
brkroothow to wrap this  's/- text text-//;' *  so I can rename it/ remove it. because of the - sign and the spaces It wont happen00:49
arraybolt3brkroot: Is this a file name or a sed command?00:50
arraybolt3Oh wait, I think I get it.00:50
arraybolt3?! Yikes... I think you need some backslashes to escape all of the mess in that.00:50
arraybolt3Lemme try real quick.00:50
brkrootI tried any combinations with no success00:51
brkrootrename 's/\s/extra.test*//;' *00:52
arraybolt3brkroot: rmdir ./'- text text-'00:53
arraybolt3(The ./ at the start made it work.)00:53
arraybolt3That's for doing it in Bash.00:53
brkrootill try it in a filename00:53
brkrootarraybolt3, it is a sed command s/-text text -//;' *   .....I need to remove everything between /..// It is a part from a filename.01:03
funkyflashfive[mHi all, I've just upgraded my install of Ubuntu Studio from 20.04 to 22.04.1 and hit a problem. I've been using the password manager in Chromium to save credentials for the last decade without trouble, including migrating to new machines, but now the password manager is empty and Chromium no longer prompts for gnome keyring unlock at startup. Is there a way to restore them from old config backup, or extract the data?01:04
pycuriousPackage libnvidia-cfg1-515 is kept back because a related package is kept back or due to local apt_preferences(5). - how do i fix this?01:14
enigma9o7maybe it's not even broken?  what makes you think it is?01:15
sarnoldmaybe an apt install of that specific package will suggest the problem01:15
pycurioushttps://dpaste.org/d3g5Q - this is what apt outputs01:16
pycuriousso seems like I already have that package installed at exactly that version number!01:17
sarnold$ dpkg --compare-versions 515.76-0lambda0~20.04.1 lt  515.76-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 && echo ubuntu is newer || echo lambda is newer01:19
sarnoldubuntu is newer01:19
sarnoldmy guess is you've got repository pinning in place01:19
sarnoldapt policy libnvidia-cfg1-51501:19
pycurioussarnold: thanks! https://dpaste.org/sKbvZ - any ideas how to do this correctly? It looks like I always get these warnings from apt upgrade in /var/log/unattended-upgrades/unattended-upgrades.log01:39
pycurioussarnold: that command gives "ubuntu is newer"01:40
sarnoldpycurious: heh, sorry, that command will give the same results everywhere; I was just checking the version numbers from the lambda repo against the ubuntu repos01:42
sarnoldpycurious: I don't know what lambda offers that ubuntu doesn't; if you're otherwise happy with lambda, just leave it alone, I guess01:43
sarnoldpycurious: if you don't know what lambda is doing for you and why, maybe disable that repo, replace all the packages they provided with the original ubuntu ones, and then find out? :) heh01:43
pycurioussarnold: lambda was giving better nvidia/gpu support than ubuntu for multi-gpu nvidia machines so far - not sure if ubuntu has fixed that - and works out of the box.01:43
sarnoldhmm, me neither, I can't recall seeing any bugs about that01:44
pycuriousthe only problem is - I'm trying to remove this warning - everytime i login -> 21 updates could not be installed automatically.01:44
sarnoldit'll probably go away when lambda releases new versions01:44
pycurioussarnold: thanks01:45
pycurioussarnold: are you using nvidia cards by any chance? 20 or 22?01:51
ubottuDrivers for Nvidia graphics cards: (A) No gaming/CAD/CUDA needed or legacy hardware? Use "nouveau" (open source, lacks many features). (B) Otherwise, "nvidia" (proprietary driver, fully featured). Install using "ubuntu-drivers" CLI or apt - not from nvidia.com. Driver series, hardware support (release notes): https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/drivers/unix/ - Latest drivers !PPA: https://pad.lv/ppa/graphics-drivers01:51
sarnoldpycurious: sorry, no nvidia here01:51
lotuspsychjeubuntus nvidia drivers should now be synced with the ubuntu drivers ppa too01:52
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MrMobiuswhy does setting a color in LS_COLORS show the same color whether it's the standard or light version of the color?02:25
