
lotuspsychjegood morning01:44
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murmeldoes somebody know when normally the next kernel gets into the lts (not release but -edge). hoping to get the 5.19 kernel so my modem works ootb07:19
wezEVening lotuspsychje!07:19
guivercmurmel, Ubuntu 22.04 will get the kernel from kinetic, but work on that doesn't really start until after kinetic is released as 22.10  (it's available first as -edge)08:36
murmelguiverc: sure, was just trying to figure out, when to expect that kernel in the -edge "branch" as having a modem in a laptop with no real way to use is quite annoying. especially I hoped to be able to use it for the upcomming ubuntu summit08:37
murmelbut as I also use zfs, I really don't want to use the mainline kernels :S08:38
guivercmurmel, if I wanted a clue; I'd likely look back to when 5.8 (from 20.10) reached 20.04; but I'm not on my primary box which would have that detail in logs & i could look up quickly sorry08:39
* guiverc doesn't watch kernel releases very closely (except when I need to) to doesn't really know; just wouldn't expect to see it until week+ after 22.10 release08:40
murmelguiverc: ahh if it's that close after 22.10, great :)08:41
murmelyeah who really tracks which packages get into a release :x08:41
* guiverc only interest in that kernel is when it hits ISOs for 22.04.2 QA purposes; i'm not expecting that for weeks08:43
* guiverc adds and that is MANY weeks08:43
ograhey guys13:28
jilocasinmorning all.13:38
lotuspsychjejilocasin murmel wez gelaarzdegast cry0xen go ahead and discuss yourselfs silly here13:39
jilocasindoes anyone know of a AVD (rdpw) client for Linux?13:39
jilocasinAzure Virtual Desktop (AVD)13:39
lotuspsychjeJimBuntu: maybe^13:39
cry0xen@lotuspsychje: sure cause i want my linux journey to succeed this time. :)13:41
lotuspsychjecry0xen: did it fail last time?13:42
cry0xenyeah. badly. however i didnt had the time to play with it. 13:44
JimBuntuI do not know of a client for Linux. lotuspsychje jilocasin 14:05
jilocasinJimBuntu: thanks for checking.14:06
jilocasinNo AVD client for Linux, dropping the Teams client for Linux, I think we can all look forward to a return of the Linux antagonistic Microsoft.14:07
JimBuntuI think the idea on their side is something like... "just use Win and WSL"... kind of funny though, spin up the IE ISO that MS supplies for free and install the client there, lol, HOST->VM->CLIENT->VM14:09
jilocasinJimBuntu: you're probably right, all you need to do is pay the MS tax and enjoy a sub-standard Linux experience.  Gee, where do I sign up? ಠ_ಠ14:18
hggdhin fact MSFT is working hard on Linux14:49
ograwell, and they (kind of) own systemd now 14:57
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hggdhogra: indeed... :-)15:35
matt3hello, please help ...16:59
matt3green is not a primary color => it is yellow + blue ...17:00
matt3so primary colors are = blue + yellow +  red17:01
leftyfbwhat does this have to do with ubuntu?17:02
matt3we have to change every os from rgb to ryb17:03
leftyfbmatt3: RGB are the primary colors of light17:03
matt3green = ?17:04
leftyfblight, not print17:04
matt3np, i apologize ...17:04
leftyfbBYR are primary colors for pigment 17:04
ograweird one ...17:06
lotuspsychjehe trolled here before17:06
ograi dont mind good trolling ... especially here 🙂 17:06
ograthat just wasnt ...17:07
arraybolt3OK but really... this question drives me crazy. One of my books told me that RGB was primary, the other one RYB, and both said it was for light and pigment...17:07
arraybolt3The closest I ever saw to something making it make sense was the Krita manual saying that RGB was for light, and CMY for pigment, which made sense, but still disagreed with what I learned before.17:08
leftyfbarraybolt3: https://science.howstuffworks.com/primary-colors.htm17:08
leftyfbmost of us learned about BYR in elementary school because we were coloring in coloring books and painting with acrylics. 17:09
ograarraybolt3, light colors (RGB) are additive towards white ... the more you add the brighter ... paint colors (RYB) are the opposite, the more you add the darker it gets 17:09
arraybolt3That's the answer I've always been told, but the *why* never made sense to me.17:10
leftyfbarraybolt3: pigments aren't light, they're reflections and change color based on chemical/physical material17:11
ograyou mean adding more paint getting darker vs adding more light and getting brighter doesnt make sense to you ? 17:11
* ogra finds that pretty logical 17:11
arraybolt3Ah, found it!17:11
* ogra reverts his opinion ... 17:11
arraybolt3"It turns out that if we use three primaries, the best ones to use are cyan, magenta and yellow," <-- that's what Krita said and it's what leftyfb's article says.17:12
ograthe trolling wasnt that bad ... it stirred an interesting discussion in the end 🙂17:12
arraybolt3So red and blue are just close enough to magenta and cyan to work in pigmentation... that explains a lot.17:12
leftyfbbut then there's contrasting colors which I think is the same for light and pigmentation :)17:13
ograthen you are in CMYK world 17:13
leftyfbpretty sure that's just human aesthetics though17:14
arraybolt3See, CMYK vs RGB makes sense. It's RGB vs RYB that confuses the sap out of me.17:15
arraybolt3So if RYB is just wrong and CMYK is correct for pigments, that solves everything.17:15
arraybolt3That solves a mystery I've had since early childhood and still didn't know the answer to correctly until today. And I'm an adult...17:15
leftyfb"In RYB you might remember that no matter how much of each color you add to the tempera pot, the color will always be a muddy brown, that is the reason why printers use pure black as one of the colors in the CMYK Color Space."17:16
ograso it is like religion for you ?17:16
arraybolt3ogra: ?17:16
ograsearching for an answr for your whole life to find the solution to the mystery ...17:17
leftyfbI'm pretty sure CMYK is really only used in the printing world. Nothing to do with primary colors really and I don't think applies to creating pigmentation with paints17:17
leftyfbI'm pretty sure the entire purpose of CMYK is to generate black as opposed to brown17:18
ograyeah, CMYK is simply beter for being able to adjust contrasts and depth 17:18
ograwithoout actually changig the coloring in itself17:18
leftyfbit doesn't apply to paint because to get black, you just use a black pigment based off of whatever material black pigment comes from 17:19
leftyfbat least that's my take :)17:20
arraybolt3OK, thanks for letting me go entirely off-topic here, that was fun to finally figure that out.17:20
ograwell, send flowers t our troll 🙂17:23
cry0xenneed help to permanently configure mono audio output in PIPEWIRE19:24
arraybolt3[m]cry0xen: #ubuntu might have help with that, or if you use Ubuntu Studio, #ubuntustudio would be a good place to ask.19:31
Eickmeyer[m]arraybolt3: As Ubuntu Studio doesn't use Pipewire, please don't redirect pipewire questions there.19:31
arraybolt3[m]Eickmeyer: Oy, right, sorry. Got confused due to the bit about Pipewire questions in there earlier.19:33
cry0xenanyone here use easyeffects19:34
cry0xeni was able to get a temporary fix using effects l+R19:35
cry0xennow i need to make it permanent19:35
Eickmeyer!support | cry0xen19:39
ubottucry0xen: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com19:39

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