
CrellNew problem.  My keyboard has stopped working... but only in some applications.  It's fine in the browser and Slack.  In Konsole and Zoom, it's sometimes registering one character, then going silent.  This happened after a reboot.  What could possibly be causing that?  (I already tried new batteries in the keyboard, no dice.)00:01
CrellKwrite is also having keyboard trouble.  Slack and Firefox are both fine.00:12
=== Mony is now known as Guest7871
=== fabiocanovi is now known as MGF_Fabio
u9Good Morning08:15
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BluesKajHi all12:36
user|61i wanted to download the latest kde version using synaptic. Is there any way to do this?15:45
yuesbeezwhat is required for a gpg key to be considered "ultimate-level" trusted17:20
yuesbeezby the kde wallet service17:20
valorieyuesbeez: probably lots of people signing your key20:03
valoriethe reason for Key-signing parties at conferences and such20:03
=== MareMagnum is now known as faLUKE
=== lorenzo is now known as dpassaggio
yuesbeezvalorie: actually was able to set the level using gpg --edit-key22:45
yuesbeezwhile the key shows up in kde wallet service, i get an error when it tries to decrypt the wallet using the key22:46
valorieok, maybe I'm just old-fashioned! I am a grandma, so I suppose that goes with the territory22:46
yuesbeezno problem your thinking made sense23:47
yuesbeezanybody know how to fix the error "Error when attempting to decrypt the wallet kdewallet using GPG. If you're using a SmartCard, please ensure it's inserted then try again. GPG error was No data"23:47

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