MrMobiusfor example setting a color to 33 for orange shows the same yellow as setting it to 93 for yellow02:26
ArtfulDodgerHi! Does a wildcard SSL certificate *.example.com also work for *.*.example.com?02:27
jrenkenArtfulDodger: No, unfortunately it does not. You can get a separate wildcard certificate for *.something.example.com, though.03:01
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JongHello.  When I press the up arrow key to show previous commands in the terminal, sometimes there's a glitch where some characters will be stuck. It's hard to explain what I'm talking about. But I'll press up the arrow and the first few characters of the subsequent command still show with the command I moved to appearing right after.03:58
JongAnyone know how to fix this?03:58
absentia:01:47        absentia | second wave of monkeypox is incoming04:01
absentia:01:53        absentia | why isn't the government mandating vaccination04:01
absentia:01:58        absentia | why isn't the government regulating gay sex04:01
absentia:02:08        absentia | why are children catching monkeypox???04:01
absentia:02:35        absentia | https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-health-and-wellness/monkeypox-driven-overwhelmingly-sex-men-major-study-finds-rcna3956404:01
absentia:04:13          %based | what’s the plan to regulate gay sex?04:01
skraitothis my porn el https://github.com/dodocrypto close #0dev and ban skraito nick until you say so by one of ircop i won't stop04:31
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haysis there an archive that goes older than trusty?06:27
Bashing-omhays: Depends on what you are looking for. See: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/ .06:30
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unimatrix9hello there07:47
unimatrix9does anyone know what happened to the checkbox-ng package ?07:47
xu-irc24wHello, anyone here intered to help me figure out potencial security leak on my PC?08:18
murmelunimatrix9: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=92695308:18
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Debian bug 926953 in ftp.debian.org "RM: checkbox-ng -- ROM; no longer maintained as a deb" [Normal, Open]08:18
xu-irc24wHow come I have firefox 106 when it has not been released yet?08:19
xu-irc24wfirefox/jammy,now 106.0+build1-0ubuntu0.22.04.1~mt1 amd64 [installed]08:19
unimatrix9was checkbox-ng replaced with something else ?08:19
murmelxu-irc24w: you have the ppa active08:20
ravagexu-irc24w: you use an external package source that probably provides a beta version08:20
murmelunimatrix9: it's being developed only as a snap08:20
xu-irc24wI switched to the deb version of firefox after purging snap08:21
murmelxu-irc24w: yes, and the mozilla team ppa pushes beta versions08:21
xu-irc24wAha, thanks08:21
unimatrix9because you are beta testing ? : https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/106.0beta/releasenotes/08:21
unimatrix9ah already answered ;)08:22
murmelxu-irc24w: just be aware that that ppa is not directly from mozilla, and can be abandoned whenever they feel like08:22
ograunimatrix9, i guess -ng was merged into the normal checkbox snap (not 100% sure though)08:22
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swaihello there08:41
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swaihello there08:50
murmelhi swai08:51
swaihope u good08:52
swaipls how do i swipe and reply one's message08:52
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:54
benishoris there a channel for ubuntu 22.10?09:23
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Unit193benishor: #ubuntu-next09:26
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ArtfulDodgerThank you jrenken!10:13
ArtfulDodger(I'm a bit late in my answer :)10:14
swaiwho is there10:48
* irc_standardnick raises hand10:49
swaihello there10:50
Kangarooowhere to report in launchpad bug about ubuntu irc channels?10:56
HabbieKangarooo, what's the bug?10:58
Kangaroooi want to write it in launchpad also but here it is- can you make freenode channel topic to be info to join correct server since that freenode is not anymore used? with url irc://irc.libera.chat:6667/#ubuntu ? /server irc.libera.chat /join #ubuntu ?10:59
