
=== NeoFAT32_ is now known as NeoFAT32
lotuspsychjegood morning01:42
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cry0xenguys, I am bit curious about the source code installation process. few days ago I installed my realtek wireless driver using git-bash process and suddenly it was gone. I believe I git clone to my desktop folder and later removed it by mistake while cleaning up. tar sources are also installed using the same bash process. someone here taught me about check install and thnx to him now my random experiences are going lot smoother i need to understand 08:34
cry0xenwhat happens to these source extracts. If i remove them does the installed software gets removed?08:34
crax23No, the driver module gets installed into /usr/lib/module at 'make install' stage for ex. the sources in your git folder don't matter anymore. Same goes for a program it goes installed in /usr/local/ usually.09:06
cry0xenthank you so much. makes sense09:21
cry0xenit wouldve been nicer if there was a installer for this kinda thing. and from the looks of it, the process is same whether the source obtained from git clone or tar.09:29
crax23People who use Ubuntu usually stick to the apps from the package manager, or snaps etc, they don't build things from sources, only if you need a very special thing or to modify a software yourself or..for drivers.09:38
crax23For a normal user or even for a server machine it usually uneeded. Even developer they may only build out their own software but won't build drivers or gimp etc, they use the packaged version.09:40
cry0xenI am trying to install regular apps and more than half of them are not available on appstore. ryt now i am looking for redshift alternative (redshift doesnt work cause of location issue) and it was samewith auscoumer 600 driver, xubuntu doclike plugin, baka-mplayer and so on.09:48
cry0xenas i cant do anything by myself all i can do is to learn the ways and hope for better methods in future. i have only gone through 5 (ppa-deb/softwere manager/flatpak/snap/bash) and may be a few more installation process left that i need to teach myself09:53
lotuspsychjecry0xen: try firefox dark reader addon09:54
lotuspsychjecombined with gnome dark mode, i got my systems dark and good for my eyes09:54
cry0xenahh thank you09:56
lotuspsychjei dont like redshift & night light too much myself09:58
cry0xenhowever they do help a lot. specially now doctor has recommended me eye drops to my eyes moist.10:00
lotuspsychjei dont know much about the medical part of redshift & co10:01
lotuspsychjedoes it really filter the bad things out10:01
cry0xeni dont know about technical things either. All i know whenever i lower it to 4200 my eyes feel more comfortable looking at screen10:05
cry0xenits not a mental thingy. it happens with my smartphone too. so i always keep it turned on (with low brightness) unless I am watching video10:07
lotuspsychjecry0xen: android has a dark mode too10:09
lunawatching the Ubuntu Pro Webinar and might start working with Ubuntu at the new work i might start at in 2 weeks15:45
lotuspsychjedid you score a canonical job luna ?15:45
lunawork at the local commune15:46
lunabut they install Ubuntu on older computers for some people15:46
lunawhen the Windows license has expired or they are too old to run Windows 10 properly15:49
Y05hito__Luna in EU country?16:05
lunaY05hito__: yeah16:06
cry0xenwhat are dependencies for baka-mplayer or mpc-qt 18:24
cry0xenwhere do I get them18:24
murmelcry0xen: they are likely in the repos18:26
cry0xenI tried to install them but failed18:26
murmelthere is qmake6 and qmake5 in 22.10 repos18:27
murmelcry0xen: apt search --names-only <package> will probably help you find the correct package18:29
cry0xenmurmel: https://files.catbox.moe/4igcan.png18:33
murmelcry0xen: you would need to look for the right names, as every distro has different names for the same package, for example qt5-base https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=qtbase18:36
* cry0xen jumps from 3rd floor18:37
cry0xenthnx man.... it worked. now i am stuck with building libmpv. i will try myself if i fail i have you guys :)18:39
murmelcry0xen: oO libmpv-dev?18:40
murmelwhich exists? so why build it from source18:40
cry0xenyeah i just found that from apt search. i thought app developers like their users "sucker for abuse"18:41
daftykinspuzzled why you're installing exotic things to start with tbh18:42
cry0xenold story u already know. network stream18:42
daftykinsnevermind everyone's life needs a bit of mystery!18:43
murmelyeah I also wonder, using mpv just fine with network streams18:44
cry0xeni am having trouble on xubuntu18:46
murmelcry0xen: as xubuntu uses the same mpv, I wonder which problems you have18:48
cry0xenseek while playing network streams18:49
murmelcry0xen: can you give an example link?18:50
cry0xenIn my country ISP provide ftp servers full of multimedia contents (like 300-400 TB of contents)18:51
cry0xeni want to have supreme potplayer experience that i used to have back in windows18:51
daftykins100% doubt an ISP is conducting piracy18:51
* daftykins walks away18:52
murmelcry0xen: honestly, before building from source, try the flatpak version if that works, as it's newer18:53
murmelso you know if you want to compile it18:53
cry0xentheres a flatpak // ... where18:54
cry0xenoh mpv18:55
murmelso? it's literally what baka uses18:55
murmelbaka is just a random gui for mpv18:55
cry0xeni understand that however some media player is performing better than others... its not that i havent tried18:56
cry0xenmoonplayer clipper passed18:56
cry0xenvlc crashes when i seek18:57
cry0xeni started with arch wiki app list18:57
cry0xentrying through all the apps18:57
murmelcry0xen: sounds like it's not software issue then18:57
cry0xeni dunno but i wanna try and do as much experiment so that i can learn and understand the system/commands faster. when the system breaks i will wipe and install stable lubuntu18:59
cry0xenryt now you jsut taught me apt search and libmpv-dev19:00
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