
johunthitting a problem where my vms are not honoring accept_ra sysctls defined in /proc. it looks like netplan should? based on some code default to whatever the value is in the kernel, but that does not appear to get passed to systemd-networkd.00:21
johunti see this code00:21
johuntnetdef->accept_ra = NETPLAN_RA_MODE_KERNEL;00:21
slyonjohunt: Yes, if accept-ra is not set in your netplan config, systemd-networkd will use it's defaults: https://systemd.network/systemd.network.html#IPv6AcceptRA=10:12
slyon"The default is to disable RA reception for bridge devices or when IP forwarding is enabled, and to enable it otherwise. Cannot be enabled on bond devices and when link-local addressing is disabled."10:12
slyonIf you're using VMs, bridges/IP forwarding might be in place, so you could try force-enabling it to accept RAs10:13
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
johuntsylon: thanks. yeah this is all a little confusing b/c i have the sysctls set on the machine to set accept_ra and autoconf to 0, but systemd seems to know better than that...17:08
johunti guess i was hoping that if there was no specific netplan config param set for accept_ra then it or systemd would default to the sysctl values...17:09

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