
ahasenack_hi #security, do you have a good document outlining best practices for gpg keys? Considering subkeys17:33
ahasenack_I know of https://github.com/drduh/YubiKey-Guide which talks a lot about subkeys17:33
MontresorAbout all I can tell you is "Don't generate a 2048 key and store it in Dropbox" :>17:37
* ahasenack_ reads https://wiki.debian.org/Subkeys17:37
Montresored25519 keys sounded interesting, but considering how hard it is to get a key signed...I'd be sticking with mine untilI absolutely can't.  I realize of course this doesn't help at all.17:38
ahasenack_what has ed25519 got to do with being hard to sign?17:41
ahasenack_or you mean, if you were to change your key, you would have to work hard to get all the signatures again?17:42
MontresorThe latter, any new key is a hard no.17:43
ahasenack_that's the kind of best practice I'm looking for too. It's my vague understanding that with subkeys that is not a problem, you can rotate the subkeys, and you don't lose the signatures which were done on the parent key, or something like that17:43
MontresorWhich would be good, yeah.17:43
ahasenack_Montresor: oh, you are unit19317:44
ahasenack_what happened? :)17:44
MontresorIt's Halloween, so to Poe we go.17:44
Montresor(I'll be JackFrost for the winter/Christmas too.)17:44
amurrayahasenack_: we don't have any great documentation around gpg - probably the best is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/GPGMigration but that is quite old now18:20

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