[10:02] salve quì uno nuovo, sono passato da Ubuntu per trovare un pochino di aria fresca, vorrei sapere perchè i link spesso si aprono in Chrome altresì che Firefox. === peter_ is now known as Guest4988 [10:28] English Alessandro [12:44] Hi all === christian_ is now known as christian0092 [18:57] Hi, has anyone tried the backport of plasma 5.26? Any prominent issues? [19:00] Hi, I'm https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KineticUpgrades/Kubuntu to upgrade to 22.10 and I would like to know how to do the below part in console: [19:00] Allow upgrades to non LTS releases. [19:00] in Konsole run [19:00] sudo software-properties-qt [19:01] You can also change that in discover app [19:02] I don't have it installed, any way doing it manually ? [19:08] sudo sed -i 's/=lts/=normal/g' /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades [19:09] An then sudo-do-release-upgrade [19:09] sudo do-release-upgrade [19:09] ..rather [19:36] Perfect, thank you 👍 [20:12] Space is hiding somewhere :D, du shows 11G used and df shows 24G [20:12] https://pastebin.com/FJk7s841 === Mony is now known as Guest6580 [20:21] ykruH: It is normal for df to show somewhat more disk space use (blocks vs. bytes), but this is definitely a bigger diff than I would expect. [20:27] I guess it's because of root fs containing a lot of files and with a BS of 4K it sums up at the end [20:46] It makes me curious if you have lots of little files that causing such a big discrepancy. I suggest you research how big of a discrepancy is within normal range. [23:55] Done enough work for the day, time to upgrade my main desktop