
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:05
ricotzhello oSoMoN 06:11
oSoMoNhey ricotz 06:19
KGB-2glib Simon McVittie 345109 * commented merge request !21 * https://deb.li/ayQd14:27
lunahello :)14:30
KGB-2glib Simon McVittie 345113 * commented merge request !21 * https://deb.li/IWpC14:34
KGB-0glib Simon McVittie 345114 * commented merge request !21 * https://deb.li/3eqbG14:37
KGB-2glib Philip Withnall 345116 * commented merge request !21 * https://deb.li/1y7j14:41
* luna is watching the Ubuntu Pro Webinar now15:41
lunaand might start working with Ubuntu at the new work i might start at in 2 weeks15:42
* lissyx wonders if I should upgrade to 22.1017:00
KGB-2glib upstream/latest 1484580 Simon McVittie * pushed 157 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/i7ZuN17:00
KGB-2glib upstream/latest f889275 Simon McVittie glib/tests/hash.c * Revert "Add tests for hash collisions in simple cases" * https://deb.li/424x17:00
KGB-2glib upstream/latest c8e9eaf Simon McVittie glib/ghash.c * Revert "Optional optimization for `g_int64_hash`" * https://deb.li/3jczE17:00
KGB-0glib tags f03e335 Simon McVittie upstream/2.74.1 * Upstream version 2.74.1 * https://deb.li/3dOvR17:00
KGB-2glib upstream/latest 53178b0 Simon McVittie glib/ghash.c * Revert "Optimize g_double_hash implementation" * https://deb.li/YFDl17:00
KGB-2glib upstream/latest b89e825 Philip Withnall (14 files in 3 dirs) * Revert "Replace most GObject warnings with criticals" * https://deb.li/3BVsI17:00
KGB-2glib upstream/latest d38268c Philip Withnall glib/ ghash.c tests/hash.c * Merge branch 'wip/smcv/revert-2924' into 'glib-2-74' * https://deb.li/ZBjj17:00

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