
howudodatit's been a day or two since I had to recover a bad data file, would have to do some digging00:00
RingtailedFoxwhy's that? i just rm'd /var/lib/mysql :P00:00
RingtailedFoxthere's nothing database-wise installed here... i donm't have any programs running that require it yet..00:00
RingtailedFoxhuh. that did it00:01
RingtailedFox"mysql" starts mariaDB up with no problems00:01
RingtailedFoxthanks! :D00:01
RingtailedFoxnow, i just have to worry about 20.04.5 LTS moving to end of life soon... i have kernel modifications that i... don't know if they'll carry over if i upgrade to 22.04 LTS...00:03
RingtailedFoxmodded my system for Darwin support (to run Mac OS X binaries)00:03
sarnoldRingtailedFox: there's a few years left on 20.04, no rush00:10
sarnoldRingtailedFox: is that a new binfmt misc handler? or something elser?00:10
RingtailedFoxahh, no... but i do have one installed to let me test out the rare i386 / 32bit-only programs...00:12
RingtailedFoxDarwin lets me run command-line (and some rare X11) Mac OS X programs, kinda like wine but for mac OS :p00:12
RingtailedFoxand i have one for anbox which is similar, but for android00:13
RingtailedFoxokay, mariadb's starting to seriously piss me off00:14
RingtailedFoxjust randomly deciding it doesn't like logins...00:14
pycuriousI need a time machine for my ubuntu 20,04lts desktop - so that i can go back to previous snapshots. Any recommendations for doing this?00:16
pycuriousoerheks: seems like its a nightmare to install zfs?00:17
sarnoldI think the 20.04 desktop installer has you click a few buttons00:18
pycuriousthe installer does not give an option to select and format zfs?00:18
sarnoldit's certainly a procedure on the server installer00:18
oerheksno, enough guides and it is available from the installation00:18
pycurioussarnold: I did not see zfs anywhere in the installer…even the xfs etc were greyed out for me00:18
oerheksclean disk, and you get the options what to do ..00:19
pycuriousoerheks: yes, I did erase all data - and it was selected00:19
sarnoldpycurious: here's some screenshots https://ubuntu.com/blog/zfs-focus-on-ubuntu-20-04-lts-whats-new00:19
RingtailedFox /whois nkeck00:40
Manouchehriwhy is netplan failing to match on `driver: st_gmac`?01:17
ManouchehriI think I see my mistake01:18
ManouchehriI haven't started networkd yet..01:19
sarnoldyeah, I can't spot anything wrong with it.. not that I'm an expert, but it feels fine, you know?01:22
Manouchehrisarnold: Cannot find unique matching interface for wan: {'driver': 'st_gmac'}01:23
sarnoldManouchehri: maybe lspci -k  or lshw -c network  can help find if there are more interfaces that use that driver01:25
ManouchehriHow can I dump what netplan sees for each driver?01:27
de-factooh something crashed. please enter your password.01:29
de-factoi really hate this behavior of ubuntu01:29
sarnoldManouchehri: aha! try this: networkctl status --all01:30
de-factoif crashreporter cant do it in the background without password i will not use it and honestly curse at ubuntu everytime it asks me for a password because something crashed01:30
Manouchehrisarnold: odd, no driver? https://gist.github.com/Manouchehri/8aa63218613777af620ab85008fd5a4101:31
sarnoldManouchehri: well that's super-odd :( my output showed Driver: so I assumed it would be there :(01:42
sarnoldde-facto: heh, the internet is all over the place with advice on how to disable apport :( one ancient wiki page says it's disabled by default and needs editing to enable, which seems like an outright lie to me :) heh01:42
HadiI have a question we have a Ubuntu 20.04 server we plan on using as a KVM host.. we are having an issue when we are creating bridge interfaces.02:31
HadiServer is a Dell R730 Ubuntu version 20.0402:31
Hadiwhen we create the bridge all of a suddent we see lots of traffic over the first interfce eno102:32
Hadi9.49 Mbps of nonstop unaccounted for traffic02:33
HadiWhen we remove the bridge everything stops.02:33
arraybolt3Hadi: Have you checked what IPs are being accessed using Wireshark or anything?02:34
arraybolt3Hadi: Also are any VMs or applications running when you do this?02:34
HadiWe don't even have an IP assiged to that interface02:34
Hadithat's the strange part..02:34
HadiRX packets 16555254  bytes 3600159556 (3.6 GB)02:34
Hadiarraybolt3: no applications or VM's running02:35
arraybolt3...ok that's weird. Is eno0 even plugged in?02:35
arraybolt3It should be a physical Ethernet port.02:35
HadiWhen we shut down en1 traffic shows on en202:35
arraybolt3Is the traffic incoming or outgoing, do you know?02:36
arraybolt3Is there *any* outgoing traffic?02:36
Hadieno1: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 150002:37
Hadi        ether 44:a8:42:23:2e:aa  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)02:37
Hadi        RX packets 17581223  bytes 3823410435 (3.8 GB)02:37
Hadi        RX errors 0  dropped 2  overruns 0  frame 002:37
Hadi        TX packets 2429  bytes 334755 (334.7 KB)02:37
arraybolt3This sorta sounds like you're being DoS attacked, though that seems unlikely since it only happens when the bridge is connected.02:37
HadiYes seems so02:37
arraybolt3(Oy, careful with pasting stuff like that. If you paste too much stuff, a bot might mute you. You can use https://bpa.st to avoid that.)02:37
arraybolt3What does "ip address show" tell you?02:37
HadiNo IP on that interface02:38
arraybolt3Well, then I'm out of ideas. If it's a physical interface, and it's incoming traffic, something's talking to something. I have no clue why making a bridge connection with no running apps or VMs would cause that.02:39
mybalzitchyou have an ethernet loop it sounds like02:40
mybalzitchand run tcpdump on the interface when you have the bridge created to see what the traffic is02:40
