
xypronEsmil: sil2100: I just tried to install licheerv-rtl8723ds-dkms on LicheeRV with kernel 5.19.0-1003-allwinner and get ERROR (dkms apport): kernel package linux-headers-5.19.0-1003-allwinner is not supported. Is that expected behavior due to the feature freeze on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-allwinner?08:28
=== sem2peie- is now known as sem2peie
pittihello all!08:54
pittiwhat's up with SRUs? looks like the jammy queue hasn't been processed since mid-August?08:54
ograpitti, !!!!!!08:55
pittihey ogra, wie gehts?08:55
ogrageht so ...08:55
ograund dir ?08:55
pittivery well, thanks! been travelling a lot over the summer; I even saw seb128 in Delft!08:56
ograheh, so you have seen seb more than me in the last 2y 🙂08:57
=== sem2peie- is now known as sem2peie
seb128pitti, hey! they review things from -changes but indeed there is an increasing backlog and it's not reviewed in order. I guess the usual manpower issue, which we should fix but meanwhile if you are interested to see something in just nagging the on-duty review from the day usually works09:26
tjaaltonI can do some reviews now, guessing sil2100 is busy with kinetic09:27
sil2100tjaalton: thanks!09:27
sil2100pitti: yeah, I'd say a combination of holidays, sprint preps and the incoming release, sadly. For instance I was off for 2 weeks as well09:28
sil2100We're training a new member if anything, so things should be faster once that's done. And once the release is done09:28
sil2100tjaalton: I'll do a publish round for what we have in -proposed in a bit + then also do some reviews (we can coordinate)09:29
pittisil2100: thanks for the heads-up! I was mostly worried about missing some new process or so09:34
pittiI have that rather critical two-character cockpit update (most recent firefox completely breaks it), so I thought I'd ask09:35
diddledanibdmurray: there's a mention in the release tracking doc on discourse about LP: 1991691. The bug shows the package has been released, so I think that's complete?11:40
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 1991691 in snapd (Ubuntu) "cannot change mount namespace" [High, Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/199169111:40
pittitjaalton: kiitos!12:16
bdmurraydiddledani: you mean the one under the "Status" header?14:31
bdmurrayAlright, I can update that14:48
=== sem2peie- is now known as sem2peie
ubottubdmurray, kanashiro, rbasak, seb128, sil2100, teward, utkarsh2102: DMB ping15:53
teward*loud yawn*15:54
sil2100Oh, an early ping!15:55
=== bdrung_ is now known as bdrung

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