[20:08] from #kubuntu: [12:18] mastodon.technology is shutting down. kubuntu will need to move to another mastodon instance, such as fosstodon.org [20:08] I no longer do masto - who does? [20:08] I have one on fosstodon.org [20:10] I guess just set one up for us and share the login creds? [20:10] I can do that. [20:10] the reason I don't do it anymore is that my instances have disappeared one too many times [20:10] god only knows what will happen with twitter [20:11] perhaps greed will keep Our New Twit Overlord from going insane [20:11] not holding my breath tho [20:13] Setup : https://fosstodon.org/@kubuntu [20:14] looks good! [20:15] and lol, people on masto are still talking about twitter [20:15] love it [20:15] I've seen folks talking about cohost.org as well. [20:16] well, it IS important [20:16] we've long been run by oligarchs, but they are making it so obvious now [20:16] I've been ready for moving to Mastodon if needed but so far nothing has made me think of moving. [20:17] It's been helpful for getting my streaming going. [20:18] I've not seen anything to replace it, right [20:18] I mean Mastodon is meant to replace it. [20:18] there is a significant genealogy community there and I learn lots that helps me and my society [20:18] sure [20:18] but the instances keep disappearing [20:19] which is the nature of "free" [20:19] one of the reasons I love kubuntu and KDE so [20:19] we stick around [20:19] and keep getting better [20:20] It's been interesting seeing a neobank developer in the open in a Discord. [20:20] I hope for the same with popos, sys76, kub. focus, ubuntu studio, etc. [20:21] neobank? [20:21] I think the most common word is fintech (finance tech). Like newer banks with better features and UI/UX. [20:21] Simple Bank was one of them. [20:21] got it [20:21] It's been interesting and rough lately. [20:21] I'll bet [20:22] world finance is a mess [20:22] A lot of tech companies have been having bad quarters and ours is no different. [20:22] who wants to tangle with the murderous oligarchs? [20:23] ours are bad but so far they haven't been into mass murder [20:23] bad visual puns are silly, but everyone walks away [20:24] * valorie lets that sink in [20:26] hmmmm 110 tabs - might be time to do a bit of pruning