sarnoldarraybolt3: once an interface is attached to the bridge, it loses its ip -- the IP is owned by the bridge, not an interface on the bridge02:41
sarnoldHadi: what kind of traffic? wireshark or tshark or tcpdump the thing and find out what's actually on the wire?02:41
arraybolt3sarnold: Ah, see I didn't know this, since the most experience I've had with bridges was with running virt-manager on a desktop.02:42
sarnoldethernet loop sure sounds plausible, but I'm not sure how I'd even try to make one of those :)02:42
mybalzitchits what happens when you use too long of a cord and have a coil next to your desk02:42
arraybolt3sarnold: Hey, while you're right here, who would I talk to if I had questions about the free tier of Ubuntu Pro? I'm thinking of setting up a server that I'd like to never have to reboot, for building a project and for local "cloud storage", and want to know how the new Ubuntu Pro stuff works with me being an Ubuntu Member, as well as what uses are allowable with the free teir.02:43
Hadisarnold: tcpdump shows nothing02:43
Hadiissue is when we shutdown en002:43
Haditraffic shows on eno202:44
mybalzitchwhat are the members of your bridge02:45
wastrelhay anyone on 22.04 have broken npm/nodejs packages02:45
wastrelapt not want to install npm :   E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.02:46
Hadisingle interface02:46
Hadi    vmbr0:02:46
Hadi      interfaces: [eno1]02:46
wastrelmeh maybe i'll just try a ppa02:47
sarnoldarraybolt3: I think you're allowed 50 instances as an ubuntu member; I don't know what restrictions exactly we've got in place, but "nothing illegal" wouldn't surprise me02:47
sarnoldHadi: *nothing*? how odd...02:47
arraybolt3wastrel: I also can't install npm.02:48
arraybolt3sarnold: Right, I knew it was that way for Ubuntu Advantage, and I'd assume it would stay that way for Ubuntu Pro (infra-only), but for full-on Ubuntu Pro, I'm not sure how that interacts. I guess I don't need anything more than infra-only, though.02:48
Hadimaybe its kernel issue with the hardware?02:48
Hadiwe ave another Dell R720XD same config no issues02:49
HadiThis one is R73002:49
mybalzitchHadi: brctl show | pastebinit02:49
arraybolt3sarnold: The system should prevent me from accidentally breaking any rules, right? Like if I'm not allowed more than 5 full Ubuntu Pro machines, it will stop me if I try to register a sixth, correct?02:49
sarnoldarraybolt3: https://ubuntu.com/legal/ubuntu-advantage/personal has some bits about "You must not" .. "use the Service for illegal or unauthorised purposes (or encourage or permit illegal or unauthorised purposes), in infringement of a third party’s rights or otherwise cause an adverse impact to the Services" and "be located in or use the Services in an OFAC/EAR embargoed or sanctioned country ..."02:50
sarnoldwastrel: pastebin the full error maybe?02:50
arraybolt3Right, I was more concerned with anything against commercial use, which I didn't see anything about in the agreement last I looked, but I may have looked at the wrong agreement. Thanks for that link, I'll look it over.02:50
wastrelno u02:51
arraybolt3sarnold: Wow, that link is exactly what I was hoping for. Thank you!02:51
sarnoldarraybolt3: woot :)02:51
HadiHere is our LibreNMS showing the traffic02:52
Hadithat brief period it stopped is when I removed the bridge02:53
mybalzitchwhat flags did you use for tcpdump, "-vvleni eno1" should tell you what you need to know02:54
mybalzitchor eno202:54
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:54
wastrelsarnold: special for you https://dpaste.com/FV7PNNHD802:56
Hadimybalzitch: I see something now -> https://pastebin.com/fYwkkdt602:56
sarnoldwastrel: hmm, did the makedeb people package up npm under a different name?02:57
sarnoldwastrel: maybe this? https://proget.makedeb.org/feeds/prebuilt-mpr/jammy/npm%3Aall/versions  --> sudo apt install 'npm:all=8.18.0-1'  ?02:58
wastrelu don't need to fix i'm going to set up upstream's ppa02:59
wastreldebugging broken apt deps: not even once02:59
sarnoldwastrel: hah03:00
sarnoldgood plan03:00
wastrelupstream ppa works luv 2 curlpipe03:07
jilocasinevening everyone03:07
jilocasinI have found myself in a sticky wicket and I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction.03:08
arraybolt3How can we help you? What's going wrong?03:08
jilocasinUbuntu Server 22.04 running under VMWare.  Somehow it's trying to run cloud-int.03:08
jilocasinIt's stuck at control-D to continue or enter root password (which of course doesn't exist)03:09
jilocasinEverything I've found online tells you how to disable it, *before* it takes over your box and prevents you from booting.03:09
jilocasinIs there any kernel option, or grub option to disable it before boot?03:09
wastrellooks like you can add cloud-init=disabled  to kernel command03:11
wastrelidk tho just googled : https://askubuntu.com/questions/539277/how-to-get-rid-of-cloud-init03:12
jilocasinwastrel: I'll try, though folks report that it no longer works in 22.04.03:12
jilocasinwastrel: you are in emergency mode cloud-init, cloud-init, bla bla bla frozen03:14
arraybolt3jilocasin: Odd that it wants a root password. You could boot into recovery mode, set a root password, then provide it when it gets stuck. (Make a snapshot or backup before trying this stunt just in case it goes horribly wrong.) That might let you debug stuff more.03:15
arraybolt3(Though just recovery mode should let you debug stuff more.)03:15
jilocasinarraybolt3: unfortunately, everything I try gets overridden by cloud-init.  Enter root password or press Cntrl-D to continue.03:16
arraybolt3Even recovery mode?03:16
jilocasinarraybolt3: yep03:16
arraybolt3And Ctrl+D does what?03:16
jilocasinarraybolt3: continues to the many screen cloud-init infor which then leads to frozen screen.03:17