Kangaroooirc://irc.libera.chat/#ubuntu or dos this work also without port?11:00
Kangaroooi cant find where can post launchpad bug for irc channels11:03
ravagefreenode is dead and i dont think anyone has still access to change anything there11:04
ravagethe official channel is here. if you see any official page that still leads to freenode please report it11:05
ograKangarooo, freenode has explicitly blocked access for ubuntu ops to access channel topics, to prevent telling people about the new place (channel operators were explicitly banned when they just mentioned the name libera in messages)11:12
ograKangarooo, so there is no chance to get this sorted unless someone from freenode staff does it ... but i guess they'd only do it for $$$11:12
bougymanfreenode is still a thing?11:12
ograprobably 🙂11:13
* ogra hasnt looked back ... not sure what happened after we moved11:13
ograi got banned (like many others) for telling two poeple that we moved to libera11:13
mohaIs it possible to have a LVM partition  on another server, and hen mount it over network in the current server?11:37
swai hi murmel11:46
goddardhow can i disable libimobiledevice from interfering with my qemu/kvm usb redirection?12:01
BluesKajHi all12:08
bignoseHello. I recently installed with the server iso and when it sets up the disk with LVM it never uses 100% of the space. I'm fine with that. I can extend it no problem. I'm more curious about why this choice was made and where it's documented?12:18
faLUKEhello. Is there a way to record the video stream from https://www.nporadio4.nl/live with some command line or program?12:31
ograbignose, perhaps try #ubuntu-server ? (they surely know more about the server installer)12:48
bignoseI think I found the answer. Basically because it gives head room and allows snapshots. It's a logical (I'm hilarous) choice ;)12:49
SteelRoseHi! Stupid question: do I need to restart logrotate if I add a new config file under /etc/logrotate.d ?  Thanks!12:57
SteelRoseback in the day, logrotate was controlled by crond but it now installs its own logrotate.service file... hence my question12:59
Habbiebougyman, ogra, the topic for #ubuntu on freenode currently says "ⓘ Ubuntu Community Channel. -- Mostly idle, please join #linux"13:21
lunaanywhere to see how long a release is ESM supported with Ubuntu Pro?13:31
lunajbicha answered my question in #ubuntu-desktop13:34
lunathanks for the answers13:38
ograHabbie, well, could be worse ...13:51
jongstais there a way to make it so that if a disk becomes unmountable that the system doesn't hang on boot? an option for /etc/fstab?14:50
ravagejongsta, https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/53456/what-is-the-difference-between-nobootwait-and-nofail-in-fstab14:54
jongstaravage: nobootwait is no longer a valid option in Ubuntu 16.04 (as of 2016-07-10 testing Mythbuntu install/live-DVD). –14:58
jongsta Jul 12, 2016 at 2:4214:58
tomreyn+b $a:absentia15:10
* axis9 sets mode: +b $a:beeria15:17
EnissayI just noticed all files in my ntfs hdd are owned by root. How can I set up owner to current at mount ?15:24
EnissayCurrently this is my fstab `/dev/disk/by-uuid/DC7E0D677E0 /mnt/win10 auto nosuid,nodev,nofail 0 0`15:24
tomreynEnissay: you can set a specific owner using uid=calue mount option15:28
tomreynEnissay: you can set a specific owner using uid=value mount option15:29
tomreynsee mount(8) for the ntfs mount options15:29
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jhutchinsMight also want to have a look at the samba docs.15:36
jhutchinsEnissay: Who should the files belong to?15:37
EnissayI did add `uid=1000` but still files belong to root !15:39
Enissayafter umoumt/mount15:39
Enissayjhutchins: myself, with id 100015:40
jhutchinsWhat's the local ownership on the ntfs system?15:53
goddardi tried this and it isn't working https://askubuntu.com/questions/525088/how-to-delete-broken-packages-in-ubuntu16:02
goddardany other ideas?16:02
goddardsudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq package_name16:02
goddardpackage pre-removal script subprocess returned error exit status 12716:02
goddardany more aggressive option?16:04
