[09:05] hmm after a power outage i had my pal pull the UPS input power and it fell flat instantly, thinking no battery is installed - so i suppose the nearby lightning killed the unit after all :O [09:10] no wonder it kept claiming it was on battery and online at the same time [09:18] in other news the pesky posties have delivered a new Protectli router to someone else nearby in town, no idea where - had to ask customer support to track it down for me [09:20] router phone home... router phone home... :-P [09:21] :D [09:23] i think there'd be a market for an airtag post where when you order something they'd throw an airtag or tile into the package and send you the details of it so you could watch it and then have an envelope in the package so you can post it back to them [09:51] i've seen that done for some class of items, with a gyroscope in it too so they can try to gauge whether a particular shipment has suffered undue stress en route [10:14] might be easier than following a package on a delivery site that updates every 4-6 hours versus can be at the door when it gets within 100metres of your house [10:31] oops accelerometer i probably meant [21:52] otherwise we'd be treated to a parade of postmen with packages balanced on 1 corner on crossbar of their bikes held in place with gyroscopes :-P