[00:10] kc2bez[m]: tsimonq2: arraybolt3[m]: guiverc: y'all go test discourse and tell me if it's back up [00:10] then give me coffee [00:10] actually [00:10] genii: where's my coffee [00:11] * genii veers away from the beer fridge towards the coffeepot and returns with a mug for teward [00:11] * genii continues on his originally intended journey [00:12] *consumes the coffee* [00:12] teward, looks it; I just logged in (I wasn't able to after clearing cache data earlier) [00:12] thanks teward, appreciated ! [00:16] yep nothing a little kicking around on the command line doesn't fix :P [00:16] arraybolt3[m]: tsimonq2: how went the git stuff [00:56] teward: Git migration complete, only four repos were missing. [00:56] That does not include Wiki migration and the like, however. [00:57] Discourse is being weird - I'm getting a loading screen I've never seen before, and it's taking a while (maybe I need to clear the cache again??). [00:57] s/??/?/ (hit two ? on accident) [00:59] teward: Yeah, Discourse is still broken here, but in a new way. Screenshots of developer console incoming. [00:59] s/Screenshots/Screenshot/ [00:59] * arraybolt3[m] uploaded an image: (158KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/EJcpApSRFicfhKnEgxoYQXzM/image.png > [01:00] [telegram] Same here (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) uploaded an image: (158KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/EJcpApSRFicfhKnEgxoYQXzM/image.png >) [01:00] 429 Too Many Requests? Almost looks like a possible DDoS attack or maybe a rate limit got switched on improperly. [01:04] [telegram] Works well for me.. [01:05] [telegram] Gitea having syntax highlighiting for the manual is great [01:05] @Leokolb: Might be related to region then. You're in Iceland, I'm in Central US, Roberalz is in Mexico, and I have no clue where Thomas hangs out at. [01:11] [telegram] I am in Spain :p (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) @Leokolb: Might be related to region then. You're in Iceland, I'm in Central US, Roberalz is in Mexico, and I have no clue where Thomas hangs out at.) [01:12] Roberalz: Welp, that throws an extra layer of confusion on top of everything. :P [01:13] [telegram] Jajjajaj, no problem :) (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) Roberalz: Welp, that throws an extra layer of confusion on top of everything. :P) [02:10] arraybolt3[m]: 429 means it's not properly ratelimiting [02:10] let me do some crap [02:12] if this part fails too then i'll have to disable the ratelimiting template bits [02:12] since it looks like discourse now has ratelimiting controls [02:13] discourse app rebuild in progress. total redeploy using existing data heh [02:33] arraybolt3[m]: Roberalz: that should work now [02:33] there was a config item missing from templates. I fixed :P [02:33] it's because we've got nginx in front of (dockerized) nginx in front of the actual application in the container [02:34] so it was failing to get the real IP right from the reverse nginx proxy on the host level. And I fixed that now. so yay. [02:36] teward, just fyi: I just navigated the site, picked a thread viewed, then clicked edit post & then cancel... it's working for me still [02:36] yes well it didn't close the site until right when i said it should work now [02:37] 429 won't happen unless one of you does a stupid and hammers the site [02:38] arraybolt3: we (council) haven't come to a solution for wiki, etc. [02:38] so we're sort of doing stuff piecemeal here :\ [02:39] but at least we're using updated git : [02:39] but at least we're using updated git :P [02:55] teward: How much are you going to hate me if I say I'm still getting 429 and an infinite loading screen on Discourse, in an Incognito window of Chrome? [02:55] * arraybolt3[m] clears cache again [02:56] Yep, still borked. [02:57] * arraybolt3[m] uploaded an image: (128KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/kwESOHiugohFQxheOjZtzJAT/image.png > [02:57] I'm not getting as many of them this time though so that's good I think. [02:58] Interesting thing, if I click on the "/csp_reports:1" bit in Chrome, it takes me to what appears to be a working page that says "Oops! That page doesn't exist or is private." [02:58] But trying to get to other data with that loophole fails - I always get put back on the infinite loading screen. [02:59] More interesting