wastrelcan you switch to a different virtual terminal03:17
wastrelboot a rescue disk from ilom , mount / and fix configs?03:17
wastrelidk ;__;03:18
jilocasinarraybolt3: Recovery mode gets me to Recovery menu, then a few seconds later the menu is overriten by Aftern logging in type journalctl-xb to view logs, Give root password for maintenance or press Control-D to continue03:18
arraybolt3wastrel: Those are both pretty good ideas.03:18
arraybolt3jilocasin: Blah. Well, can you boot the VM from a live ISO?03:18
wastreloh this is vmware heh i was thinking bare metal03:19
jilocasinwastrel: nice thought, but no.  No virtual terminal switching (I don't think it has even finished booting).  Just Give root password for recovery or Control-D to continue03:19
wastreli bet there's a vmware config03:19
arraybolt3If you can boot into a Lubuntu live ISO or some such, you can mount the server's root drive to /mnt, then bind-mount critical dirs and chroot in. Then "sudo apt remove cloud-init".03:20
arraybolt3(Again, snapshot before trying that.)03:20
jilocasinarraybolt3: at that point it'll be quicker to just wipe and reinstall.03:21
jilocasinSo, no simple grub or kernel runtime flags to disable this mess then.... :/03:22
wastrelidk from vmware :(03:22
arraybolt3jilocasin: Hey, I found something.03:22
jilocasinHow did it automatically switch to using it?  Why doesn't it take an affermative step to enable this monstrosity?03:22
jilocasinarraybolt3: shoot?03:23
arraybolt3jilocasin: I don't know.03:23
arraybolt3jilocasin: Can you "touch" files from the GRUB command line?03:23
arraybolt3If so, "touch /etc/cloud/cloud-init.disabled".03:23
xivaDoes anybody have a good tutorial for running a rootless nginx with systemd in 22.04? I followed archwiki, but it's failing saying that /run/nginx.pid does not have the right permissions, even though the systemd unit specifies in the ExecStart line that /run/nginx/nginx.pid should be used instead (which I guess calls /etc/tmpfiles.d/nginx.conf )03:23
arraybolt3You could also try setting init to /bin/bash and then touching the right file from there.03:24
arraybolt3(I don't see a way to touch a file from within GRUB.)03:25
jilocasinarraybolt3: don't know, I've never tried03:26
arraybolt3jilocasin: Try changing your kernel command line to inclue "init=/bin/bash", and see if that gives you a shell,03:26
jilocasinarraybolt3: nope, it hits preinitialize cloud-init, then it's all over03:29
arraybolt3That's insane. If you change the init application, it shouldn't be able to do that.03:30
jilocasinarraybolt3: you would think so.03:30
jilocasinapparently, once you are in the clutches of cloud-init, it's all over.  They even removed teh kernel run time option to disable it.03:31
arraybolt3Maybe they removed the "init=" option too.03:31
wastreltime to switch to arch03:31
jilocasinarraybolt3: wouldn't want anyone bypassing it, someone probably thought it was a security issue.03:31
arraybolt3What did you do that got cloud-init mad, anyway?03:32
jilocasinwastrel: unfortunately this is at the office, and I don't have any choice.  I *am* seriously considering moving my personal box from kubuntu to debian with kde though.  Snap, spamming apt andf apt-get, now cloud-init.  Uggg.03:32
arraybolt3jilocasin: Try putting the "init=/bin/bash" earlier in the command line, maybe.03:33
arraybolt3There should be absolutely no way for anything in userland to override that unless Bash is somehow linked to cloud-init in Ubuntu (which I don't think it is since cloud-init isn't even installed on my personal box which has Bash installed on it).03:34
jilocasinarraybolt3: I have no idea, dev-ops user spun up the image, was working to get some enterprise software set up.  I installed pg14 and set it up a while ago.  Was going through 30+ boxes this evening making sure they were all current on there patches.  Reboot, no ssh.03:34
jilocasinarraybolt3: went to the console, there's the cloud-init mess taking over the machine and holding it hostage to an imaginary root password.03:34
jilocasinarraybolt3: tried first, last, and somerandom palce in the middle, no joy.03:35
jilocasinarraybolt3: lol, wait are you serious?03:35
arraybolt3jilocasin: Yes.03:35
arraybolt3For lots of programs, the order of arguments matter, and I think I remember reading something that says the kernel has something like that.03:36
arraybolt3I'm thinking put it right after the "root=UUID=<whatever>" part.03:36
jilocasinarraybolt3: cloud-init is install on all of our servers, automatically, on my local kubuntu, also automatically, basically *everywhere* (like snap)03:36
arraybolt3Oh. Yeah, cloud-init is not on my Kubuntu box.03:37
arraybolt3arraybolt3@kF-XE:~$ dpkg-query -s cloud-init --> dpkg-query: package 'cloud-init' is not installed and no information is available03:37
jilocasinarraybolt3: after this, I'm going to see if the various recipies to disable/remove it work so that I can get rid of, or at least neuter it on mine. :/03:38
arraybolt3If you don't need it, you can probably just rip it out with a swift "sudo apt remove cloud-init" and be done. if it looks like it's going to uninstall important stuff, obviously don't do that, but it might just work.03:38
jilocasinarraybolt3: :D  Yea there's alyways that, don't do if it looks like it's going to also remove *important* stuff warning.03:39
samouyubuntu is african word mean computer, essentially, it is linux for nigger03:44
arraybolt3!ops samouy causing disruption03:44
samouyarraybolt3: stop disrupting03:45
arraybolt3!ops | samouy causing disruption03:45
ubottusamouy causing disruption: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant03:45
arraybolt3(There, typed it right this time \o/)03:45
samouythis is abusive03:45
samouycalm down arraybolt303:45
