
AAAAAAAAAASalve salve familia11:39
arraybolt3AAAAAAAAAA: Hello! Can we help you?11:39
arraybolt3!ops aluno is at it again11:39
arraybolt3!ops | aluno is at it again11:39
ubottualuno is at it again: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - bioterror, genii, hyperair, IAmNotThatGuy, jared, krytarik, Myrtti, stlsaint, Unit193, wxl.11:39
alunosorry bro11:48
AAAAAAAAAAsup toshiba12:25
arraybolt3teward: *Sigh of relief.* I owe you lunch for finally getting that guy out of the channel. He's been causing messes for quite a while.12:36
tewardnot the first time i've banned them from here12:38
tewardwont be the last12:38
Androidhello guy14:30

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