thing, here's when I try to access a post directly - no 429 errors, but still an infinite loading screen, and a "Refused to load the script" error: [02:59] * arraybolt3[m] uploaded an image: (115KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/aiXurbDgHaFCTymCAtnPQssK/image.png > [03:11] i'll fix in the morning - i am borderline conscious right now [03:12] 👍️, thanks for everything! [04:56] Noticed something in Jammy - attempting to open an image file that was previously thrown away using the LXQt Image Viewer doesn't work - the image viewer just displays a blank screen. I'm guessing it's not set up to deal with the trash:/// (or whatever) URL that PCManFM-Qt hands it. Feels like a bug, smells like a feature enhancement, maybe something to work on in upstream LXQt this cycle? [13:16] arraybolt3[m]: try discourse now [13:17] [telegram] Working for me!! [13:17] [telegram] Thanks (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) arraybolt3[m]: try discourse now) [13:25] yep [13:25] takes time to fix things when different browsers accept different crap nowadays [13:25] CSP is a pain [14:19] teward: Success! Thank you! [14:23] I'm having success now too. I echo thanks! \o/ [14:24] echo "Thanks!" | sudo tee /sys/admin/teward [18:10] Good afternoon everyone [18:11] I'm going to spend a few minutes fully bootstrapping Lunar, so those packages are all ready to go [18:11] I'm going to try to use GiTea this time - and update the Vcs-* fields\ [18:11] s/-*/-\*/ [18:11] s/-*/-\*/ [18:16] Simon Quigley: o/ (wow your edit made utter chaos on the IRC side) [18:16] `s/-*/-\*/` shows up :P [19:01] hahaha [19:01] Well, turns out the archive needs to be bootstrapped before Lubuntu does... so, doing that :P [19:23] arraybolt3: So, for reference, here's my new release list: https://github.com/lubuntu-team/new-release [19:24] arraybolt3: As you may see, the next step would be to extend that tooling to automatically create `ubuntu/lunar` from `ubuntu/kinetic` and set that as the default. [19:24] arraybolt3: If you're up for it, you have my go-ahead to JFDI. Otherwise, I'll follow up around Monday, and just manually do the packages I need to touch now. [19:25] teward: hey you [19:25] * tsimonq2 sent a code block: https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/libera.chat/200ac2b89a0c9fc459fe21a3092d89314a6384c3 [19:25] teward: what port is SSH running on [19:25] * tsimonq2 grumbles and uses HTTPS in the meantime [19:26] tsimonq2: on phab or git? [19:26] git.l.m [19:26] GiTea [19:27] it should just be port 22 [19:27] it needs an update though so stdby [19:27] as per my logs port 22 isn't open :P [19:27] your logs are shit :P [19:27] * tsimonq2 blames tewardfirewall [19:27] stdby give me a few [19:27] i've been working on a trillion things here [19:27] lots of things on fire today on friday [19:28] no worries teward, me too, take your time, just wanted to make sure it was brought to your attention [19:28] (I can't imagine how bad Mondays are for you if Fridays are bad :P) [19:29] tsimonq2: try now [19:29] i think i mistyped `-s` into the firewall (source IP) instead of `-d` (destination IP) for the rule matching [19:29] tsimonq2: well all the 'crap on fire' is because of a Verizon service problem [19:29] * tsimonq2 sent a code block: https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/libera.chat/d9e2768877720d9676b266dfca30398e489604ee [19:29] which impacted all $WORKPLACE remote offices [19:29] grr Verizon [19:31] try again [19:32] * tsimonq2 sent a code block: https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/libera.chat/41047a3f79b61cbd3ef27c61efa7b29f833d2243 [19:32] wrong code block? [19:32] teward: port working thank you, just need to add my SSH key :P [19:32] yep yep [19:32] *goes back to beating his head on a wall* [19:37] teward: perms issue on GiTea now:... (full message at ) [19:37] -queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Unapproved: calamares-settings-ubuntu (lunar-proposed/universe) [1:22.10.12 => 1:23.04.1] (lubuntu, ubuntustudio) [19:38] I didn't know the archive was open yet? [19:38] oh jeez that's because it's a mirror [19:38] Eickmeyer: It isn't. :P [19:40] "arraybolt3: If you're up for it,..." <- Yikes, that looks like a bear. Which one is more important, that or Debian LXQt? I know we wanted Debian LXQt done before November, but that's getting awfully