samouythe ops might have to remove you if you persist03:45
samouyOnkelTem rpittau pick ren0v0 Barnerd_ Croran DArqueBishop explodes coreycb mumixam RonWhoCares_ Kobaz _KaszpiR_ winlundn scoobydoo justache Nokaji OliPicard_ plars laerling memoryleak royks DataDuden Aavar morphis ablutor_ kevr rfm Nauzth ubergeek jilocasin MiguelX413 phillhocking nigger03:46
samouyops tosaraja Woet Xard wastrel MIsAn kotodama BrianBlaze revolt112 hughrawlinson_ jiqiren ur5us SamSlayer chadler minimec x88x88x Tempesta starz Edgy2 rdr _________ SuperLag pankid Sariboo swifteh_ flying_sausages_ thosch66 JonathanD itok MattEL mapu Some_Person nepeat_ arash CatPasswd_ nigger03:46
* jilocasin gee that was rather rude....03:47
arraybolt3Well I guess that's one way to exit the channel?03:47
arraybolt3jilocasin: Eh, active channel, trolls like it here all too often.03:47
jilocasinarraybolt3: burst of flames and a puff of sulfurous smoke.03:48
jilocasinmanged to get in, sort of.  Disabled cloud-init, I think.  There's something regarding piix4 not being found that seems to be causing Unbuntu to dump into cloud-init for some reason.04:11
jilocasinThanks everyone for all of your help.  Of to try and get a couple of minutes of sleep.04:11
kevri don't get why people do this05:04
kevrwhy don't you just like.. go lay down or something05:04
arraybolt3kevr: The mess above with the troll?05:04
kevryeah :\05:07
=== realrandom is now known as fromwithin
russell--(on ubuntu 22.04) when i insert a particular micro sd card via a usb adapter, it always lands on /dev/sdb, even if there is no /dev/sda and also seems to be retaining some state about the device ... where is that data stored and how do i clear it?06:11
zphi all08:33
Lithium64After a recent update to ubuntu 22.04.1, I'm not able to get the nvidia driver to work. I've already reinstalled the system twice and the system still has the same problem. Last time the terminal said that the driver was loaded, but the system was in graphical safe mode.08:49
benniwhy jq complains in the first example wrong usage and the second is working?09:11
benni  1: test=$(echo -n 'bla' | jq -R -s)09:11
benni  2: echo -n 'bla' | jq -R -s09:11
benniIt seems this only is a problem on Ubuntu 18.04. But how jq itself can see there is a difference in the two examples?09:14
iomari891greetings, is there a ubuntu pto for kubuntu?09:21
SteelRoseiomari891: PTO?09:28
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alkisgpro :)09:37
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BluesKajHi all13:03
FravialisWhat's the difference between the packages "arping" and "iputils-arping" other than the name? What13:26
Fravialisis the true difference between the two?13:26
FravialisMore importantly, which is newer and which should I use?13:27
wastrelyou can do like apt-cache policy arping | grep Homepage and look at the upstream13:35
rob0Idk, but my guess is that arping is from the old, unmaintained Linux-nettools, and the other is from iproute2, using the supported netlink interface.13:36
arraybolt3"apt-cache show <packagename>" can also be useful for this sort of thing.13:36
rob0but yes, check out ^^ these things13:36
wastreloh not policy , show13:37
shubjeroIs there a channel dedicated to ubuntu maas?13:39
shubjeroI have a server im trying to deploy with 2 nvme devices which I would ideally like to deploy as raid1 with lvm on top and i can configure that as such in maas but the deployment of that disk configuration fails13:40
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hethwcan the bar of 22.04 be on the left af before?15:27
lotuspsychjehethw: yes, in gnomes systemsettings15:32
hethwlotuspsychje, how to get there?15:32
hethwI don't see Appearance in Settings, if that's what you mean15:33
lotuspsychjehethw: wich ubuntu release/flavour are you on?15:33
lotuspsychjehethw: then you should have systemsettings/appearance/dock bottom/left/right15:35
hethwI don't have Appearance at all15:35
hethwtell me why :)15:35
lotuspsychjehethw: can you screenshot that please15:35
hethwlotuspsychje, https://i.imgur.com/8AsZUND.png15:36
fattreddWhat's the easiest way to ensure a user-specified file will be inside the current directory, without creating the file first? Atm I'm thinking check `[[ "${someFilePath:0:1}" != "/" ]]` and `[[ "${someFilePath}" != *".."* ]]`. Can you guys think of anything that'll break that?15:39
lotuspsychjehethw: are you using gnome instead of ubuntu-desktop?15:39
hethwlotuspsychje, hm, good point let me see15:39
scarletmarauderHello, I have a question about rdfind. Does rdfind show if a file is hardlink or a duplicate?15:48
fobo7hi all. who know soft as Any Desk for ubuntu Waylend?15:52
nteodosiofattredd, if one of the path components is a symlink that will arguably break15:56
fattreddThat's an interesting point15:56
ograit is also full of awful bashisms ... make very sure to never use #!/bin/sh with such stuff ...15:58
nteodosioDo you have a good reason for not creating it? It would be really easy to create it and then test with readlink15:58
ograanythign wrong with just using something like "[ -e "$file" ] || touch $file"16:00
fattreddIf the file is at say, /opt/somefile.txt rather than in a local subdirectory, I don't want to create a file there and leave pollution around16:06
fattreddI wouldn't say it's the end of the world, but I'd rather not.16:06
fattreddBut yeah, we'll always have bash available in this environment. Always good to have the reminder though16:07
fattreddMaybe a better solution is something along the lines of `[[ $(pwd) == "$(readlink -f $someFilePath"* ]]`? Or maybe the `case` equivalent?16:17
fattreddOh wait you totally said that16:17
fattreddJesus lol. Thank you16:17
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amcsiis it a good idea to use Xubuntu (vs Ubuntu or Kubuntu) for a webdev machine with 32GB of RAM?16:42
