
=== EugenMayer599 is now known as EugenMayer59
=== EugenMayer594 is now known as EugenMayer59
Matt27Heyo, I've been struggling with getting cc_chef module running. Keep hitting a `File not found` error and I've got 0 clue what I'm missing03:31
Matt27My cloud-init file has lines 51-86 in it. Anything obvious that I'm missing/messing up?03:32
Matt272022-10-31 03:28:53,217 - util.py[DEBUG]: Running module chef (<module 'cloudinit.config.cc_chef' from '/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cloudinit/config/cc_chef.py'>) failed03:33
Matt27Traceback (most recent call last):03:33
Matt27  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cloudinit/stages.py", line 876, in _run_modules03:33
Matt27    freq=freq)03:33
Matt27  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cloudinit/cloud.py", line 54, in run03:33
Matt27    return self._runners.run(name, functor, args, freq, clear_on_fail)03:33
Matt27  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cloudinit/helpers.py", line 185, in run03:33
Matt27    results = functor(*args)03:33
Matt27  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cloudinit/config/cc_chef.py", line 508, in handle03:33
Matt27    util.ensure_dirs(param_paths)03:33
Matt27  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cloudinit/util.py", line 1535, in ensure_dirs03:33
Matt27    ensure_dir(d, mode)03:33
Matt27  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cloudinit/util.py", line 1588, in ensure_dir03:33
Matt27    os.makedirs(path)03:33
Matt27  File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/os.py", line 220, in makedirs03:33
Matt27    mkdir(name, mode)03:33
Matt27FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''03:33
Matt27I've gone through the source code and really the only thing I can see is I haven't specified validation_key https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/blob/49e01b4298252c1405cbbf316f5433f371c2cc75/cloudinit/config/cc_chef.py#L70 but I think in the chef template the key is passed through via the cert? I'm super new to cloud-init so its been a steep03:36
Matt27learning curve lol03:36
=== EugenMayer596 is now known as EugenMayer59
Matt27Also just looking a bit further into this, seems like 'chef_license' is being added into the CHEF_RB_TPL_PATH_KEYS and causing issues. My python is pretty average, so would this be getting set here: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/blob/49e01b4298252c1405cbbf316f5433f371c2cc75/cloudinit/config/cc_chef.py#L8804:36
Matt27I can't find any other reference to the chef_license, and its somehow ending up in the PATH_KEYS var04:36
Matt27It gets set on https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/blob/49e01b4298252c1405cbbf316f5433f371c2cc75/cloudinit/config/cc_chef.py#L67 but still doesn't reference the chef_license key in the definition, so is there a step I'm missing somewhere?04:38
=== gschanuel3 is now known as gschanuel
=== EugenMayer595 is now known as EugenMayer59
=== gschanuel7 is now known as gschanuel
=== EugenMayer595 is now known as EugenMayer59
=== EugenMayer590 is now known as EugenMayer59
minimalis there any way with network-config v1 or v2 to specify ethtool settings (other than WoL) for interfaces?14:18
=== gschanuel3 is now known as gschanuel
meenafalcojr: I think https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/1779 is ready for re* review17:33
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 1779 in canonical/cloud-init "Net: add BSD ifconfig(8) parser and state class" [Open]17:33
=== gschanuel0 is now known as gschanuel
falcojrI'll try to get to it soon. The canonical employees are going to be less active this week as we're at an in person engineering meeting all week. 18:53
minimalfalcojr: I assume this will impact on the 22.4 release schedule then18:54
falcojrBah, yes. Probably next Tuesday. 18:55
=== gschanuel2 is now known as gschanuel
meenafalcojr: might be good to rework my schedule next week with all of y'all's schedule in mind /cc jrm 20:24
=== gschanuel0 is now known as gschanuel
=== gschanuel9 is now known as gschanuel

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