
arraybolt3[m]OK, interesting observation. Installing an older Breeze into Kinetic doesn't solve the problem.01:07
arraybolt3[m]But installing a newer one into Jammy does. So I guess... grumble, maybe I need a Jammy VM then...01:08
guiverc@Leokolb noticed (a couple of days ago) the install logo on our kinetic ISO no longer runs, it has a (!) on it & requires you to "trust this executable" before it'll run.. Can we return this to executing without 'trust this' being used?  (has it been discussed ^ & i've missed it)01:08
arraybolt3[m]guiverc: I think it has to do with a recent libfm-qt fiasco that's supposed to just go away eventually (Simon already has it taken care of and, if I'm understanding correctly, it just needs accepted and then gotten into the ISO).01:09
arraybolt3[m]Simon Quigley: ^ Double-check me on above so we're not playing telephone01:09
guiverc@Leokolb, filed as https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libfm-qt/+bug/1981938 but I suspect a new bug maybe required01:09
-ubot93:#lubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 1981938 in libfm-qt (Ubuntu) "Selecting Install Lubuntu 22.10 from desktop results in error" [Undecided, Fix Released]01:09
guivercYeah I noted libfm-qt stuff mentioned; didn't pay enough attention I guess, so thanks arraybolt3[m] 01:10
arraybolt3[m]<arraybolt3[m]> "OK, interesting observation..." <- Or maybe I just wasn't testing right - I'm realizing there may have been a better way to test than what I was doing...01:18
RikMillsbug does not appear to be in breeze, but one of the frameworks 5.98 that it depends on06:57
RikMillse.g. in jammy vm, add backports-extra ppa. in synpatic select up upgrade kde-style-breeze to 5.25.5, and allow it to mark its 5.98 deps to install. then untick kde-style-breeze so it stays at 5.24.6. do update. log out and in. see the bug!07:00
RikMillsonly packages that upgraded were frameworks ones07:00
RikMillsthe issue seems to appear when libkf5configwidgets5 is upgraded from 5.92.0 to 5.98.007:36
RikMillswill see if I can narrow it down to a particular frameworks release later07:37
RikMills5.95.0 seems ok07:58
RikMills5.97.0 = ok, 5.98.0 = bug08:06
RikMillslooks possible: https://invent.kde.org/frameworks/kconfigwidgets/-/commit/8c078b50fc867df0396c7cf76ff000a747de104308:11
-ubot93:#lubuntu-devel- Commit 8c078b5 in frameworks/kconfigwidgets "Deduplicate color loading code"08:11
* RikMills goes to get coffee08:14
RikMillsreverting that commit appears to fix things in lxqt08:58
* RikMills talks to the guy who committed that......09:23
arraybolt3[m]RikMills: Welp, I got to help a tiny bit with saying it wasn't in Breeze at least...11:04
arraybolt3[m]RikMills: Thanks, and nice going!11:04
RikMillspotential fix test building in https://launchpad.net/~rikmills/+archive/ubuntu/bug199219611:08
arraybolt3[m]I thought I must just be really bad at what I was doing when no amount of "git checkout <whatever>; cmake -S . -B ../build --install-prefix /usr; cd ../build; make -j8; sudo make install" was doing the trick.11:11
arraybolt3[m]So I am really relieved to hear it wasn't in Breeze, so now I don't feel quite so silly :P11:11
arraybolt3[m]OK, VM booting, should be ready to test the fix any minute now.11:14
RikMillsseems to work11:19
RikMillswill have to test if it has any consequence in Kubuntu11:19
arraybolt3[m]Still waiting for the PPA to build on my end.11:19
RikMillsit is built, but not published. I grabbed the .debs because I was impatient11:20
arraybolt3[m]Heh, makes sense11:21
arraybolt3[m]RikMills: Works for me on a Lubuntu Kinetic ISO.11:24
arraybolt3[m]And once again I'm missing an ISO on this system, so I'm zsyncing Kubuntu now to help test it.11:26
RikMillsmenus in kubuntu seem normal11:30
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> Tested in Lubuntu Kinetic and works good - no errors encountered..@RikMills (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <RikMills> potential fix test building in https://launchpad.net/~rikmills/+archive/ubuntu/bug1992196)11:59
tsimonq2Thank you very much RikMills, I appreciate it :) please let me know if there's anything else I can do to help12:08
arraybolt3[m]About 70% done with the Kubuntu zsync, so we should be verified soon.12:08
tsimonq2And I appreciate the testing from everyone, and help on diagnosing the fix. Thanks to Leo and Aaron (that I'm immediately seeing in the scrollback :))12:09
* tsimonq2 ➡ ☕12:10
RikMillsfyi, upstream merge https://invent.kde.org/frameworks/kconfigwidgets/-/merge_requests/16412:11
-ubot93:#lubuntu-devel- Merge 164 in frameworks/kconfigwidgets "Intialize default decoration colors" [Opened]12:11
RikMillsgot to go run a few errands. if still looks good later, with comment on that merge and get this uploaded12:11
arraybolt3[m]<lubot> "[telegram] <teward001> *beats..." <- Can I just say I really liked XP and used it a lot back in the days when I used Windows?12:28
arraybolt3[m]I even still have a Windows XP disk around here somewhere.12:30
arraybolt3[m]RikMills: Everything seems to work fine with your patch on Kubuntu.12:39
RikMillsuploaded. will obviously hit the unapproved queue13:05
tsimonq2<arraybolt3[m]> "Can I just say I really liked XP..." <- Windows XP was my first ever desktop OS, so I will always have some kind of affection for it :)13:42
tsimonq2<RikMills> "uploaded. will obviously hit the..." <- Thanks again!13:42
arraybolt3[m]<tsimonq2> "Windows XP was my first ever..." <- Win95 was my first, but 2000 was the one I really used until I got an XP system. Trying to run Win3.1 and Win95 software on that box gave me a large interest in retrocomputing due to how tricky it was :P13:50
arraybolt3[m]I wonder how easy it would be to boot CP/M on a KFocus XE...13:51
arraybolt3[m](In an emulator of course)13:51
arraybolt3[m]Simon Quigley: You have already uploaded the fixed libfm-qt, right?17:40
arraybolt3[m]I'm finishing up a QA test and want to know if I should change the libfm-qt bug back to Confirmed, Fix Committed, or leave it at Fix Released.17:40
kc2bez[m]It still sits in proposed.17:44
arraybolt3[m](Also just learned you can't change the bug status of a Fix Released bug.)17:47
kc2bez[m]If you are referring to the trusted desktop entry it should be added to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libfm-qt/+bug/199253717:50
-ubot93:#lubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 1992537 in libfm-qt (Ubuntu) "lubuntu kinetic 'install lubuntu 22.10' icon isn't trusted?" [Undecided, New]17:50
arraybolt3[m]Yep, found it.17:50
kc2bez[m]Thank you Simon Quigley 18:30
tsimonq2Of course :)18:31

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