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amcsiit being "lightweight", I don't know if there would be any features that I would miss16:43
lotuspsychjeamcsi: you can tweak any ubuntu flavour to your likings16:45
amcsiwhat I'm expecting for the window manager to handle are: 1. configuring network/VPNs with a GUI, 2. be able to handle 2x2 workspaces, 3. be able to have a calendar widget to notify me about google calendar stuff16:45
nteodosioYeah you will be fine with XFCE (except 2x2 workspaces, dunno what that means)16:47
nteodosioBut that "lightweight" thing is somehow overblown when comparing between full DEs — especially in a 32 GB system.16:49
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lotuspsychjewelcome coci17:03
covid19hoaxhey thansk17:05
covid19hoaxwhen is  ubuntu 22.04.1 (...... dot 1) out?17:05
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alkisgamcsi: lxqt = 300 MB, XFCE=400, MATE, KDE=500, GNOME=700 MB at start up. After that they're the same, opening a browser requires 1+ GB more, so the saving in the DE are negligible when you have 32 GB RMA17:08
amcsialkisg, I was kind of expecting to not see performance gains. I was more thinking: does this lightweight "xfce" have everything I need? I'm hoping to get work done faster assuming "lightweight" also means "no nonsense" and without unnecessary, distracting features17:11
alkisgamcsi: lightweight usually refers to ram usage and graphics card requirements, not to the simplicity or "no nonsense" of the interface. I think the most important part there is "what you're already familiar with"...17:17
alkisgI.e. I like the classic start menu and task panel metaphor, so I prefer MATE to GNOME, but I do believe that if I would use gnome for a year I'd get used to it17:18
nteodosioHow exactly a different DE would allow you to get work done faster? Or instead, how does your current DE hinders your work?17:28
arraybolt3GNOME puts big fat title bars on windows that can interfere with looking at multiple things at once. It also sometimes hides important features under multiple layers of menus, making them tricky to find and tough to get to.17:30
nteodosioarraybolt3, indeed, that's the kind of objective response I was trying to elicit from the original asker17:33
SyntheadI'm trying to downgrade git to 1:2.37.2-0ppa1~ubuntu20.04.1.  How do I do this?18:11
ogratry: sudo apt install git=1:2.37.2-0ppa1~ubuntu20.04.118:12
ogra(assuming that ppa is enabled etc etc )18:13
SyntheadE: Version '1:2.37.2-0ppa1~ubuntu20.04.1' for 'git' was not found18:13
Syntheadogra: ^18:14
ograyeah, so it was removed from the PPA i guess ...18:14
Syntheadthat's what I figured as well18:14
ograthen you cant ... unless you have a local copy18:14
Synthead# apt list -a git18:14
SyntheadListing... Done18:14
Syntheadgit/focal,now 1:2.38.0-0ppa1~ubuntu20.04.1 amd64 [installed]18:14
Syntheadgit/focal-updates,focal-security 1:2.25.1-1ubuntu3.5 amd6418:14
Syntheadgit/focal 1:2.25.1-1ubuntu3 amd6418:14
Syntheadit looks like it's either that or 2.2518:14
mortare we just supposed to live with constant "Close the app to avoid disruptions" messages or18:26
lotuspsychjemort: those are known bugs already18:27
wdr^how do you install the internet on ubundu18:27
wdr^my verizon internet install cd wont work18:28
sarnoldtry the MS IE 4.0 install CD18:28
kevrthe hell18:28
mortit runs great in wine18:28
kevrwdr^: do you have a home internet connection with a router?18:29
mortlotuspsychje: that's good to know at least, so the way it is now isn't the way it's meant to be forever18:29
kevrare you using ethernet or wireless18:29
wdr^im communicating to you right now via a shoe string and old tin cans18:29
kevrthen why are you in here18:29
kevrasking questions, and making up bullshit18:29
kevrwhy don't you save our time, instead?18:29
kevrgrow up18:30
wdr^how much18:30
kevryou're ignored18:30
wdr^am I18:30
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant18:31
mortis someone making a bad joke an emergency18:31
kevrtroll needs a ban or something18:31
mortmaybe there's history here I don't know of, ignore me18:31
* wdr^ pulls out the opa stoppa18:32
lolekhi, I'm trying to find out BT version of the chipset in my laptop and all the findings point me out to version 5.1 while according to intel website it should be 5.2 could it be related to bluez version or something else?18:40
nickgawHi, With a server running ubuntu what are the real advantages of the pro subscription and if I am running it on a cloud service is a pro subscription needed?19:43
sarnoldnickgaw: there may be some security updates to universe packages available via pro; there's also the kernel livepatch feature19:45
sarnoldnickgaw: you can see the list of universe packages if you're curious, https://esm.ubuntu.com/apps/ubuntu/dists/focal-apps-security/main/binary-amd64/  -- replace the 'focal' with whatever releases you're interested in19:47
nickgawIf I have unattended-upgrades configured should I just be able to let the system upgrade and handle itself?19:47
genii!info flashrom bionic19:48
ubottu'bionic' is not a valid release19:48
ioriastill broken19:49
genii!info flashrom focal19:49
ubottuflashrom (1.2-5, focal): Identify, read, write, erase, and verify BIOS/ROM/flash chips. In component universe, is extra. Built by flashrom. Size 206 kB / 979 kB19:49
nickgawLets say I get ubuntu pro and don't like it can I remove one of my licenses from my ubuntu1 account or get the entire account deleted?19:49
nickgawIs there no way to contact ubuntu about removing a pro license from my account?19:52
nickgawI just don't know if I want to get pro for this cloud server is it worth it?19:53
ioriayou know it's for free ? nickgaw19:55
