
Guest251Hi, can anyone help? I have a mac with an intel chip. using vmware fusion, I installed Kubuntu. I had difficulty installing it and once I changed the disk space to 35gb, it installed nicely. Today my mouse wouldn't work on the vm for some reason, so I restarted Kubuntu. Then I got that hated watchdog error and ugh, couldn't figure out what was02:34
Guest251wrong. I deleted the whole instance and reinstalled a new one. Still gives me the watchdog error. What am I missing? I tried kali, and just ubuntu desktop. They all just give me the error02:34
Guest251It won't even go through installation02:34
IrcsomeBot<D.> Can u post a screenshot?06:32
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BluesKajHi all12:36
IrcsomeBot<lord chencho> Hi!13:14
iomari891greetings, I still cant upgrade to 22.10 from 22.04. still complains: "Checking for a new Ubuntu release13:40
iomari891Please install all available updates for your release before upgrading13:40
iomari891I have updated and upgraded many times.13:41
RikMillsapt list --upgradable13:44
dubuleIs kubuntu an ideal distro for linux workstations in an enterprise environment?15:10
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IrcsomeBot<lord chencho> could work (re @IrcsomeBot: <dubule> Is kubuntu an ideal distro for linux workstations in an enterprise environment?)15:33
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> sadly their current enterprise solution meant they could only manage to stay online on IRC for 14 mins (re @lord chencho: could work)15:34
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> Anyone tried the backport for plasma 5.2620:00
R13oseI'm using the Discord program and the icon on the panel isn't showing up, all I see is a white box with one side flapped up with a triangle inside and a exclamation mark inside that.  How do I fix that?21:16
oerheksafter update, discord gets a new icon, for snaps that is.21:18
oerheksso the pinned one is no longer valid?21:19
mmikowskioerheks: I think that's what R13ose was saying. I'd definitely unpin it and run again. That likely will fix the issue.21:36
R13osemmikowski: how do I unpin it?21:42
mmikowskiRight-click on icon. Select 'Unpin from Taskmanager' at bottom.21:43
mmikowskiThat's assuming you have it pinned in the task manager in the panel of course :)21:44
R13oseOops, sorry, I don't have this pinned.21:47
mmikowskiR13ose: What container is it in?21:50
R13oseSystem tray21:50
mmikowskiYou probably need to completely restart the app. That will likely fix it.21:51
mmikowskiProbably right-click on the icon in tray and close it.21:55
R13oseI've done that multiple times and still no icon.  I also reinstalled the snap version and still the same.22:10
mmikowskiDid you restart your desktop session? If it still reappears, then there is something janky going on. I'd search to see if others are seeing it.  Best of luck - I've got to run for now.22:12
totofhey ya quelqu'un?22:17
totofc'est moi borniol!22:23
ubunterHi! Desktop content refreshes only while moving a mouse. How to fix it? Ubuntu 22.04LTS WL+KDE+Nvidia prop.drv22:55
mmikowskiubunter: what display server - X11 or Wayland?23:14
R13oseI did the restart of the desktop session and I upgraded to 22.10, and still no changes.23:14
mmikowskiOh sorry,  missed that the first time :\23:15
Eickmeyerubunter: Wayland is known to be problematic (and unsupported) on 22.04.23:15
EickmeyerEspecially with Nvidia.23:15
EickmeyerIt's available merely as experimental.23:16
ubunterThanks! Most applications works fine. But this strange thing with desktop...23:19
R13oseI got these issues when I started the plasmashell via terminal and ran discord.  https://pastebin.com/BpGXYApu23:52

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