
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
=== aleksandr is now known as smnov
=== IchabodCrane is now known as DalekSec
Blohsharraybolt3, i am having difficulties.11:39
Blohshi installed kubuntu with all softwares, like libre etc.. and also enabled 3rd party driver.11:40
Blohshwifi not working i installed the package you said and through usb transfered to that laptop.11:40
Blohshbut it keeps giving dependency problems11:40
Blohshpackage make, binutils, lto-disabled-list. dkms, and more not installed11:41
Blohshi was installing few  packages same way as installing driver, through usb but they keep on coming to install more and more.11:41
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd08> Oops , but i was wring ,11:55
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd08> I creared new layout and its working in wayland (re @Anarchotaoist: Latte Dock is falling apart at the edges. It no longer has a maintainer. 😞)11:55
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd08> Oops , but i was wring ,11:55
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd08> I created new layout and its working in wayland (re @Anarchotaoist: Latte Dock is falling apart at the edges. It no longer has a maintainer. 😞)11:55
IrcsomeBot<lord chencho> Hi there! (re @IrcsomeBot: <rohit_> hi)13:15
=== kubuntu is now known as Sollonum
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd08> Heyyy, i want to use tilling script on wayland pls help15:57
=== MareMagnum is now known as faLUKE
=== Guest70 is now known as Swaroop
SwaroopI wanted to install kubuntu in lvm with encryption. In ubuntu it's possible to generate a recovery code while selecting lvm with encryption. In kubuntu am not able to locate that option. Is it possible to generate a recovery code in kubuntu?16:47
=== arraybolt3_ is now known as arraybolt3
=== sathya is now known as agha
MrokiiHello. Ever since Kalendar was available in the official isos (I think from 22.04 onwards) I had tried to start it, but it always crashed with this error probably being the reason: org.kde.pim.akonadiserver: Did not find MySQL server default configuration (mysql-global.conf)17:36
MrokiiDoes anybody know what could be done about that?17:36
MrokiiI'm running 22.10 atm.17:36
MrokiiI tried installing mysql-server, as was suggested on some sites on the net, but the installation didn't go through either.17:38
=== floown_ is now known as floown
gordon_i dont understand how irc works19:09
arraybolt3gordon_: It's just a chat system.19:13
arraybolt3gordon_: Basically, you send a message to a room. Everyone in the room gets that message, and can respond to you or to others who are also sending messages.19:14
arraybolt3Sometimes multiple conversations can take place in the same room at the same time - to help keep track of things when this helps, we "ping" or highlight each other, like I did above twice by putting the "gordon_:" at the start of my message.19:14
arraybolt3That way we can keep track of who's talking to who.19:14
arraybolt3You join rooms (called "channels" in IRC) by running "/join #channel", and you can leave them by switching to the channel you want to leave and running "/part".19:15
gordon_thank you!! where are channels' and conversations in that room's data stored? are there servers19:19
arraybolt3Basically there's an entire network of servers that all work together to provide the ser... oh bye.19:20
mmikowskiMrokii: Akonadio uses its own MySQL server last I know. So adding mysql-server is not needed. See akonadi-backend-mysql. BTW, this uses a separate mysql server for each user.19:35
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc

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