sarnoldnickgaw: excellent questions :)19:55
nickgawYes I do but not sure what I would get out of it from the normal non-pro security updates?19:56
nickgawWill unattended-upgrades handle all upgrades for me so I don't have to do any manual upgrading with pro?19:57
* kevr personally always disables unattended-upgrades19:58
iorianickgaw, the reference it's in the link above19:59
nickgawWhy as I thought it was a good security practice?19:59
kevrIt is.20:00
kevrPersonally, I just check in my servers on a regular basis. unattended-upgrades can sneak shit past me, which I don't personally like.20:01
kevrI'm just a fool.20:01
kevrunattended-upgrades deals with more than just security packages20:01
nickgawIf I never want to have to deal with manual upgrades and I get pro can this be done automatically for me?20:01
kevryou don't even need pro to use unattended-upgrades20:02
kevri'm sorry - let me back up. I don't know what ubuntu pro is.20:02
kevrunattended-upgrades is available on free ubuntu installs.20:02
nickgawI know that it is mainly extended security updates that it appears it gives you and other upgrades.20:02
ograkevr, security updates for universe packages, kernel livepatch support (so you dont need to bother with reboots) ... and the full 10y support cycle ...20:04
ograthat pro20:04
sarnoldnickgaw: check /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades -- mine looks like it's designed to allow the ESM package updates by default20:05
ografree ..20:05
kevrgotta love linux distros going commercial20:05
nickgawHow does the live patching work?20:05
kevroh, i see20:05
nickgawfor the kernel20:05
kevrthe naming is just a bit confusing i guess :P20:06
kevrthat's neat20:06
ograi men up to a threshold 🙂20:06
ograenterprises pay ... for the people that get it for free 😉20:06
kevrnickgaw: you can live patch the kernel via kexec20:06
kevror just by straight up modules20:06
ogranickgaw, imagine loading a module ... but instead of the module code, the vulnerable functions get replaced20:06
nickgawYes but does this mean I will never need to do a reboot?20:07
ograso your security hole gets fixed on the fly without rebooting ...20:08
kevrthat is what kexec achieves for you20:08
kevrbut i'm not sure that's what they're eluding to20:08
ograyou should do a reboot eventually ... but at a time that is convenient for you20:08
nickgawIt is not installed on my system should I install it before I upgrade to pro?20:08
kevrkexec takes some setup, i highly doubt it just works out of the box20:08
kevryou should be careful20:08
ograhuh ? why would you set up kexec now ?20:09
kevrperhaps worry about it after you've got everything else as you want it20:09
kevrshould be a lower prio imo20:09
ograyou just install and enable the livepatch service ...20:09
kevrthe dude wants to be able to upgrade without rebooting, kexec allows you to do this20:09
nickgawAre there ways to have people help me setup this cloud system for pro successfully or is it like a nice wizard interface where it just does everything for me if I enabe the services?20:09
ograthere is nothing to "set up"20:09
kevrupgrade the kernel, etc20:09
kevryes, there is20:09
ograthe question was "what is livepatch" 🙂20:10
kevr13:07 nickga+| Yes but does this mean I will never need to do a reboot?20:10
ogra(and how does it enable me to not need to reboot)20:10
kevrthere are multiple questions here20:10
nickgawYes but I want to make sure it is working properly and does Ubuntu have paid support should I need it?20:11
ograi think you can always upgrade your pro subscription to a paid one20:11
ograthat would then give you support20:11
sarnoldsupport pricing is on https://ubuntu.com/pricing/pro20:11
nickgawDoes paid provide support from the Ubuntu team should I need it to help me fix issues with pro?20:11
nickgawSo the free pro is for people who can read the guides and know how the system works but the paid support is for people who need support in getting this system with pro working for them?20:13
ograthe free pro only gives you the extra security updates and livepatch ...20:14
ograthere shuld be links on the page sarnold posted that explain the levels of support20:14
nickgawUnderstandable but is the live patching for the kernel with pro easy to setup?20:14
kevrnickgaw: i'm sorry, you should try to ignore the 'kexec' stuff i mentioned; i'm not very fluent with the ubuntu ecosystem, i'm talking here from a base linux standpoint, you likely don't want this20:14
kevrjust go with ogra's suggestions, they seem to know what's up for ubuntu20:15
* ogra hugs kevr 20:15
* kevr hugs ogra20:15
ograkexec is great thugh 🙂20:15
nickgawCan I remove a license from pro if I want to?20:16
ogranickgaw, if enabling pro does not simply install livepatch you can always just "sudo snap install canoncal-livepatch"20:16
ogra(not sure how you enable it on the cmdine though)20:17
sarnoldnickgaw: I *think* it's enough to use the pro detach command20:17
sarnoldenabling livepatch is probably "pro enable livepatch"20:17
nickgawI am using a Digital Ocean server with ssh access so would pro work for me with that setup?20:17
sarnoldnickgaw: is it a VM instance or a container instance?20:18
nickgawIt is a virtual private server.20:18
sarnoldnickgaw: the universe security updates should work fine either way, but the container instance style of VPS hosting won't let you use livepatch20:18
nickgawHow can I tell what Digital Ocean is using so I can know if live patch will work for me?20:19
nickgawI think they are qemu systems.20:19
sarnoldnickgaw: try: uname -a  -- that might give a hint20:20
nickgawLinux ubuntu-s-2vcpu-4gb-amd-nyc1-01 5.15.0-41-generic #44-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jun 22 14:20:53 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux20:21
