
tsimonq2Good morning everyone :)15:19
tsimonq2This week is the week... finally :)15:19
tsimonq2I'll be scrolling through backlog, but if there is something that should be brought to my attention specifically please let me know. Thanks!15:20
tsimonq2Testing https://github.com/lxqt/libqtxdg/commit/3909ad12af018b2c4e1452bac2de2e3b2e3b69fd as a potential fix for the menu hiding and such15:24
-ubot93:#lubuntu-devel- Commit 3909ad1 in lxqt/libqtxdg "Follow `freedesktop.org` in adding dirs under `DefaultDirectoryDirs` (#285)"15:24
kc2bez[m]Ah yes, the standards dilemma. https://xkcd.com/92715:29
kc2bez[m]Morning BTW 👋15:30
kc2bez[m]I think release notes are the only thing coming to mind right now on the TODO list.15:31
tsimonq2kc2bez[m]: If someone could throw me their existing notes, even if it's just for Beta, I can take that on.15:32
tsimonq2Anything else? :)15:32
kc2bez[m]This is what guiverc had for Beta which doesn't really translate well to actual release notes https://discourse.lubuntu.me/t/lubuntu-kinetic-kudu-22-10-beta-release/364015:34
kc2bez[m]tsimonq2: Sorry I've been MIA much of the cycle.15:34
tsimonq2kc2bez[m]: No worries. I'll get there :)15:34
tsimonq2I'll grab the source text from one of the previous releases and adapt it15:35
kc2bez[m]This is what we had for the initial Jammy release. https://discourse.lubuntu.me/t/lubuntu-22-04-lts-jammy-jellyfish-release-notes/317915:35
tsimonq2We dropped the ball on Featherpad.16:38
tsimonq2Current release is 1.3.3, version in archive is 1.3.016:39
tsimonq2Dan Simmons guiverc arraybolt3 et al. ^^^ release notes are ready for a second set of eyes17:14
tsimonq2Off the top of my head, it does need a mention for the new wallpaper17:16
tsimonq2I don't have the exact details on that, so I'll leave it to Dan or Chris17:16
tsimonq2I don't have enough time to drive libqtxdg to completion today, I have some debs I just need the LXQt stack rebuilt against17:41
tsimonq2If anything else urgent comes up, please ping. Thanks :)17:42
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop amd64 [Kinetic Final] (20221017.1) has been added17:51

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