
=== janitha71 is now known as janitha7
=== janitha76 is now known as janitha7
tryauuumhello all, just a simple question: how do I create a directory? currently I use "write_files" to create a file deep in filesystem hierarchy. The dirs that are automatically created for this file have wrong permissions so I assume I should create them first with proper permissions11:34
meenatryauuum: https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/modules.html#runcmd or https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/modules.html#bootcmd and use mkdir -p -m 750 /media/blah/blubb — or, use install if you also need to controll the user/owner11:44
tryauuummeena: thank you11:46
meenainstall -d -g wheel -o nobody -m 0750 /media/blah/blubb11:48
tryauuumthanks again for showing me something new, never had to use "install" cmd before11:50
meenatryauuum: you're very welcome!11:53
meenaif / when we get jrm's patch Makefile merged, I'll have another one, which makes the file bmake compatible14:37
meenawhich means on BSD we can drop GNU make as dependency14:38
=== janitha79 is now known as janitha7
=== janitha74 is now known as janitha7
meenafalcojr:  #1783  is rebased! 16:59
minimalno sign of #1759 being merged?17:27
falcojrminimal: I was looking at that one next. Tests are failing. If it turns out to be a simple thing I can propose a patch17:41
minimalfalcojr: ah ok, I thought the tests were all sorted. Meena?17:43
meenai thought so too17:48
meenawell, there's one verification on OpenBSD missing17:49
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 1786 in canonical/cloud-init "make Makefile make agnostic" [Open]17:50
falcojrmeena: I commented with a unit test fix17:52
meenafalcojr: aaaah, i must have removed that when removing rharper's commit17:53
meenafalcojr: pushed17:57
meenaalso, verified: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/178618:06
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 1786 in canonical/cloud-init "make Makefile make agnostic" [Open]18:06
* meena needs to put kiddo into jammies…18:14
meenafalcojr: i think i'd like to postpone this, https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/1759#pullrequestreview-1138143610 until i have better Infrastructure for testing OpenBSD. including https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/199285318:39
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 1759 in canonical/cloud-init "cc_ntp: add support for BSDs" [Open]18:39
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Launchpad bug 1992853 in cloud-init "add sysvinit config for OpenBSD" [Wishlist, Triaged]18:39
meenaso maybe we could merge this now, so minimal is unblocked18:40
falcojrmeena, minimal: merged!19:01
minimalfalcojr: thanks, I'll rework my Alpine changes accordingly and submit them19:06
meenaone of these days, I'm going to write a cloud-init module to disable (not configure, just disable) sendmail on FreeBSD. So far, this is what needs to happen: https://gist.github.com/igalic/c77ed494e102977c9fd06ce9b053cda019:55

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