nickgawThe kernel is upgraded on the system just not rebooted yet and the kernel packages for the old one are removed and purged.20:22
sarnoldthat's promising, that feels a lot like a full kvm instance20:22
wadHuh. One one of my ubuntu boxen, `cal` highlights the current day. But on another, it doesn't. I have to do `ncal -b` to get it to highlight today.20:23
kevrare the times the same?20:24
kevr`date` will tell you20:24
wadI cheated: alias cal='ncal -b'20:25
wadOh, no, the times are different. I forgot. But why would this matter? Weird.20:26
sarnoldsomething about it used to be provided by bsdmailutils and now is provided by ncal, or something ilke that20:27
kevrwell, what is considered "the current day" ? From a machine's standpoint, that depends on the time on the machine.20:27
kevrYour current day may be different than machine b's current day.20:27
sarnoldI'm having trouble finding the conversations20:27
wadWell, yes, the current day depends on the time and the timezone. But that seems not important. The `cal` command used to highlight the current day. Now it doesn't.20:28
peacefulmanhello, I went to install Ubuntu 22.04 (I prefer Ubuntu) but actually need disk encryption and did not see an option for it. Did I miss it somewhere or do they expect you to do something after install?20:28
kevrwad: it seems like you already encountered this before, which is why you aliased cal. clearly, cal by itself doesn't do what you want20:29
Macwinne_hi, I have a server that has a handful of public IPs.  I access it on IP-1.  I want to launch a multipass instance and assign it IP-2 so that I can access the VM instance as if it was just a server directly on the internet.  I couldn't find exactly what I'm looking for on google. Any tips on how to do this or a better google search?20:29
kevrMacwinne_: you need to bind to that IP20:29
wadI added the alias like 5 minutes ago.20:29
wadI think a new version of cal broke it.20:30
kevrif that's the case, you might want to report a bug to them20:30
peacefulmandoh, nevermind just found it!20:31
Macwinne_kevr: just search on google for "multipass instance bind to ip".  Any tips on more specifics? like do I do a bridged network?  or maybe just a more bulleted high level on what to do20:32
nickgawIs the ubuntu1 different then launchpad?20:32
kevrMacwinne_: essentially, this is how network access goes: some application must be listening on some host and port, and when that host and port is conversed with, it can communicate. If you have multiple hosts on your machine, and you want to bind to a single host (IP), then you need to bind specifically to that IP.20:33
kevrSo, like20:33
sarnoldnickgaw: ubuntu one is the SSO service used by launchpad, the wiki, the pastebin site, ubuntu pro backend servers, snapstore, charmhub, etc etc etc20:33
kevra machine at may have a server, and it may have another ip address on it, but the server is bound on, so it's only accessible there20:33
kevrif you bind to something like, that accounts for "all hosts"20:34
Macwinne_kevr: got it.. assuming my Machine is properly bound to and it's running multipass.. how can I assign to an instance that multipass launches?20:34
kevri see, so multipass.. i'm not too familiar with this, but it looks like it's expecting an interface to use20:35
Macwinne_(I could just be missing something stupid.. I'm new to ubuntu/multipass but have a lot of networking experience)20:35
Macwinne_I could probably get it working with nftables rules or something like that20:36
Macwinne_but I would like the multipass instance to actually think that it has rather than some private IP that is getting routed too.20:36
kevri'll have to bail out of this one, as i know how tcp communication works, but i have not ever used multipass before, so i would likely be giving the wrong info here.20:37
sarnoldMacwinne_: hmm https://multipass.run/docs/additional-networks  has a bit "The --network option can be given multiple times, each one requesting an additional network interface (beyond the default one, which is always present)."20:37
sarnoldMacwinne_: I haven't followed along closely, but if the problem is that you don't want it to do the default, that might be worth a bug report20:38
Macwinne_sarnold: I'll play around more to make sure I'm not missing something. It's probably the case20:38
Macwinne_i also may have a very wrong/outdated misonception that kvm works similar to Xen (which i used years ago)20:42
sarnolddefinitely there's a lot of overlap, but the different management tools, eg libvirt vs lxd vs multipass vs proxmox vs xcp etc all bring their own strong flavours to how it works20:43
kevr+1 libvirtd20:49
peacefulmanwhat is going on fellow ubuntu'ers?20:52
peacefulmanwastrel: what is terrible?21:03
peacefulmanwastrel: you ok brother?21:04
peacefulmanwastrel: "a cure to a Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day is time with God!"21:11
peacefulman(just to clarify I mean in prayer of course)21:36
murmelpeacefulman: seems like you are in the wrong channel21:37
peacefulmanlol I know21:37
peacefulmanwell crap, "NOTE21:45
peacefulmanYou will not be able to select full disk encryption if you set up manual partitions or have a dual boot system.21:45
murmelpeacefulman: you still can, but you would need to know what to do21:49
=== lolok-old is now known as lolok
=== blackest_mamba_ is now known as blackest_mamba
nickgawThe virtual private server is now on ubuntu pro so now should the kernel live updating work?23:01
nickgawyes it did install kexec23:01
sarnoldnickgaw: check sudo pro status   and  sudo canonical-livepatch status23:02
sarnoldkexec isn't used by livepatch; livepatch works by installing new kernel modules23:03
nickgawit says it is patched.23:04
sarnoldgood good23:04
