[00:00] well, we do kernel and security updates, so..... [00:00] Yeah i did ask on thw Ubuntu one forum but no answer as of yet [00:01] you might look at the ubuntu-devel ML [00:02] I doubt that the forum is used much anymore [00:02] I personally never look at it [00:02] Yeah i have this stupid atom cpu 32 bit uefi 64 bit cpu when i upgraded to 22.04 i had to use ubuntu pro to get it to boot and choose firmware kernel from the oem repo [00:02] sympathy [00:04] Gotcha i will look at devel i do have this aupport number that appears now in system info for ubuntu pro maybe i will givw that a shot [00:05] +17372040291 [00:06] I guess i can call that and see what they say [00:09] Ok i just found an answer it says all official flavors except budgie are supported [00:10] It updates base security kernel drivers for extended hardware supportt on lts releases [00:12] ubuntu22.04 server + xrdp + kde-plasma-desktop: is there a global user-places.xbel ? I would like to hide the auto generated places that are created from my file server mounts (/mnt/*) and add a place for a different file server. Or is there a way to do this via cli so I can put it into a logon script? [03:46] Pls I’m trying to revive a very old laptop with lowest specifications….what distros would you recommend [03:46] @trevantee: Is the CPU 32-bit or 64-bit? [03:46] If it's 32-bit, I'd go with 32-bit Debian with the LXDE desktop. If it's 64-bit, Lubuntu might work. === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [08:35] Greetings, apply button stays greyed out in clipboard settings, Seems like any changes I make are not saved. kubuntu 22.04. [08:41] Can I use LXDE for 64bit? (re @IrcsomeBot: If it's 32-bit, I'd go with 32-bit Debian with the LXDE desktop. If it's 64-bit, Lubuntu might work.) [08:41] That has been on my mind…. [08:43] @trevantee, if you mention the CPU model and how much RAM you have, we'll be able to advice better [09:10] 2gb ram core duo (re @IrcsomeBot: @trevantee, if you mention the CPU model and how much RAM you have, we'll be able to advice better) [09:10] is there any difference btw lxde and lxle [09:11] You can see the cpu model with this command: grep 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo [09:12] i dont have linux installed on the said system (re @IrcsomeBot: You can see the cpu model with this command: grep 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo) [09:13] Win+Break on Windows, or check the model name on BIOS startup [09:13] A core duo might have 400 cpubenchmark.net score, or 2000 score... [09:14] 2 GB RAM will go faster with 64bit but you'll only be able to open a single firefox tab [09:14] With 32 bit you'll be able to open two firefox tabs, and it will go let's say 20% slower [09:14] cpu N3060 @ 1.60GHZ x 2 [09:15] If your passmark is lower than 1000, install a 32bit version. If it's higher, install a 64bit version and get some more RAM when you're able [09:15] https://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=Intel+Celeron+N3060+%40+1.60GHz&id=2762 [09:15] 664 passmark, not really worth investing in this. You can see youtube videos and that's about it :) [09:17] Install any ubuntu 18.04 except for gnome, they're pretty much the same [09:18] If you decide that you'll add 2 more GB RAM, then install any 22.04 version that you like [09:23] Why does Firefox snap always ask for update frequently??? === claus is now known as claus_chr === claus_chr is now known as Claus_chr === Claus_chr is now known as claus_chr [13:15] Hi all === owen is now known as Guest1381 [16:55] honestly i just want the lightest possible on