[21:25] I am still trying to troubleshoot this. The meta key doesn't open the Application Launcher. Neither does alt-f1. Neither does an arbitrary shortcut (Ctrl-3). I tried setting it in both of the (duplicated) "Activate Application Launcher Widget" fields. [21:30] I am asking in #kde also to see what they think [21:38] sem: Did you right-click on the launcher, click Configure Application Menu, click Keyboard Shortcuts and assign it Alt-F1, even if it's already assigned? [21:39] Yes! That is what worked. I just found that here too https://askubuntu.com/questions/246886/how-do-i-open-the-application-launcher-on-kde-with-just-the-meta-windows-key [21:40] sem: Pretty much the exact tip I gave you the other day. :) [21:42] Eickmeyer, the way I was trying to change the shortcut was by opening system settings, finding shortcuts, finding plasma, and editing them there [21:42] that had no effect [21:42] sem: Yeah, that might get you nowhere. :) [21:43] There's quite a few bugs in the global shortcuts at the moment. [21:43] ah ok [21:43] I also seem to have two entries for it https://snipboard.io/i4R6oK.jpg [21:43] You're on 22.10, right? [21:43] yeah [21:44] You might think about adding the Kubuntu Backports PPA. It'll upgrade you to Plasma 5.26.2. [21:44] !kubuntu-backports [21:44] Uhhh... that doesn't work. [21:44] Either way... sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports [21:45] thanks [21:45] Large upgrade, but worth it. Quite a few bug fixes. [21:45] sounds good to me