nickgawIf the kernel version on disk is different then what is in ram as I always remove all older kernel versions on a system is this an ok thing?23:05
arraybolt3nickgaw: It's generally a good idea to leave one older kernel on your system, so that if your hardware doesn't work perfectly with the new kernel and you don't find out for a while, you have an older one to boot into.23:06
sarnoldit's usually a good idea to keep two or three -- the newest kernel, whatever you're running, and if you're running the newest, whichever one worked before that23:06
arraybolt3A lot of times, if faced with a hardware incompatibility after an update, you'll hear us ask you to "boot into an older kernel". Tricky if you uninstall them all.23:07
nickgawIt is a virtual private server so I don't know how to tell grub to boot into an older kernel if I have no control of the booting process or can I control grub boot kernel from reconfiguring grub?23:08
sarnoldsome cloud providers have consoles exposed that you can use to control boot23:09
nickgawHow on a normal ubuntu system do I enable os-prober as update-grub tells me to check os-prober entry but no entry exists?23:11
sarnoldit's very rare to dual-boot cloud systems :) maybe just skip that23:11
sarnoldmost folks would rather just spin up a second VM23:11
hggdhin fact, any decent cloud provider will make a "serial" console available -- there are some issues that can really only be solved when you via such serial console23:11
nickgawNo I mean on a normal system update-grub tells me os-prober is disabled how do I enable it?23:12
sarnoldnickgaw: aha; sudo apt install os-prober23:13
nickgawIt says os-prober is already installed but it wants me to check documentation of grub disabled os-prober entry but not sure where that is.23:15
sarnoldohhh. hmm. I thought we just removed os-prober from the defaults and that reinstalling it would do the trick :( sorry23:16
hggdhadd GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=false in /etc/default/grub (or in a file under /etc/default/grub.d/), then sudo update-grub23:19
murmelnickgaw: ^23:20
murmelsarnold: I would also rather loved it that grub enables os-prober by default but os-prober is not installed by default23:21
hggdhmurmel: there are security concerns on generically probing disks23:21
murmelsure, but if you install os-prober, you probably also want it enabled23:21
murmeland imo it's easier for newbies to install a package, than randomly edit a file + run a command23:22
nickgawIt is now enabled but only one operating system exists  on this system currently should this be a bad thing?23:22
murmeland where security mostly matters, os-prober isn't used anyway (and shouldn't be installed imo23:22
hggdhyeah, I agree.I think this would have made it to the readme for 22.0423:22
sarnoldif you've only got one OS on the machine you can uninstall it23:23
hggdhnickgaw: if you are not going to install one single OS, you do not need either os-prober or to change GRUB23:23
hggdhs/are not/are only/23:24
nickgawI just want it installed for when I need it.23:27
murmelbut why? I mean we are talking about a vps or?23:28
nickgawNo I was talking about my laptop.23:29
sarnoldit's up to you and how patient you are when installing updates that touch grub23:29
sarnoldI couldn't stand how long it took to do its thing so I was *thrilled* when I found I could purge it and nothing would break :)23:29
nickgawWhat does the timeout hidden setting in /etc/default/grub do?23:33
murmelnickgaw: how long grub will be "shown" before selecting default and booting while hidden23:35
nickgawIf timeout is 0 does this mean it will just start the default setting or will it just sit at the boot prompt?23:35
murmelit will directly boot the selected entry, which means if you want to select something else, you need to mash to hit that below 1 sec window23:36
nickgawMy Digital Ocean has the 0 in the /etc/default/grub setup so should I leave it at 0 or change it?23:36
murmelnickgaw: eh, with a vps, there shouldn't be too much of a need to change it to something longer (as most of the time you won't need to boot a different kernel)23:37
nickgawDoes this channel support cloud services or is this mainly for the desktop version?23:38
murmelnickgaw: we do support it, as long as the cloud service uses actual ubuntu (not like vultr)23:39
nickgawWhat do they use?23:40
murmelnickgaw: they edit their default ubuntu image to a point where we as a support team have literally no idea what they all changed (with no docs afaik(23:40
murmeleh maybe more community ;)23:40
=== blackest_mamba_ is now known as blackest_mamba
nickgawWhat are the digital ocean ubuntu repositories for in sources.list for and they tell me with apt update that they are in the legasy trusted gpg format and is this a bad thing?23:42
sarnoldthose are how you get your updates23:42
sarnoldit's fine to ignore the legacy format warnings23:42
nickgawIs there a way to fix them?23:43
murmelsarnold: do you know what they are doing so that that warning pops up?23:43
hggdhonly DO can fix it, it is their repo. But this is a _deprecation_ notice, not a failure/error23:44
sarnoldmurmel: my guess is the tooling they use to build their images is using the old apt-adv --recv ... thing23:44
nickgawSo there is nothing I can do as an end user to fix it?23:44
murmelsarnold: ahh thanks23:44
hggdhnothing, except ask DO about it23:44
hggdh(I am pretty sure they already know, so I did not even bother)23:45
sarnoldnickgaw: if I've understood what it's complaining about, you could change the key format, but meh, it's no big deal23:45
nickgawI would let them know about this issue so it can get fixed.23:46
nickgawHow can I change the key format?23:46
=== blackest_mamba_ is now known as blackest_mamba

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