[11:39] Is there a simple way to make "desktop users" not able to access each others /home? [11:40] Or do I just 700 /home is there any issues doing that. [16:46] sixwheeledbeast: $ grep HOME_MODE /etc/login.defs [16:46] HOME_MODE 0750 [16:46] This is the default in 21.04+; you can do that for existing users with sudo chmod 750 /home/* [16:53] alkisg: so will that change all the file permissions? [16:55] sixwheeledbeast: no file permission at all. Only the "entry" directories, e.g. /home/username [16:55] And that is enough to block others from viewing all subfolders [16:57] oh i see [17:09] i think I build these with 20.04, cba fiddling with 22.04.