hidden in network manager but it seems to fail when it scans and fails to find the SSID [17:58] what else can I do to connect or troubleshoot [17:58] can you physically connect to this hidden network? [17:58] have you tried a wireless network analysis app? [17:58] plug in ethernet? no, not possible [17:59] the network admin does not see an attempt to connect from my device [17:59] will say more about what band the network is on, say if conflict with another network on same band [17:59] can you connect thru other devices? [17:59] other devices connect correctly.  Android tablets [18:01] pogthrower, "nmcli dev wifi connect "WIFINAME" password WIFIPASS hidden yes" [18:01] does that work? [18:02] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35476428/how-to-connect-to-hidden-wifi-network-using-nmcli has some more commands to try it on the console [18:03] I have tried those without success [18:03] I get the error     no network with SSID 'XXX' found [18:04] There is no encryption on this network, it is mac address authenticated [18:04] which has already been added [18:05] and I ensured there is no mac spoofing or randomization [18:05] does it work on a newer Ubuntu version? maybe a 22.04 live usb? [18:06] it is also possible that your wifi card does not support the channel the hidden wifi uses [18:06] Not really possible at this time ravage [18:07] hmm, unlikely but I will check what channel it is being broadcast on [18:09] the official (and actually recent) doc for connecting to hidden WLANs is at https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/net-wireless-hidden.html.en [18:09] perhaps that has a hint [18:10] (i.e. you could try to connect by the APs MAC address) [18:56] Hi folks. I'm doing something kinda weird, and I've _almost_ got it working. Question: How can I make a LUKS volume mount (specified in /etc/fstab) request the passphrase on boot? On one system, this happened automatically, but in another one that I'm setting up (in a weird way), I think I need to manually do something in order for this to happen. [18:57] wad: create an encrypted LVM during the install [18:58] leftyfb, I've got the volume already here, actually. I can decrypt and mount it just fine on the command line. [18:59] What does the install do to trigger Ubuntu to request the passphrase at boot time? [18:59] That's what I'm missing, pretty sure. [19:00] wad, I think Systemd will do that automatically for you if /etc/crypttab is properly configured [19:00] Ahh, that's what I'm missing! [19:00] crypttab === cubo_ is now known as cubo [19:01] Okay, rebooting. Wish me luck! [19:01] wad, worst case you get locked out :) [19:02] That already happened a few times.:-D  But in "emergency mode" I can undo the thing that locked me out. [19:02] yeah, so luck is on your side [19:02] IT'S ASKING FOR THE PASSPHRASE!! bd [19:04] I'm in! This rawks. [19:04] Couldn't be simpler, right? Why leave a machine unencrypted these days! [19:04] Oh gosh, this is far from simple! [19:05] Simple was installing the OS, and getting it all running the way I like. [19:05] it's simpler if you configure the encryption during the install process [19:05] Complicated was when my employer requested that I run Windows instead, so that the IT department can "manage" my device. === J-ro1 is now known as J-ro [19:06] So now, I'm running Windows, but am also running a VirtualBox, with Ubuntu running inside of it, _but still mounting my home directory on the LUKS partition stored on an external 1TB SSD_. [19:06] gross [19:06] The most complicated part was the stuff I have to do in Windows to get it to work. [19:06] For such a simple setup, that part you've just done was a breeze [19:06] Oh, it's so gross. I've got vomit all over my shirt. [19:07] Exactly! This was the easy part. [19:07] wad: i think you're supposed to add it to /etc/crypttab and maybe update-initramfs [19:07] for sure update, not maybe, come to think of it [19:07] It's in crypttab now, I didn't need to `update-initramfs` to get it working. :) [19:08] In a minute, I'll rejoin this chat, but from inside my VM.... [19:08] aha [19:08] I'm using Windows 11 as a useless insecure Linux runner that hogs most of my RAM, and most of my CPU. [19:09] I just bought an extra 32GB stick of memory. [19:10] Yeah you hardly ever need initramfs if that's not a full disk encryption === wad is now known as old_wad [19:14] I'm in Linux now! [19:50] im having problems using mariadb [19:50] the only logs i was able to get where the syslog ones [19:50] https://justpaste.it/4ait3 [19:50] anyone able to help? [19:54] Hello, I am following the Ubuntu Pro tutorial [0]. In there, the services enabled by default are "esm-infra" and "livepatch". But checking man page for "pro", it shows different services. [19:54] To me, it shows `cc-eal`, `cis`, `esm` (not `esm-infra`), `fips`, `fips-updates`, `ros` and `ros-updates. Are the man pages not updated? [19:54] [0]: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-pro-beta-tutorial/31018 [19:56] Friends, what's the safe way to free up space from /boot by deleting old kernels? Don't want to crash my system. [20:03] Macedonicus: remove the _packages_ for the older kernels [20:05] How? [20:14] Macedonicus: use the following command to determine which older kernels you have installed [20:15] apt list --installed | grep ^linux-image | grep -v $(uname -r) [20:15] This will give you a list of all kernels (except for the current one). CAREFULLY remove older kernels. [20:16] DO NOT REMOVE THE `linux-image-generic` KERNEL [20:16] Macedonicus, ubuntu removes kernels