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centHOGGhiya, on a chromecast it has this time-date-weather slideshow page... does ubuntu have something like that?03:25
centHOGGon startup03:25
bougymanas a screensaver?03:25
bougymanOh. I'm sure you could do it but I don't know a specific app for it, offhand.03:25
centHOGGyeah, i mean when you plug in a chromecast it has this startup page with a big clock, date and weather03:25
centHOGGyou can leave it on all day03:26
bougymanThat would best be implemented in a screensaver. I'm sure someone's done it.03:26
arraybolt3I think Ubuntu shows the date and time, but I don't know about the weather. Look into Xscreensaver.03:26
bougymanBecause the screensaver is what you see when you unsuspend ubuntu03:26
bougymanIt usually does show date and time in the display manager.03:26
bougymanBut yeah, not weather (not that I've see). The display manager itself might be configurable for such. I've never looked into it.03:27
centHOGGok I found an image of what I was talking about...03:32
centHOGGhold on03:33
centHOGGfor a t03:35
centHOGGhmmm i thought it also had the date.. but no i guess03:36
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thedoctarHi there, I had a problem with a new usb-c hub with ethernet, that I fixed by updating the relevant kernel module for the ethernet adapter (available from realtek's website). I'd like to request that the relevant module be added to the mainline ubuntu kernel OR I'd like to notify other users who have this same problem. What's the best way to do this? Should I create a bug report on launchpad and list it as feature request?05:21
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murmelthedoctar: about which device are we talking about?06:14
thedoctarThe moudle is r815206:14
murmelno chars after the numbers?06:14
thedoctarNot the module06:14
murmelthedoctar: seems like there is a bug, as the kernel _does_ have a module. so I would report a bug against the ubuntu kernel, and then see from there06:18
thedoctarOkay, the mainline linux kernel from kernel.org also has the outdated module06:19
murmelthedoctar: whatever outdated means, afaik the driver from realtek directly is not foss or?06:19
thedoctarmurmel: but the module in the kernel is from realtek anyway06:19
thedoctarmurmel: the updated module is GPLv206:20
murmeldid you try a mainline kernel? or do you just assume that it doesn't work?06:21
murmelthedoctar: ^06:27
thedoctarmurmel: I'm looking at the source code of the linux kernel v6.1-rc306:27
murmelthedoctar: if that is the case, report a bug to upstream, probably using mailing list, and then see from there, as ubuntu will eventually pick it up06:30
thedoctarmurmel: thanks; do you know what the best mailing list is? or should I just use bugzilla?06:31
murmelthedoctar: https://lore.kernel.org/netdev/06:31
murmeltry to report an actual bug with some logs, rather than just asking for a newer version (but I guess pointing out that the realtek foss driver works)06:32
murmelno idea if they ever merged that driver, or if it's a "homegrown" linux driver06:33
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tzioAfter I login my dekstop has a black screen , but i can see the bottom panel. Formatting / and keeping home did not fix it. Happenned during nvidia-drivers and nsight installing/uninstalling. Making a new user and logging with the new user has no graphic glitches.07:43
tzioreboot, brb ..07:45
kkkssfWas openssl already updated/patched in 22.04?07:53
ograkkkssf, yesterday07:55
kkkssfAh ok so 3.0.2-0ubuntu1.7 is patched/not vulnerable07:56
kkkssfI was confused because redย  elsewhere that 3.0.0 to 3.0.6 is vulnerable08:00
kkkssfs/red/*I have read08:02
ograkkkssf, https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2022-378608:07
-ubottu:#ubuntu- A buffer overrun can be triggered in X.509 certificate verification, specifically in name constraint checking. Note that this occurs after certificate chain signature verification and requires either a CA to have signed a malicious certificate or for an application to continue certificate verification despite failure to construct a path to a trusted issuer. An attacker can c... <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2022-3786>08:07
ograthat lists the package versions that neede/were fixed08:07
kkkssfI see, thank you08:08
TomyWorkkkkssf, stable distros work by freezing the upstream version at some point in time (in this case 3.0.2) and then backporting patches to that. you can see download the source package with "apt source openssl". when doing that, it'll show you all the patches it just applied to the upstream source package08:14
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hid3Greetings everyone. I'm using 'screen' quite often for my daily tasks. I usually start it in detached mode, e.g. `screen -AdmS test <mycommand>`. However, when I re-attach the screen often it has broken characters, missing shell colors, etc... When I start just `screen`, then run <mycommand> and detach it, it won't experience such problems. Question: how do I make detached screen sessions behave the same as they would be started interactively?08:53
