
hamshi there05:38
hamsim trying to add a dns entry05:38
hamshow do i do this with netplan?05:38
hamsubuntu server05:38
slyonhams: Have a look at this example for DNS/nameservers: https://netplan.io/examples#using-dhcp-and-static-addressing07:06
hamsnetwork 2?07:09
slyonP0rc0R0550 have you tried to remove the "table: 01" setting from your WAN interface? You put the default route into table 1, but do not have any policy to make use of this table. So the default route is unused. If you put it in the default routing table (not "table: ..." setting) it might work.07:10
hamswhats enp3s0? has ubuntu changed the name from et0 to that?07:10
slyonhams: The link I pasted is just an example, you need to adopt it to your local interface names. But the interesting settings are nameservers.addresses and nameserver.search, which need to be adopted to your context, too07:11
hamsensl8 is the hardware name now07:12
slyonhams: interface names are generate based upon systemd's "predictable interface names" specification on Ubuntu and can be different from system to systemd, depending on the hardware setup: https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.net-naming-scheme.html07:17
hamsi need more ifnormation on a name server07:45
hamswhat would my name server be?07:46
hamsok so my domain provider has a name server07:53
hamsdo i need to create a new record with a subdomainn?07:53
slyonhams: No, you don't need to create a subdomain record. You just need to choose a local or public nameserver, like
slyone.g. add a "nameservers: {addresses: [,]}"  setting to your netplan YAML to use cloudflare & google's public DNS09:47

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