
detuneattuneHow would one diagnose the reason behind slow SFTP speeds? I understand that it's on average slower than FTP, but I still feel like it could be much faster than what it is now at the very least02:15
detuneattuneI ran a mtr but it didn't show any issues with my local network, and using a VPN didn't make any difference to the speeds I got over SFTP either02:16
detuneattuneWould changing the sysctl settings on my server be worth a shot?02:16
JanCwhy would it be slower than FTP?02:19
detuneattuneIt's what I had read online when I searched the problem up a little while back. https://serverfault.com/questions/559501/ftp-ftps-sftp-scp-speed-comparison and https://support.cerberusftp.com/hc/en-us/articles/203333215-SFTP-transfer-speed-why-so-much-slower-than-FTP-or-FTPS-02:22
JanCI guess you can easily check if the encryption is the bottleneck: check CPU usage on both computers to see if it is running at 100%02:28
JanC(while doing a transfer over SFTP)02:28
detuneattuneI didn't think to try that, just tested it now and it doesn't look like that's the issue either02:32
alkisgdetuneattune: where are you using SFTP, in your LAN? What's the line speed? What is the SFTP speed you're getting?03:50
DK31when two virtual machines have the same ssh key fingerprint, what indication is this? is this bad practice?07:33
JanCit probably means they are clones & you didn't customize its host key07:38
JanCwhether that's good or bad depends probably07:38
DK31is that a security breach07:38
JanCnot per sé07:38
JanCunless one machine is yours and the other is controlled by someone else, then that's bad  :)07:39
DK31you could propably jump from machine to machine ?07:40
alkisgDK31, suppose you ssh to servera, and it's down; I have serverb and I changed my IP to servera; that means that you login to my server thinking you login to yours. I can now see all the traffic, passwords etc that you think you're sending to servera.07:43
DK31but dont i need also have access to serverb then?07:44
alkisgI can arrange my ssh server to give you access :)07:44
DK31sure.. thats true of course07:45
alkisgIt's my code, I can say "sure come in" even you provide an unknown username/password07:45
JanCif both are your own machines, it could be handy & okay to have them identical in some (but not all) cases07:52
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