
amurraymdeslaur: I have tried to follow along your discussion with ahasenack above but perhaps I'm still too jetlagged to entirely grok it - I can't entirely figure out what the ask is - IMO I don't think we should share homes by default but we do want to make it easy for users to opt-in to share their home06:28
amurraylets discuss more next week then you can ELI5 for me 06:28
mdeslauramurray: no worries, we can discuss it at a later time12:15
roberto_Am I in the right place to discuss security issues in Ubuntu ?16:29
ahasenack_if you want to report an issue that is not public yet, then it's best done via the security contact email16:39
roberto_New to irc chat... but looking for a path to chat about ubuntu security issue I had today.16:43
tomreynroberto_: this was "said" here after you left: <ahasenack_> if you want to report an issue that is not public yet, then it's best done via the security contact email16:46
tomreyntry to remain online for longer if you're hoping to talk to someone.16:46
tomreyn(some people use so-called "bouncers" or irc proxies for this purpose. get more help with irc in #libera)16:47
roberto_Thanks.  Had a few tweaks to make.  I've joined the email list and will take it there. 17:05
tsimonq2Heya, I'm looking at the vim source for Lunar and seeing this upload in Debian which fixes quite a few CVEs: https://tracker.debian.org/news/1366839/accepted-vim-2900626-1-source-into-unstable/18:44
tsimonq2Does the Ubuntu Security Team already have an update staged for vim? Are these too low-prio? I'm willing to help if you guys just "haven't gotten to it yet"18:44
tsimonq2sarnold: Oh hey, seems you're community this week, hi :D18:45
mdeslaurtsimonq2: eslerm is working on some vim updates18:48
tsimonq2Sounds good, no worries then!18:48
tsimonq2I have a merge from Debian I'm finishing up for Lunar, I hope that's not duplicating work?18:49
mdeslaurtsimonq2: no, I don't think he's working on lunar18:49
tsimonq2Cool, thanks for the info!18:49
tewardmdeslaur: not going to pry into anything because i know embargos, but i assume you and Sec Team are aware of and have timelines for release planned for the upcoming OpenSSL Critical Fixes they've announced as coming on their announce?20:54
mdeslaurteward: I can neither confirm nor deny20:58
mdeslaurhaha yes, we're aware20:58
tewardoh i can read between those lines easy ;)20:59
tewardyou forget, IT Security is my job :P20:59
tewardcool just checking, but yeah i need no details i just wanted to make sure that the team is aware, i need no details because embargoes and stuff :)20:59

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