close. [19:41] so https://git.lubuntu.me/Lubuntu/calamares-settings-ubuntu should be a mirror of https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-qt-code/+git/calamares-settings-ubuntu - teward / arraybolt3 [19:41] arraybolt3[m]: Soft deadline; I'd say getting ourselves bootstrapped takes priority [19:41] Immediately after, yes, Debian LXQt [19:42] K. Also, speaking of Debian LXQt, the i386 symbols kept libfm-qt from passing the pipeline in Debian. I assume that's fixable by simply running an i386 VM and building in that to get the missing symbols? [19:42] Also, I already wrote a Python script to do this, in the same new-release repo [19:42] arraybolt3[m]: Yes, and as a Debian Developer I also have access to every single arch via SSH - porterboxes :) [19:42] @tsimonq2: ubuntu/lunar? shouldnt that be lubuntu/lunar? [19:43] or are you trying to make a branch [19:43] teward: I mean, ubuntu/CODENAME has been SOP since we started the Git workflow... I'm not opposed to changing it given a majority opinion [19:43] o kool [19:44] but thats a branch right [19:44] i am trying to figure out what is broke ;) [19:44] yeah [19:44] the problem is I was trying to push to a mirror [19:44] ah heg [19:44] let me be concise then... [19:44] ye that wont work ;) [19:45] tsimonq2: So bascally I just get everything ready and then throw the packaging at you to get the symbol logs? [19:45] https://git.lubuntu.me/Lubuntu/calamares-settings-ubuntu needs to be a mirror of https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-qt-code/+git/calamares-settings-ubuntu [19:45] I don't have access to change those settings it seems :P [19:45] arraybolt3[m]: You could; i386 is the one architecture I'm okay emulating for these types of things [19:45] no but i probably do as god [19:45] stdby [19:45] Just make sure it looks like, quacks like, and walks like i386 :P [19:46] Thanks again teward [19:46] *shoves i386 into the wastebasket* [19:46] Emulating... I don't know if I'm understanding you right or not, we also emulate RISC-V, right? By emulating do you mean cross-compiling, or...? [19:47] updating gitea first [19:47] sweet [19:47] OK, so, yes, bootstrapping. Thanks for helping me figure out what I'll be doing with the LXQt stuff. [19:47] arraybolt3[m]: It's been years... but use QEMU [19:49] tsimonq2: it's mirroring off github, i assume you want me to point it at Launchpad instead [19:49] correct, please [19:50] tsimonq2: That's what I thought. But I use QEMU for RISC-V too... I mean, do you have access to a RISC-V porterbox and that's why we won't emulate it for Debian? [19:50] Maybe this is just me getting hung up on a technicality, but better to fully understand than to half-understand. [19:50] I should have access to a RISC-V porterbox, yeah [19:50] tsimonq2: it's not set up as bidirectional it's pull only mirror, i can do a bidirectional mirror setup i think but it looks like it's set up as a mirror now from git.launchpad [19:50] Ah, OK. [19:51] but i don't think the bidirectional mirror will work as intended because it needs a username to push as [19:51] teward: That's intended functionality, yeah [19:51] arraybolt3: The reason for emulating it in Ubuntu likely has something to do with hardware expense [19:51] tsimonq2: ok i mention that because it's described as a bidirectional mirror [19:52] i'll make it mention it's just a mirror of the LP codebase [19:52] teward: As in, intended functionality imo is a one-way mirror from LP [19:52] description updated [19:52] teward: old SOP, GiTea is easy enough to use now that it should work as a SSOT [19:52] i set its mirror location to the underlying https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-qt-code/+git/calamares-settings-ubuntu [19:52] muchas gracias [19:53] which is where the code.launchpad.net stuff points at [19:53] s300: o/ [19:53] should be all good teward, thanks for your time :) [19:54] hail hydra [19:54] screams in Latin [19:55] * arraybolt3[m] draws sword and charges the hydra [19:55] anyways, s300, don't be discouraged about our chaos, that's just how me, tsimonq2, and arraybolt3 all interact iwth each other :) [19:56] we're chill people. welcome though :) [19:56] (well i'm chill but chaotic, but that's a given) [19:56] tsimonq2: i'm assuming you *like* gitea a lot more than the older phab code, etc. chaos. i mean, yay for phab, but this is a lot like pure