with the next update, standard [20:16] + old [20:30] apt list --installed | grep ^linux-image | grep -v $(uname -r) [20:30] WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts. [20:30] linux-image-5.15.0-50-generic/jammy-updates,jammy-security,now 5.15.0-50.56 amd64 [installed,automatic] [20:30] linux-image-generic/jammy-updates,jammy-security,now amd64 [installed] [20:30] Only shows this === thelounge70 is now known as MilkingStool [20:30] My current kernel I suppose [20:32] yes, current and previous one [20:32] so, no space to gain. [20:49] Hi [20:50] Can't find arm-none-eabi-gcc in your path [20:50] Anyone seen this problem before? [20:50] Can't find avr-gcc in your path [20:50] Can't find dfu-util in your path [20:51] These three [20:51] idk what to do [20:53] if you execute those, you'll get hints from the command-not-found machinery where you can find them: [20:53] ± arm-none-eabi-gcc [20:53] Command 'arm-none-eabi-gcc' not found, but can be installed with: [20:53] sudo apt install gcc-arm-none-eabi [20:54] linux gives great error messages. [20:56] launchpad gives a trusty package only, or the ppa up to Bionic https://launchpad.net/~team-gcc-arm-embedded/+archive/ubuntu/ppa [20:57] Oh nice [20:57] Yeah I just installed them [20:57] hm, gcc-arm-none-eabi is in universe [20:57] at least on 22.04 [20:59] I pip installed qmk [20:59] I kinda just expected it to get its dependencies [21:00] I thought the install was broken somehow [21:00] but nah [21:00] I just needed to go actually get the things it needed [21:00] Top job [21:00] Now I can flash this pro micro [21:01] have fun! === dTal is now known as demonTal [21:49] i am trying to build the source code for k3d...it installs as part of jammy repository but it says unable to find source code...is this a ubuntu violation of gpl [21:50] it also cant find the build deps because it can't find the source code in any of the jammy source repositories [21:50] is this a violation of gnu gpl [21:51] is ubuntu allowed to distribute binaries without the source code [21:56] lagunalorre: Note: YOU not being able to find the source code is NOT a violation of the GPL. [21:58] Hey Guys °(oo)° [21:58] lagunaloire, it totally depends if you have the correct repositories enabled ... note that by default ubuntu installs do not have source repos enabled at all, you need to enable them for the correct componens that were used for the package in question [21:59] does anyone know why the k3d source code for ubuntu jammy is not in the source repositories [21:59] ogra yes i enabled all the security, universe and multiverse sources for jammy...it finds the sources for pcsxr but not for k3d [22:00] https://github.com/k3d-io [22:00] lagunaloire, well, k3d is not in jammy https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/k3d [22:00] ogra yes it is...apt install k3d works for the binary [22:00] lagunaloire, looks like it was dropped after 18.04 [22:01] ogra oh..well i upgraded from 18.04 so i had it before on the older os and it transferred to the newer os jammy [22:01] right, you can definitely not install it in jammy [22:02] ogra it is already installed ...and it seems to work as far as the digital clock rendering examples [22:02] $ LC_ALL=C sudo apt-get install k3d|tail -1 [22:02] ogra but i have some old source code for k3d but i have not able to get a build on it with the qt5 libraries [22:02] E: Unable to locate package k3d [22:03] not sure qt5 is actually in jammy either [22:03] IIRC it has qt6 [22:03] ogra oh that is even worse for trying to compile the older k3d source code that i got off of sourceforge [22:04] ah, no, seems there is a bunch of qt5 stuff in universe [22:04] ogra..well blender is still working but i like k3d to increse the opportunity set of options for 3d modelling [22:05] lagunaloire, https://snapcraft.io/k3d-unofficial [22:05] just use the snap 🙂 [22:05] looks like it is well maintained (last update in june) [22:06] ogra ok does snap have the compilable source code for the new qt libs [22:06] snaps are binaries [22:06] ogra oh..well where can i find the patched source code that can compile with the newer qt libs [22:06] you can check the snap build receipe https://github.com/faveoled/k3d-snap/blob/main/snapcraft.yaml [22:07] hah, lol, no you cant 😛 [22:07] ogra ok i will check it out...but the 18.04 binary seems to work ok here...but i am trying to get a compile for it [22:07] looks like this snap is simply packaging the binary from 18.04 😉 [22:08] (reading its snpcraft.yaml ...) [22:08] ogra well that is ok..it works...but i need the compilable source code [22:08] set up an 18.04 lxd container ... then apt-get source k3d ... [22:09] or grab the source deb from the launchpad page i linked above [22:12] ogra ok i got the source code with the debian patches at the url you listed a while back [22:12] great [22:12] good luck then 🙂 [22:12] ogra i will have to see about patching the source and then see if it compiles on the newer system [22:13] ogra thanks for the link === s is now known as Guest9433 [22:38] ogra this jammy shows qt5 libs , i don't see any qt6 stuff...when did they change to qt6 [22:45] ogra qt5 was kind of neat compared to qt4 because they wrote a whole desktop gui with it...and did not use any of the kde libs...but it broke a lot of older code [22:46] qt is like python...it is hard to keep up with and a lot of stuff doesn't compile on the newer versions [22:46] !ot | lagunaloire [22:46] lagunaloire: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [22:47] ubottu ok === _enigma9o7_ is now known as enigma9o7