
murmelcbreak: well makes sense that it can't see those files as they are sandboxed off. so no idea what 22.04 does in comparison to 22.10. never looked too much into snaps (for now)06:18
=== enigma is now known as enigma9o7
cbreakmurmel: if sandboxing prevents firefox from being able to display text, then it's dumb :)07:50
murmelcbreak: it's not, it's just the reason why firefox can't find noto07:52
murmeljust needs some more tweaking on 22.10 seems like07:52
murmelis the new installer already default? or is it still the old one?09:15
murmelas I would like to use the newer one09:15
nteodosioogra, indeed I did have the kernel updated yesterday11:40
ograwell, try going back 11:40
ograi have seen some discussions about autopkgtests failing due to snap issues with the recent kinetic kernel ... might have some impact on enduser snap functionality too 11:40
nteodosioThanks, I'll reboot and see what gives11:41
nteodosioogra, you hit the nail on the head!! Thanks!11:46
ograwell, let the kernel team know 😉11:46
ograis the font issue fixed too ?11:46
ograelse i fear someone needs to look into the gnome extension and if there are any fontconfig incompatibilities once again11:47
ogra(wouldnt be the first time)11:47
nteodosioFont is fixed too, no longer anti-aliased! :D11:48
ograIIRC the kernel isse was related to mounts or bind mounts ... so the extension might simply not provide all pieces to the consumer when that breaks ...11:49
nteodosioWeird that no one noticed it11:53
ograwell, people rarely run kernels from proposed 11:53
nteodosioPerhaps most people use mattermost in the browser11:53
nteodosioBut that is not from proposed, apt policy says it's from kinetic/main11:54
ograi guess the kernel needs to grow some additional tests for the future 🙂11:54
nteodosioYeah, I reported it already to the kernel team11:55
ograright, it moved this week ... and then people noticed 🙂11:55
nteodosioMakes sense :)11:55

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