GitHub or Salsa [19:57] Phab was great... for a seasoned developer :) [19:57] hehe [19:57] tsimonq2: but pure Git is a bit easier for people to contribute without all the Phab overhead. [19:57] I always worried about the onboarding factor, and hoped it would just get easier over the years [19:57] and we *want* new contributors where possible :) [19:57] We're on the same page :) [19:57] yep yep, it's why i pushed so hard to get us to migrate our repos OFF of phab [19:57] the phab overhead is 'okay' but for pure newbies who just want to submit a small patch it's not really conducive to the openness [19:58] teward: I'm watching while eating popcorn here [19:58] even with LP's git it's a pain :) [19:58] I mean, perfect time of the cycle! [19:58] s300: no worries all's good [19:58] tsimonq2: i know, it's why i didn't stab you and arraybolt3 to have the git migration as your heavy task [19:58] can i assume that we're all good and I can start shutting the Phab git ports and directories for security? [19:58] fair enough :) [19:58] or do we need to do some chaos for the last 4 repos that arraybolt3 said didn't copy [19:59] I'm +1 - check with arraybolt3 on a final answer [19:59] *listens to epic trailer music cover for Ode to Joy on repeat in the interim* [19:59] teward: I meant there were ony four repos to migrate, and they were migrated. [19:59] ah good [20:00] so i can start the phab git decom [20:00] ... tomorrow xD [20:00] s300: LOL this channel is kinda weird - radio silence for 70% of the time, a bit of activity every once in a while, then tsimonq2 and teward and I jump in and make a huge explosion of developer activity, which is what you're getting to see now :P [20:00] We still need to get tasks and the rest of the data off, I know you're only shutting off Git but let me be clear that we still need Phab until we have a solution for the other parts :P [20:00] tsimonq2: that's a given. Phab for git though has R/W to a specific directory on disk [20:01] and we can simply chmod 000 that directory, and shut Phab git off [20:01] (and shut its port of course) [20:01] that in turn disables Phab git but nothing else [20:01] (I'm aware, I'm the one that set it up in the first place :P ) [20:01] so yes, we have to migrate tasks, wiki data, etc. and we need to determine solutions for those [20:01] but i'm just making sure you know the steps as well i'm taking to lock things :) [20:01] fair enough [20:01] I think Gitea has a wiki solution. [20:02] At least I hit something that looked like that when browsing through the API. [20:02] teward: One thing we need to do is get all of the repos off of mirrored status. My next target is https://git.lubuntu.me/Lubuntu/lubuntu-default-settings - kind of need it to be a standalone repo before I can push to it :P [20:02] arraybolt3[m]: I would be interested to hear more about it. [20:02] tsimonq2: how fortunate we can rename that to whatever we want for its mirror and then create a base repo for us to put everything in [20:03] tsimonq2: i think kc2bez has that god access but I do too let me know when you want me to poke it [20:03] "a base repo for us to put everything in" wut why [20:03] actually while i'm here... [20:03] *does evil* [20:03] Simon Quigley: Yep, I see Wiki stuff in the API, may as well find the docs now. [20:04] tsimonq2: no i meant, git.l.m/.../lubuntu-default-settings -> git.l.m/.../lubuntu-default-settings-MIRROR, new lubuntu-default-settings repo, put stuff in the lubuntu-default-settings repo as a non-mirror. Or, we just disable the mirrored state and edit on git your call [20:04] let me know what you want me to stab [20:04] arraybolt3: it has wiki functionality but *per repo* i believe [20:04] not a general wiki like we had at parts on Phab [20:05] teward: Why not make one repo that acts as a general wiki? [20:05] we can do that [20:05] lubuntu/wiki, nothing but a README, which links to the wiki data [20:05] teward: Perhaps I'm just not familiar with GiTea enough, but can you just turn off the mirrored state? Does that keep the repo in place or does it purge it? [20:05] But the docs seem sparse. [20:05] I see Wiki listed as a feature, but nothing about how to use it. [20:06] probably because it's not something that's API driven i don't think [20:06] it's not going to be automated migration either [20:06] because we have old stuff on Phab that doesn't need to go