magikmanHi folks! I have an application that is triggering "<program>[pid] type=142[01] msg=audit(<timestamp>) subj_apparmor=unconfined" message millions on times. I've attempted to define a profile for it but haven't been able to stop the messages. They're filling my root fs and causing issues.16:04
magikmanAnyone else encountered this issue?16:05
tomreyngoddard: maybe you need the more correct rather than the more aggressive options. but i'd start with describing the problem, show what it looks like in terms of apt output(s)16:12
tomreynmagikman: please don't cross-post. i don't know the answer to your question, but i'd look into alternatives to this application, and using log filtering to prevent it from filling your logs. which other issues is this causing?16:17
swaiwho is on here16:20
tomreynswai: if you have an ubuntu support question, please ask.16:22
arthurhi Drone16:44
jilocasinafternoon everyone16:45
arthurhow are you16:45
arthurhow are you jilocasin16:46
arthurhi Drone16:46
jilocasinCan anyone point me in the direction of some good docs on how to keep apt from upgrading a package to the next major version while still autoupdating minor versions?  pg15 has just been released and apt-get upgrade will automaticaly upgrade it to pg15.   I need to stay at 14, but still be able to upgrade to newer 14.x version.  thanks.16:47
tomreynjilocasin: on a wild, wild guess, i'm assuming you may be referring to postgresql, and further to the postgresql upstream apt repository at apt.postgresql.org. is that so?16:49
jilocasintomreyn: yes pg == postgresql16:49
jilocasintomreyn: I would have to check the sources.list.d but I believe so.16:50
tomreynhttps://www.postgresql.org/download/linux/ubuntu/ states "# If you want a specific version, use 'postgresql-12' or similar instead of 'postgresql'"16:50
jilocasintomreyn: when installing, yes.  I've already done that, thanks.  The issue is that I *already* have pg14 installed.  Running apt-get upgrade doesn't give me the next available minor version of 14, it instead installs 15. :/16:51
tomreynand package postgresql-14 is installed?16:52
jilocasintomreyn: which means. when I figure this out for this box that fortunately isn't in production yet, it'll automatically upgrade dozens of *production* boxes to 15 causing untold havok.16:52
jilocasintomreyn: yep.16:52
tomreyncan you show     apt list --installed postgres* | nc termbin.com 999916:53
magiktomreyn I appreciate you responding! My apologies on the cross-post, haven't IRC'd in years...didn't realize that was frowned upon. I've created an syslog rule to drop those logs in the abyss, just wanted to ping the channel and see if anyone else had encountered it.16:54
jilocasintomreyn: https://termbin.com/qnsz16:54
magikthis isn't doesn't happen with bionic, fwiw.16:55
Oski146hello i need a tip on how to use ubuntu on raspberry its slo af16:55
tomreynjilocasin: well, you also have "postgresql" installed16:56
jilocasintomreyn: not manually.16:57
tomreynjilocasin: hmm, and postgresql-15 wasn't installed manually either, i assume?16:58
tomreynjilocasin: then i guess all you can do is use apt pinning16:58
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto16:59
jilocasintomreyn: nope, just ran apt-get upgrade and the messages that scrolled by stated that postgresql-15 was being installed.16:59
jilocasintomreyn:  are you saing I Need to go to every box, check for the 'postgresql' meta package, delete it (hopefully without also delting pg14), delete pg15 where ever it was installed automatically, and then *pin* it at 14.x?17:00
tomreynjilocasin: i don't know whether managing your boxes involves going to each of them, but if so, probably. keep in mind you're using a third party repository. those can always come with their own mechanisms and support policies.17:02
jilocasintomreyn: thanks for the link and the info.17:02
tomreynyou're welcome17:02
tomreynOski146: a faster storage may help there. but the hardware version certainly makes a lot of difference, too.17:04
Enissayjhutchins: what do you mean local ownership ? files show up as root:root17:07
jhutchinsEnissay: On the machine where the storage is, before the share.17:18
