=== leamas1 is now known as leamas [09:15] good morning [16:19] whats the best terminal font [16:22] the one you can read best ? [16:58] I personally really like Ubuntu Mono, and the other Ubuntu fonts, they are well hinted. [16:58] Which matters for people who don't like anti-aliasing. [16:59] there's also an eyecandy side on fonts, the users choice aswell [17:00] sure, but legibility is less subjective than eyecandy [17:01] I am very grateful to Canonical for the Ubuntu font set, it is really good. [17:02] DejaVu Sans Mono is also good and well hinted. [17:05] i like ubuntu font set too. specially its a great combination with fira sans (firefox font) [17:07] Fira is nice but not as well hinted IIRC. [17:08] !info fontmatrix [17:08] fontmatrix (0.9.100+ds-1, jammy): featureful personal font manager. In component universe, is optional. Built by fontmatrix. Size 1,455 kB / 3,444 kB [17:08] cool app^ [17:14] BTW a simple way to test a FontConfig font: xterm -fs 10 -fa 'Courier New' -e 'ls -l / && sleep 100' [17:22] [19:21] (henston6) https://paste.pics/008e1587c150bab33d04627abf65cb05 NSFW - do androids dreams they are zoo. [17:23] to list all installe mono fonts: fc-list :spacing=mono family style | sort -u -df [17:23] to list all installed FontConfig mono fonts: fc-list :spacing=mono family style | sort -u -df [17:30] AH Firamono seems well hinted too, but it is only available in R and B styles. I prefer typefaces that have all four (R, I, B, BI) fonts. [17:37] These are the typefaces on my system that have the full set: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KxqywvvxjQ/ [17:39] They are almost all variants of Courier... [17:40] Actually this is a more complete list, including the "Oblique" ones: fc-list :spacing=mono family style | sed 's/,.*//' | sort -u -df | grep 'Bold.[IO]' [17:41] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/t7Q6t3NNx9/ [17:43] Lucida Sans Typewriter is also nice. [19:24] what do you mean by hinted? [20:17] UWN: Issue757 released to our public: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue757 :D [23:20] cry0xen: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Font_hinting [23:35] thnx