
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
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lissyxoSoMoN, seb128, hello13:30
seb128lissyx, hey13:30
lissyxoSoMoN, seb128, shouldn't this be filed against ubuntu rather than us? https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=179851213:30
-ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Mozilla bug 1798512 in Firefox Build System "Update Snap ffmpeg to support VAAPI AV1 hardware decoding" [--, Unconfirmed]13:30
seb128lissyx, it's an issue with the firefox snap not with ubuntu though?13:34
lissyxyeah but it's not a bug on firefox itself13:34
lissyxand given https://github.com/canonical/firefox-snap/blob/767875a21a6bd2c543fdee4119e67fbe5b7d2f53/snapcraft.yaml#L438-L439  I dont see if it can be fixed13:35
seb128I mean it's fine to report firefox snap issues on launchpad but that's not different from other snaps issues13:35
seb128lissyx, I'm unsure to understand13:35
seb128firefox seems to stage libavcodec58 from the archive13:35
seb128is the issue that the focal version is too old and doesn't has the needed codec?13:36
seb128if so we could build ffmpeg from source instead of staging the deb13:36
seb128also I'm unclear what's currently included in the snap today but some of the codecs distribution is restricted due to patents13:37
lissyxyes, I think it is staging libavcodec58 from 20.04 and not 22.0413:38
seb128right, it's a core20 snap atm13:38
seb128let me talk to Ken/Olivier later here, we are together at a sprint13:39
oSoMoNlissyx, seb128: I discussed this already with the bug reporter13:44
oSoMoNthe snap ships ffmpeg from the archive, and it's too old to support av1 hw decoding 13:45
oSoMoNevent bumping to core22 doesn't solve the problem, because the version of ffmpeg in jammy is too old. We need ffmpeg 5 to address that.13:45
oSoMoNThe only option I see is to build ffmpeg from source as part of the snap13:46
oSoMoNhence the bug report13:46
lissyxwell the new bug report is not crystal clear sorry13:46
oSoMoNlet me see if I can clarify it13:46
lissyxbut how does this fits with the requirement of ffmpeg mentionned in the snapcraft comment?13:46
lissyxdoes building from source makes the requirement not valid anymore maybe?13:47
lissyx(and we already have some  in-tree ffmpeg, can't we just use that?)13:47
seb128lissyx, might be easier to discuss that in person next week13:49
RAOFHey, seb128. How do you feel about sponsoring a colord upload from salsa? 😉13:51
seb128RAOF, I'm in!13:53
seb128RAOF, uploaded14:13
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc

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