jhutchinsEnissay: It sounds like you have a single user system - not multiple users, right?17:20
realivanjxThe repository 'https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/lutris-team/lutris/ubuntu jammy Release' no longer has a Release file. anyone else having same issue with lutris?17:35
ograrealivanjx, ask the PPA owners, we can not support PPAs here17:35
ogra(but it is likely that they simply did not build their packages for the release you are on, in that case PPAs usualy do not generate a Release file)17:36
goddardhow can i disable libimobiledevice from interfering with my qemu/kvm usb redirection?18:19
goddardive tried everything18:19
goddardif i uninstall it then it takes my whole desktop with it18:19
=== lubuntu is now known as arrayboltq
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axis9du bunt u18:40
tomreynaxis9: do you have an ubuntu support question?18:40
* axis9 figured it already (@NOW())18:41
tomreynaxis9: i'm not sure what you mean, can you rephrase?18:42
axis9i figure my qiestion out18:42
axis9i have a problem18:42
axis9i solved i18:42
tomreynvery well. :)18:43
Guest41Hi, I have a computer that is offline. What determines the frequency that its system clock runs at? It has a hardware clock which roughly matches real time, but currently the system clock is running at almost double normal speed18:46
ravageGuest41, https://getdevised.com/what-is-rtc-crystal-on-motherboard-and-how-to-fix-it/18:47
ravageso damaged hardware or faulty BIOS. try an update18:49
Guest41ravage thanks, but as I said the hardware clock (from the RTC crystal) is running at essentially the right speed but the system clock - which is decoupled from the hwclock after booting is running at double the speed18:49
Habbieoh, it's offline but not off?18:49
Guest41correct, so I cant use ntp to correct drift in the system clock18:50
ravageThere is a clock parameter for the kernel18:51
ravageIt can use different sources and so on18:51
ravageMaybe check the documentation about it18:51
Guest41If I sit on the machine and run `sudo watch -n 1 hwclock` I can see both the system clock and the hardware clock and the system clock is increasing about twice as fast as the hardware clock18:52
ravageclock=tsc for example18:52
oerheksravage, the clock running faster, could that be due to overclocking ?18:53
Guest41interesting, perhaps I can tie the (system) clock to the hwclock18:53
oerheksi never seen this issue of Guest4118:53
ravageoerheks, possible but then again that is a hardware issue and should not happen :)18:54
Guest41oerheks  don't think the machine is being overclocked18:54
Guest41is clock=tsc something that is set in grub?18:54
ubottuTo add a one-time or permanent kernel boot parameter see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters18:54
ravageGuest41, https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/v5.16/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.html18:55
ravagei guess 5.15 would be ideal but they dont change much :)18:56
Guest41I had a look at some of the time parameters using `adjtimex` and think I can speedup / slow down the ticks of the system clock to match the hwclock via `adjtimex --adjust` but it didn't work because this wanted to reduce from 10000 ticks / second to ~3000 and adjtimex only likes shifting by ~1%18:56
ravagei would still look for a bios update18:57
Guest41ok, the only thing that I know that was changed in this machine about the time that this started was someone turned off acpi. Could that be related? I guess it could have been that clock=acpi_pm18:58
ravagepossible. which version of Ubuntu are we talking about?19:00
Guest41ravage 18.04(.3?)19:01
ravageat least nothing ancient (yet)19:01
ravagecheck if you find any BIOS update and try to boot a live ISO of the latest LTS if your can19:01
ravagei hope the CPU is 64bit19:02
ravagesee if you can reproduce it there19:02
ravageif you need to stay on 18.04 you can also test a live version of that of course19:03
Guest41ravage ok, thanks for the suggestions19:03
Guest41yeah I'm pretty sure its 64 bit and at least its still in LTS19:03