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iomari891hid3: try tmux :-)09:07
TomyWorkI have an ubuntu 22.04 autoinstall stuck after "Reached target Host and Network Name Lookups". Is there a way to get a shell on the console at that point so I can inspect the situation on the machine?09:19
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sarnoldTomyWork: control+alt+f2 or control+alt+f3 perhaps?09:26
TomyWorkunfortunately not09:27
TomyWorkjust gets me an empty terminal09:28
sarnolddoes that change if you hit enter?09:28
TomyWorkhavent tried, 1 sec09:28
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TomyWorkgotta start it first :)09:31
TazyHi all, so I have tried 3 times now to format a drive and each time this intel upboard seems to hang, and I have no hdmi output or ssh to it anymore. Could it be it runs out of memory? I can't see anything in the logs that explains this T_T09:31
TomyWorksarnold, neither 1 nor 2 nor 3 react to enter09:33
TomyWorkwas worth a try09:33
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sarnoldTomyWork: dang :(09:34
sarnoldTazy: ouch :( debugging things without any output is just not fun :(09:34
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Tazysarnold, yeah so I loose dmesg output09:36
Tazybut I still have journalctl but... I don't see anything there, just shows how services start to disconnect as the network stack goes down09:36
user_1337Hi folks I am using ubuntu but I have found that when I am trying to use screencloud ubuntu 2204 is blocking me from take screenshots how can I solve this I couldnt find anything in the privacy>Screen please help me out09:37
Tazyso I am going to try a full desktop running arch... Cause after 3 times of it just hanging :/09:37
sarnoldTazy: maybe leave a journalctl -f or dmesg -w or both running when trying it?09:38
hid3iomari891: thanks, trying now. Kinda unusual thing, need to learn all the shortcuts/commands like a newly born :) But if it solves all my problems, then why not09:38
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TomyWorkhid3, are you using putty perchance?09:40
Tazysarnold, I left it plugged into an hdmi display and just turned off the screen, and I had no output this morning09:41
TazyIt was dead09:41
Tazycan't even ping it09:41
sarnoldTazy :(09:41
TomyWorkuser_1337, try pressing the "print screen" key09:42
TomyWorkon kubuntu, that takes a screenshot. might work on ubuntu as well09:42
user_1337I am using the gui for the screencloud09:42
user_1337not the regular screenshoot tool included from ubuntu.09:42
TomyWorkso it does work, yes?09:43
TomyWorkuser_1337, does print screen work?09:43
user_1337the regular print scr work09:44
TomyWorkok, so it's not the application or something09:44
TomyWorkmight be that screencloud (whatever that is) is incompatible with wayland09:44
TomyWorki think ubuntu 22.04 was wayland09:44
iomari891hid3: If you are patient, you'll enjoy it. Especially if you are using zsh as your shell instead of bash.09:44
TomyWorkuser_1337, ^09:45
hid3TomyWork: yes, I am09:45
sarnoldTomyWork: good call :)09:45
TomyWorkhid3, ssh -> translation or something and set it to UTF-809:45
user_1337I tested shutter as well same issue09:45
user_1337any suggested screenshot tool for ubuntu I need to upload to ftp also be able to take screenshots of region09:46
TomyWorkuser_1337, just turn off wayland :)09:46
user_1337turn off?09:46
sarnoldwhen you login there is probably a little gear icon or something like that you can use to select between an Xorg / X11 session or a wayland session09:46
sarnoldpick the xorg or x11 or whatever it's called, try that?09:46
user_1337turned off wayland09:49
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zambahi! i want to convert from /e/n/interfaces to netplan.. what do i need to do?10:19
sarnoldzamba: as far as I know, there's no 'shortcut' to it :( I load https://netplan.io/examples and https://netplan.io/reference in different browser tabs, and start copy-pasting the framework for the parts I want10:22
sarnoldbut i've only done that a few times, so maybe there's something nicer, heh10:23
zambasarnold: i'm more interested in the actual replacing part.. writing the yaml is no problem.. but that it gets loaded correctly upon reboot and stuff like that10:23
zambaand that loading of /e/n/interfaces (ifupdown?) is disabled10:24
sarnoldzamba: aha, nice :) I think that's putting it into /etc/netplan/nn-name.yaml file, and then 'netplan apply' or 'netplan try' or 'netplan generate'10:25
zambawhat is backend specific configuration files?10:25
zambaYou will not normally need to run this directly as it is run by netplan apply, netplan try, or at boot.10:26
zambaah, ok10:26
zambabut how do i disable ifupdown?10:26
