
BluesKajHi all13:03
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> building 5.26.1 :)13:37
clivejois there something wrong with bnc server cert?15:24
arraybolt3clivejo: There's been tons of SSL errors in KDE's infrastructure today, if that's what you're asking.15:37
clivejoyeah, just realising that now15:38
clivejoI've accepted the fact they have expired and told konversation to just continue15:39
clivejothen was able to read the history in #kde-devel15:39
clivejoit was not a happy bunny!15:40
RikMills[m]I mentioned the cert issue in the kde sysadmin channel 15:42
clivejodo you still use the bnc?15:42
clivejothought all the kool kids moved to Telegram and matrix thingie ma bob15:43
mparilloAnd I opened a ticket, if they need it for tracking their changes.15:50
=== blaze1 is now known as blaze
RikMillsclivejo: matrix is less rubbish than it used to be, but still rubbish17:10
mamarleyAre they still using an Electron-based client?  Electron is by definition rubbish.17:22
-queuebot:#kubuntu-devel- Builds: Kubuntu Desktop amd64 [Kinetic Final] has been disabled21:31

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