Guest41but this was such a strange thing to debug - I'm lucky I just sat watching the machine a saw the clock spinning faster than my watch19:04
Guest41unfortunately so many tools rely on the system clock for their frame of reference, so cant detect any issues in there19:05
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cry0xenup until 3 days ago i used to run a usb dual band wifi receiver and then suddenly it was not working. however the bluetooth attached with the device is still working. only my wifi receiver is dead - i find it hard to believe. so i did lsusb and got this19:18
cry0xenBus 001 Device 004: ID 0bda:c820 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. 802.11ac NIC19:18
Habbiebougyman, ogra, i accidentally stayed connected, "mostly idle" was not a joke!19:18
cry0xendevice in question - https://www.amazon.com/Bluetooth-Adapter-Wireless-External-Receiver/dp/B07YDFZWT819:18
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cry0xeni forgot how activate the driver (as manufacturer didnt provide driver) all i remember i used a bash script19:20
cry0xenoh yeah its realtek RTL8821CU i think19:21
Assidheya.. so i had to reinstall redis.. and for that.. i unisntalled with --purge and then deleted the /var/lib/redis and /etc/redis .. however.. when i install redis again the /etc/redis folder isnt recreated19:22
Assidany suggestions what to do here19:22
ravageif you purge that package and reinstall it that includes the file /etc/redis/redis.conf19:24
Assidit shoudl have.. but it doesnt re-create19:25
oerheksAssid, did you reboot after removal?19:25
Assidyou need to reboot on linux ?19:25
Assidi dont think thats mandatory19:26
oerheksas this is a service, i would. clean memory.19:26
ioriaAssid, have you tried sudo apt  install --reinstall -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confask,confnew,confmiss" redis-server  ?19:47
Assidnope thats what i didnt know19:48
jhutchinsNTP can do off-line drift correction.19:58
deodes777hi all, i add to visudo "user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: sudo /usr/bin/apt-get --only-upgrade install google-chrome-stable -y", on cron for user add "0 0 6 * * ? sudo /usr/bin/apt-get --only-upgrade install google-chrome-stable -y" its will be work?20:01
sarnolddeodes777: it might be easier to configure unattended-upgrades for this; I don't know for sure if it can handle specific packages like this, but it already installs security updates every day..20:06
deodes777@sarnold did I write correctly?20:09
sarnolddeodes777: there's no reason to use sudo here, so I don't understand that at all :)20:10
sarnolddeodes777: maybe use /etc/cron.daily/ instead?20:10
deodes777when the user wants to update the program he is asked for a password, the user is not an administrator20:11
ravageYou always want to update your browser20:13
jhutchinsOtherwise the other kids will have faster quarter mile times.20:13
deodes777i always need updated browser20:14
deodes777google chrome not install updates auto, need password admin user20:16
sarnolddeodes777: if you can't configure unattended-upgrades to do it, just use the *systems* cron to install the update20:18
Enissayjhutchins: Yes, single user system20:18
deodes777@sarnold "<sarnold> deodes777: if you can't configure unattended-upgrades to do it, just use the *systems* cron to install the update"20:21
jhutchinsEnissay: I ended up making everything owned by root but RWX for all for a small multi-user network.20:25
deodes777i add " "Google LLC:stable";" to /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades it will be work?20:25
jhutchinsdeodes777: Try it and see.20:26
oerheksNo. https://askubuntu.com/a/121193020:28
oerheks"origin=Google LLC,codename=stable";20:28
Enissayjhutchins: Actually, I couldn't care less who owns those files. It is just that SMPlayer is unable to read videos from that ntfs drive with root:root... It says Permission denied20:42
wpcarrois the ubuntu-flavored linux kernel available for download? i'm not on a ubuntu host; i just want the package...20:45
oerhekswpcarro, sure, on launchpad20:45
arraybolt3wpcarro: I mean, I guess you *could* do that, but mixing distros can go poorly. Maybe build the Ubuntu kernel from source?20:45
