[02:25] Robbie Coltrane died :o [02:28] was tempted to bung on blackadder episode where he plays mr. johnson [17:40] £1 chocolate oranges were liberated this very afternoon! [17:58] excellent [18:01] mmm.. unfortunately I devoured both of my exports [18:02] RIP [18:05] and I found a decent facsimile of jaffa cakes [18:11] ooh that sounds like a stroke of luck [18:13] i saw some on discount today but abstained [19:15] i have one sassenach talking about a great biscuit shortage in uk. might want to stock up [19:48] a what now o0 [19:55] kinda like the gingernut biscuit shortage of a few years back but more biscuits involved [19:57] oh i just wasn't familiar with "Sassenach" :P [19:57] wasn't some of that due to flooding at McVities in carlisle? [19:57] those poor biscuits :( [19:57] ancient celtic word translates as saxon. it is not a nice thing to be called [20:02] yeah single plant was flooded and no gingernuts for nearly a year iirc. irish plant was working overtime but they disappeared to uk at great profit [20:05] since then one of the few mcvities competitors has failed [20:08] brexit has changed the rules for a lot of businesses [20:09] now we can have imperial biscuits! [20:10] weevils and all [20:10] * penguin42 measures his weevils [20:11] and no chocolate chip cookies as they're too american [20:22] no nice or garibaldi either [20:25] fortunately I think we have local Oreo production [20:38] you do need something to grit the roads when it snows :-P [21:45] hehe [22:01] right blackadder. dr. johnson...