[14:57] :D (re @DarinMiller: On a fresh boot I can finally run wayland and almost forget with compositor is running. NVidia settings and an appimage failing to run are a few minor papercuts, but since KDE devs enabled font scaling in addition to desktop scaling my Wayland experience is quite good.) [21:30] Plasma needs to get better on 4K displays. [22:24] New Kubuntu Manual section! : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/fb32bbec/file_60941.jpg [23:10] Desktop 4k is "OK" but still a bit tiny on a 27" monitor. But 15" laptop 4K or any high dpi should definitely default to a higher scale (at least 150%). [23:11] Agreed I'm using 200% personal. [23:11] Agreed I'm using 200% personally.