
alan_g[m]Saviq, as a sanity check, can you reproduce https://github.com/MirServer/confined-shell-wip/issues/9?13:00
Saviqalan_g so just create a desktop session (like I have for Miriway), but using ↑?13:48
alan_g[m]Install `confined-desktop --edge` (and run the `.../setup.sh` script13:49
* Saviq too13:49
alan_g[m]Just note that when input breaks it also breaks VT switching13:50
alan_g[m](So have another computer with ssh access)13:51
SaviqNow typing from a confined-shell session13:51
SaviqEverything seems in order13:51
alan_g[m]See. It works!13:51
SaviqDoes it die after a while, or?13:51
alan_g[m]No, on 22.10 it just doesn't work at all13:52
Saviq$ grep VERSION= /etc/os-release13:53
SaviqVERSION="22.10 (Kinetic Kudu)"13:53
alan_g[m]Are you sure you're not still on a Miriway session?13:53
SaviqQuite sure, yeah13:54
alan_g[m]Like, where did you get a terminal from?13:54
SaviqRemmina :D13:54
SaviqSSH'd into localhost13:54
Saviq$ ps aux | grep confined13:55
Saviqmichal   1635856  0.0  0.0 164520  5020 tty2     Ssl+ 15:50   0:00 /usr/libexec/gdm-wayland-session --register-session confined-shell13:55
Saviqmichal   1635859  4.7  0.1 1851764 104552 tty2   Sl+  15:50   0:10 /snap/confined-shell/135/usr/local/bin/miriway-shell13:55
alan_g[m]OK, so on your system there's no problem. Just on mine...13:55
SaviqWeird that it would be confinement-related13:56
alan_g[m]I'm tempted to stop caring about it14:05
-GitHub[m]:#mir-server- **[MirServer/mir]** Saviq removed Saviq review needed from [issue #2375](https://github.com/MirServer/mir/issues/2375): Tests failing on focal/riscv6416:37
alan_g[m]OK, that wraps up my attempts to figure out what's happening with https://github.com/MirServer/confined-shell-wip/issues/9 - unless someone else can reproduce there are more urgent things to investigate16:50
alan_g[m]EOD o/16:50

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