
lotuspsychjegood morning02:49
lotuspsychje!lunar is <reply> Ubuntu 23.04 (Lunar Lobster) will be the 38th release of Ubuntu, scheduled for release April 2023 (http://ubottu.com/y/ll). Join #ubuntu-next for support and questions.02:59
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semYo, just did the ritual of disabling OS_Prober in Grub so that the menu would actually hide.14:06
semThe OS Prober script rewrites 'hidden' to 'countdown' and timeout=0 to timeout=10 in case you used those values by accident14:07
sembut it's not obvious at first glance that it is doing this...14:07
semI wonder -- could the update-grub output be more verbose, telling the user that OS Prober has rewritten these values?14:08
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
leftyfbsem: feel free to file a bug with your feature request14:15
semwould I file it with ubuntu or with grub upstream?14:30
leftyfbsem: it would probably make sense to file it upstream14:31
semOK I'll see if I can14:31
semI am not sure but I suspect this behavior might be specific to the ubuntu-shipped version of grub14:45
semaha found it https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/1273764 - unassigned, bug since 201414:46
-ubottu:#ubuntu-discuss- Launchpad bug 1273764 in grub2 (Ubuntu Vivid) "Grub ignores TIMEOUT options on /etc/default/grub" [Medium, Triaged]14:46
semhow do bugs like this get fixed? there are many more higher priority bugs in Grub, but this one has a patch since 201815:01
semdoes somebody just need to pull in the fix, test it, and approve the change?15:01
hggdhTIMEOUT=0 is very good until the boot fails. I would keep TIMEOUT to a non-zero value; I usually set it to 5 -- small enough to not bother, and long enough to allow GRUB to be interrupted15:39
hggdh(all my installs are on cloud)15:40
hggdhalso, Ubuntu has /etc/default/grub.d/, where you can add your own configuration changes. /etc/default/grub.d/* is not touched by package updates, while /etc/default/grub is15:41
hggdhthe LP bug will/should be looked by someone interested; given it is there for 8 years, this is iffy15:43
hggdhhum, at least it has had comments until 2021; but many of them add _different_ issues15:49

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