over, etc. [20:06] or needs rewritten [20:06] or ${INSERT_MULTIPLE_STATUSES_HERE} [20:06] tsimonq2: what do you want me to do for lubuntu-default-settings [20:06] or do you want me to just wait [20:07] teward: turn off mirroring, does that purge the repo in the process? [20:07] i don't know lets find out [20:07] tsimonq2: Looks like it's just a Markdown pages. [20:07] * arraybolt3[m] uploaded an image: (124KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/uVHDunkhrqWZBcgQqoEnfISq/image.png > [20:07] ^ the wiki editor, I don't actually intend on making a Wiki page for qlipper-packaging but that repo actually let me get into the UI [20:07] perrrrrrrrrrrfect [20:08] > You can convert this mirror into a regular repository. This cannot be undone. [20:08] yeah one repo for wiki sounds good to me :) [20:08] teward: Well that sounds terrifying. [20:08] teward: y[Enter] [20:08] tsimonq2: https://git.lubuntu.me/Lubuntu/lubuntu-default-settings <-- have fun it's converted the mirror to a standard repo [20:08] so it's now direct-pushable, etc. [20:08] -queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Unapproved: lubuntu-default-settings (lunar-proposed/universe) [22.10.4 => 23.04.1] (lubuntu) [20:08] thanks lol [20:08] Simon Quigley: You really don't have any fear of breaking things sometimes, do you? :P [20:09] arraybolt3: you mean the "let's find out" button? xD [20:09] arraybolt3: see i didn't do anything until i read the gitea docs [20:09] teward: No I meant the "This cannot be undone". [20:09] ah [20:09] arraybolt3: yeah it's not possible to turn a normal repo into a mirrored repo again [20:09] but it's basically like changing the git origin and such for the repo [20:09] no loss of data though [20:09] teward: Final nag for now, since you have god powers, can you switch the default branch to ubuntu/lunar for default-settings please? [20:11] also i made some changes [20:11] lubuntu developers group on gitea has admin to all org repos and can create more and alter collaborators. [20:11] except for godadmin because that's god [20:12] thank you for that [20:12] less nagging on my part :P [20:12] artwork converted to a regular repo [20:12] also [20:13] i need to get you access here for the matrix synapse stuff [20:13] but that's a later task [20:13] focus on the repos and code because we're prepping for next cycle xD [20:13] ohhhhhhhhhhh yeah? [20:13] sounds good XD [20:13] teward: Matrix synapse stuff? Like maybe I can switch homeservers away from this slow one that I've somehow mangled E2EE on? [20:14] (I dunno how I did it but only my Chromebook can see all my encrypted chats, anything else requires that I request keys for some or all of the chats, whether I use cross-signing or the security key. :-/_ [20:14] hehe yeah I'mma work with Simon to get an lubuntu matrix server deployed. similar to how I have my own matrix server for my teward[m] but alas you still need the general matrix IRC bridge and federation thoug hso) [20:14] s/:-/_/:-/\)/ [20:14] simon and I can deploy stuff whenever, but getting us to a better place for git, repos, etc. is important so :) [20:15] K, cool. I can fight with this in the mean time. [20:15] teward: For $dayjob, we have an Ansible playbook. Let me check to see if that's complete, if it is, we'll use it [20:15] tsimonq2: ack, we don't have ansible but if you want just clone the ansible data over in a text document and we can script the steps [20:15] shouldn't be too hard. [20:15] the LXD container is already made [20:17] Let me get an ack from my boss first - no idea if he's okay with this, yet [20:17] (Give it a few days, I'll get an answer for you) [20:18] no worries [20:18] worst case we follow one of the thousands of guides out there :) [20:18] and do it manually. [20:19] sounds good :) [20:19] * arraybolt3[m] has to go afk and may be gone for long, sorry to interrupt, I might not be back until Monday. Unexpected crud happened. [20:20] -queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Unapproved: lubuntu-artwork (lunar-proposed/universe) [22.10.2 => 23.04.1] (lubuntu) [20:21] arraybolt3: No worries, I'll handle the GiTea fun. [20:22] tsimonq2: Probably not going to see much movement on anything you just uploaded, and I'd be surprised if anything started moving for a couple weeks. There was a sprint this week, another one this next week, and then of course Summit