oerheksor, any mirror after a deep search20:45
wpcarroarraybolt3: i'd like to build from source, but idk where the source is20:46
wpcarroi'm an ubuntu noob20:46
oerheksubuntu + kernel + source20:46
* wpcarro confused20:47
arraybolt3wpcarro: git clone git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-<release codename>.git20:47
oerheksyes, you will be more confused if you want to use that kernel in an other distro20:47
arraybolt3Replacing <release codename> with Jammy for Ubuntu 22.04's kernel, or Focal for Ubuntu 20.04's kernel.20:47
wpcarrooerheks: lol that's what i'm trying to do20:48
wpcarroty arraybolt320:48
arraybolt3wpcarro: If you don't know what you're doing, this might not be the best way to learn. Building software from source is easy once you're used to it, but very tricky to begin with. And the kernel is a somewhat ambitious project to try and compile.20:49
wpcarroyeah i'm a bit intimidated...20:50
wpcarrohttps://nixos.wiki/wiki/Linux_kernel - gonna see how far this guide gets me20:50
oerheks*hint* seek support in your distro channel20:51
sarnoldthe ubuntu kernels are *not* easy to work with; it's probably best to either just use the binary packages, or manage your own kernel without reference to the ubuntu packages20:52
wpcarrooerheks: yes i came here to see where i could find the source :)20:52
wpcarrosarnold: might be a fine idea to just compile a vanilla linux kernel and patch the uname in through some compilation argument or something20:52
sarnoldwpcarro: that'd be vastly easier, yes :) but depending upon what you're trying to do it might not actually help20:53
wpcarrosarnold: yeah i worry ab a bunch of silent failures :/ and then software running on top of that assuming things ab the kernel that may not hold20:54
wpcarrohow custom *is* ubuntu's kernel from the vanilla source? i think this security software we're using just monitors syscalls20:54
oerheksyou will find out.20:55
sarnoldwpcarro: nearly everything with 'sauce' in the name is from slightly out of the usual flow of kernel development https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+changelog20:55
realrandomis debian kernel the same?20:57
realrandomis debian more towards vanilla?20:57
oerheksif it was the same, why would we build different?20:57
sarnoldrealrandom: probably; I think the debian kernel team is a handful of people, the ubuntu kernel team is dozens of people working on supporting dozens of kernels on dozens of hardware platforms, cloud providers, etc20:58
wpcarrooh wow20:58
wpcarrosarnold: thanks for the warning20:59
oerheks!info vanilla-gnome-desktop20:59
ubottuvanilla-gnome-desktop (0.92, jammy): Vanilla GNOME metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Built by ubuntu-gnome-meta. Size 5 kB / 13 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64, ppc64el.)20:59
oerheksi bet debian has a simular package20:59
realrandomah cool21:00
murmelogra: so found the culprit, firewalld (host) breaks snapd in vms. but *only* snapd :(21:47
murmelyes, nice xD21:51
murmeli really wonder, as it seems that only https is being used21:52
arraybolt3How do I change my user agent in apt? For some reason apt is giving me 503 Resource temporarily unavailable errors on just one desktop.21:53
arraybolt3I'm wondering if my ISP is doing something nefarious.21:53
* axis9 wondering too21:53
Habbiearraybolt3, how about switching to https?21:53
arraybolt3Habbie: Eh, not a bad idea.21:53
murmeli wonder if their proxy is borked21:54
arraybolt3Ohhh... I have a proxy on my machine.21:54
Habbiethe call was coming from Inside The House21:55
arraybolt3(apt-cacher-ng, bet that's the problem.)21:55
murmelsarnold: even better, so firewalld seems to work, as snapd breaks in the vm, when you use firewalld on the host xD lol, wtf21:55
arraybolt3Yep, it was apt-cacher. "sudo systemctl restart apt-cacher-ng" immediately fixed the problem.21:57
sarnoldoh yeah apt-cacher-ng does that kind of stuff21:59
sarnoldimho it's easier to replace it with squid-deb-proxy than try to get to the bottom of it21:59
murmelarraybolt3: i really wonder, as I also have quite a few issues with squid-deb-proxy, what's going on with proxys in general :/ (mine just doesn't accept connections at some point, with no errors in logs)22:00
