[02:59] In #ubuntu-discuss, lotuspsychje said: !lunar is Ubuntu 23.04 (Lunar Lobster) will be the 38th release of Ubuntu, scheduled for release April 2023 (http://ubottu.com/y/ll). Join #ubuntu-next for support and questions. [17:24] Can you unban me from #ubunjtu [17:25] i will no longer troll [17:51] how long is my ban [17:54] i mean howl ong was my +b on #ubuntu [17:55] yrdsb: Well, as it turns out, the last set of bans was in April and lasted until the end of May - so you are free to participate in #ubuntu as long as you follow the channel guidelines. [17:55] !guidelines [17:55] The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines [17:55] krytari [17:55] what happen if i troll again [17:55] Then the banning repeats.. [17:55] i dont need ubuntu support [17:56] i just need ubuntu ban info [17:56] that the only reasonĀ  ijoin libetra.chat today [17:56] *libera.chat [17:56] Well ok, then now you know it. [20:12] that's promising....