the following week. [20:22] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cool [20:28] tsimonq2: at least it's very early in the cycle so we have a good timeframe to get major migrations for git, etc. done xD [20:28] right? :P [20:28] teward: $boss is very +1, we just have to credit Altispeed for the special sauce :) [20:29] right XD [20:29] tsimonq2: no worries on that, after all you/Altispeed ended up having to pay me to help rebuild all the LUbuntu infra when someone hit the wrong button on DO that one time... xD [20:30] i have no problems crediting Altispeed for the playbook :P [20:30] *consumes snacks and coffee* [20:33] cool :) [20:34] teward: What's the best way to send you a private Git repo without giving you access to the current repo itself :P [20:34] (Where can I push this repo to?) [20:34] tsimonq2: local git clone, add a second origin to a private Git repo on git.lubuntu.me, push to second origin, give me access on the second separate repo? [20:34] here I'll just create a private repo on GiTea [20:34] that's what i just recommended xD [20:35] perfect :) [20:36] This repository has been marked for transfer and awaits confirmation from "Lubuntu" [20:36] lol [20:37] lol [20:37] teward: private repo here: https://git.lubuntu.me/Lubuntu/matrix.altspd.com [20:37] yep i see it [20:37] sweet [20:38] tsimonq2: i have a copy here now if you need to purge it at the lubuntu repos [20:38] because the groups have access :P [20:38] purging, thanks [20:38] still private though (but next time create it against your username instead) [20:39] I did, but forgot you had godpowers :P [20:39] you made it under lubuntu/ that's inheriting the lubuntu-developers and such permissions of admin powers to see it [20:39] my superadmin sees all though :p [20:39] but i digress still [20:40] :P [20:40] *grabs slices of smoked sausage, and some whole grain stone ground mustard, and begins the snacking* [20:59] teward: "By default, ENABLE_SWAGGER is true, and MAX_RESPONSE_ITEMS is set to 50. See Config Cheat Sheet for more information." [20:59] you should up that :P [20:59] * tsimonq2 hates having to deal with pagination [21:00] By default, [CENSORED] [21:00] it'll take me a bit to get that ready [21:00] okay lol, no rush [21:00] Sorry to randomly vanish, I really wanted to do the GiTea stuff but sometimes stuff goes explosive out of nowhere in $PERSONAL_LIFE. Thanks for your patience. Hopefully I'll be back on Sunday, but I'm sure by Monday I'll be back in action. [21:01] arraybolt3[m]: No worries, as they say, this stuff happens [21:01] Thanks :) [21:02] Of course :) just keep us in the loop briefly, if you could, if things get worse heh [21:02] I'm happy to step in [21:03] tsimonq2: well it's dockerized so i have to `docker compose down` and `docker compose up -d` every time i alter the config because it's in a docker-compose.yml but meh [21:03] (The only thing that will make me suddenly AWOL is if I get arrested lol, unlikely but if I do my face will be here: https://www.greenbaycrimereports.com/ lol) [21:04] tsimonq2: > "max_response_items": 200, [21:04] you're welcome [21:04] now give me coffee [21:04] muchas gracias [21:04] * tsimonq2 throws teward a gallon of coffee from Kwik Trip [21:05] *dumps a ton of sugar in and a ton of cream, mixes thoroughly, and then hooks up the IV* [21:05] CAFFEINE [21:05] bahahaha [21:06] anyway... I'm going to put in some $dayjob hours, last call for "today" things? [21:08] * genii twitches [21:11] tsimonq2: go have fun [21:11] genii: you're free to provide more coffee :P [21:11] sounds good :) thanks! [21:11] 'cause the IV is already empty xD [21:11] (metaphorically of course) [21:12] *sips water* [21:12] LMAOOOO [21:12] * genii siphons some Death Wish into teward's IV bag [21:17] arraybolt3[m]: don't worry about your random disappearance due to personal life [21:17] we all know that chaos. [21:17] so take care of yourself, the majority of the git stuff is done now - the migration [21:45] Roberalz: https://t.co/qDHG4HuX1E what do you think? [21:52] "Roberalz: https://t.co/qDHG4HuX1..." <- I will see it [22:08] [telegram] Really the only thing he says is that it's lightweight, the rest of the video just sets it up how he likes it. Nothing special. (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) Roberalz: https://t.co/qDHG4HuX1E what do you think?) [22:20] Fair enough, thanks :)