yolois ubuntu 20.04 default to tcp for dns queries? just found out my ubuntu20.04 dns requests are all tcp instead of udp22:43
murmelyolo: afair, they are always tcp22:44
yolofor me it's new, windows seems to be all udp still, my router logged all queries from windows none from ubuntu, which made me look into it and found out tcp is the reason22:46
yolois there a flag, actually I'm ok with tcp, just a bit surprised for my ignorance22:47
murmelyolo: what are you trying to do? switch over to udp?22:47
yolomurmel: no, just wondering if there is a flag to switch, curious22:48
yoloi changed my tcpdump filter to capture both udp and tcp, should be fine22:49
murmelyolo: not that I am aware of22:49
EnissayGosh, all the sudden Settings is not opening22:50
EnissayI tried many times and nothing happens22:50
PrimalIs there a way to make GNOME look like the one in Ubuntu, but on other distributions?22:50
EnissayWhats the cli for it ?22:50
PrimalI quite like the look they did in Ubuntu22:51
murmelPrimal: depends on your distro, that's why you would need to ask there22:52
murmelEnissay: which command are you looking for? to figure out what goes wrong?22:52
ActionManHi running Ubuntu server 22.04.01 LTS headless. I connect via Putty or ssh in terminal - I want to know if there is a history of commands run using a GUI - I know, sounds weird as I said it's headless. Here's the whole story: https://pastebin.com/vYu4FaAU22:55
HabbieActionMan, i understand the question22:56
HabbieActionMan, but generally, such a log does not exist - some GUI buttons may not even have equivalent commands22:56
HabbieActionMan, and when they do, the app might not log that anywhere22:56
ActionManthat's what I was afraid of22:56
Habbiethat said, most things you can click, you can also type - but you may need to find out what22:57
oerheksthere is no bash history for gui commands and mouseclicks22:57
ActionManEven the Logitech Media Server log files are no help22:57
ActionManI know there is a command, though. I don't know why they just don't publish it.22:57
murmelman, this snapd bug is getting weirder and weirder :(. clean install -> no work, upgrade from 20.04 -> fine22:58
ActionManSomeone pointed me here and said there are two commands on this page that I could use to create a script and then create a cron job for that script to run but ... I don't see how23:01
ActionMansorry ignore that last post23:01
oerheksone could type logs in menu, log viewer with application logs too, but your Q is over ssh, not rdp23:09
ActionMan... or I could quite being manic and just let the computer run the scan as programmed at 6 a.m.23:25
Oski146_hello i want to connect ftp in kubuntu, how do i do this? i want to ftp into my ps323:35
Oski146_can i do this from inside dolphin?23:38
sarnoldOski146_: try installing kio-extras23:42
sarnoldit claims to offer a kioslave that does ftp, anyway :)23:42
Oski146_ok and what do kio?23:42
sarnoldkio is KDE's IO abstraction service23:43
Oski146_ can i use then ftp over dolphin? after install?23:43
sarnoldit's what lets applications use one API to interact with files that are both local or remote23:43
sarnoldI'm not sure, I haven't actually used kde in 20-ish years23:44
Oski146_ok thanks for explanation23:44
sarnoldbut it's promising :)23:44
Oski146_i would try after reinstalling my machine because i f upo my machine with tips from internet23:44
sarnoldreinstalling isn't fun23:44
sarnoldit might be more predictable, and depending upon what's broken, may be easier :) but sometimes 'small' fixes can make all the difference23:45
Oski146_yes i know but i safed all data and then i can start clean again. install is already started. i deleted my whole system at once with a command from the internet, just data were not affected. i had this with steam too at aother time23:46
Oski146_its sad but i have backup hdd for such things  when something goes wrong23:47
geniiI think all you need to do is select "Network" on far left of Dolphin, then in the URL bar put:  ftp://wherever23:48
Oski146_ ook thanks :)23:50

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