[12:57] Hi all [15:41] plasma 5.24.7 is in proposed for testing for jammy [19:00] upgraded my travel lappy to kenetic last night -- quick, easy, painless and it's beautiful! [19:01] Thank you devel team for all your work! [19:01] valorie: \o/ [19:02] maybe tonight I will have the time to do this box -- gotta go now [19:05] I hopped on mastodon.technology last night after noticing 22.10 was released, intending to announce it there . . . and apparently that instance is shutting down whoops === arraybolt3 is now known as abcdefghijklmnop === abcdefghijklmnop is now known as arraybolt3 [22:47] keithzg[m]: that's why I sorta gave up on mastodon [22:47] love the idea, but the instances I was on kept disappearing [22:48] I like twitter, but who knows wth will happen if it's acquired [22:48] don't have high hopes there [22:54] valorie: I kinda love Mastodon (or really, The Fediverse in general) for that very reason but it's because I run my own instance at fediverse.keithzg.ca so I don't have to be at the mercy of anything other than perhaps my own laziness, granted it's a single-user instance and I'm not running it atop Ruby like Mastodon so I can understand why folks like whoever ran mastodon.technology wouldn't be able to keep it going :P [22:54] Yeah Twitter has been getting worse over time as it is, and I certainly can't imagine an Elon Musk takeover changing it for anything but the worse [22:55] it's a begger's bargain really -- go with the capitalist company who is all about profit or go with the volunteers who might disappear at any moment? [22:55] or do the work to run your own instance and then have people disappear on ya because of the above [22:56] the Fediverse is IMO what the internet was meant to be [22:57] before it was gobbled up by companies driven by profit