[12:46] Hi all [14:24] Is it time to upgrade to LL yet? xD [14:30] heh, does LL even have a name yet? [14:33] Leaping Lizard! ... [19:31] Hi guys! Sooo, the fingerprint stuff still does not work by default in 22.10? [19:39] hmmm, haven't had a fingerprint input for .... years [19:39] do dunno [19:39] nice to see you again tho sheytan [19:40] well, since it's there, we have the UI for it, it should work right after one scans his fingers :) [19:40] valorie: yes, looong time :) [19:40] agreed [21:57] https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/drm/amd/-/issues/2113 (re @X: Are there any amdgpu and kinetic users around? Can you try opening a youtube video inside Falkon? Beware of the possible X server crash though ) Save your data beforehand) [21:57] -ubottu:#kubuntu-devel- Issue 2113 in drm/amd "amdgpu no-retry page fault under 5.19" [Opened] [21:57] The issue appears to be specific to integrated vega gpus [21:58] Still not fixed though