sarnoldzamba: heh, in my case, upgrading to 22.04 was enough :) it removed ifupdown and left me without networking on that system, hehe10:31
zambasarnold: exactly :)10:31
sarnoldzamba: probably apt purge ifupdown  is a good start ifyou want to force it on 20.0410:31
borked2022hiya, anybody willing to help me rescue the boot on this ubuntu openzfs-on-root? https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=248023610:46
borked2022am I muted?10:49
arraybolt3borked2022: No, we can see you.10:50
borked2022arraybolt3: thanks10:50
arraybolt3borked2022: So, I see there's tons of info in that thread, and really I don't have a whole lot of experience here. However, there is one bit of info you might be interested in.10:57
arraybolt3borked2022: ZFS root on Ubuntu is currently in a minimal maintenance mode and is nearly dead. It may be removed very soon, and I believe was even disabled in Ubuntu 22.10.10:57
arraybolt3borked2022: While I know you're only interested in recovering the installation you have, it might be better to bail out and reinstall from scratch, **without** using ZFS this time. Ubuntu's root-on-ZFS is dying and may be dead already.10:58
lotuspsychjeborked2022: and also ZFS + encryption has a known bug on ubuntu 22.04 at the moment (if thats your case)10:58
arraybolt3(Scratch "may be dead already", since it's not dead on Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04 I believe, but you get my point... it's on its way out.)10:59
borked2022arraybolt3: I'm aware, but thanks for the info10:59
arraybolt3Sadly, given my lack of experience here and the complexity of the issue, I don't think I can help much more than that. There's plenty of other people here who may be able to help, however.11:00
borked2022I don't have the luxury of bailing at this time11:00
borked2022If I could rewind 2.5 years when I installed focal openzfs-on-root, I'd do things differently11:01
borked2022arraybolt3:  future installs may be with btrfs or zfsbootmenu.org11:02
borked2022lotuspsychje: not encrypted, but can u link the bug in question please?11:03
lotuspsychjeyes, holdon11:03
lotuspsychjeborked2022: bug #197006611:04
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 1970066 in snapd (Ubuntu Jammy) "(Encrypted) ZFS breaks 22.04 installation" [Critical, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/197006611:04
borked2022lotuspsychje: thanks11:05
borked2022lotuspsychje: this was a focal install which worked and updated fine until I recently tried to do-release-upgrade to jammy11:05
lotuspsychjeborked2022: can you describe what happened in short with zfs after LTS upgrading? perhaps volunteers can think along11:10
ogralotuspsychje, for future reference: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual-tests/+bug/1993318 is the actual bug for kinetic (the jammy one is not really deeply researched)11:11
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1993318 in systemd (Ubuntu) "ZFS + Encryption installations of Ubuntu Desktop do not come up correctly on first boot, systemd unmounts many of the zfs volumes" [Critical, Confirmed]11:11
borked2022lotuspsychje: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=248023611:11
lotuspsychjeok tnx ogra11:11
borked2022I ran do-release-upgrade on a focal zfs on root (legacy bios, bpool, & rpool) and everything seemed to go fine until after reboot. Grub still showed 20.04 with old kernel and trying to boot it dumps to an emergency mode.11:12
borked2022lotuspsychje: that WAS the scenario but after weeks of shenanigans I'm at a point where grub seems to be updating properly in a liveusb/chroot environment and show the right kernel etc on reboot11:13
borked2022but still only boot to emergency mode11:14
lotuspsychjemaybe check the bug ID ogra just mentioned, if thats your case?11:14
borked2022lotuspsychje, ogra , it doesn't say anything about unencrypted zfs11:15
ograyeah, this is very specific to encrypted zfs (same as the jammy bug before)11:15
borked2022but those bugs really make ubuntu look like amateur hour11:16
lotuspsychjethere will always be bugs around borked2022 no Os is perfect right11:16
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rob0Be careful when criticizing for amateurism, when your criticism itself is amateurish. :)11:47
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beuysHello! Is there a way to see why a laptop battery is in state "pending-charge"? I guess it is due to some settings "do not charge if battery is above X%". But where are those settings?11:53
pagioshi guys, talking about cybersecurity and OSQUERY for windows , if i install the osquery agent on a machine, TODAY. will i be able to fetch logs and audit stuff generated yesterday ? Or will the query only be effective on the DATE of the agent deployment and onward?12:02
Habbieare you sure that's a Ubuntu question?12:03
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oerhekspaiwithout testing, only from time you configure it, in /var/log/osquery/ *logs   https://kifarunix.com/install-osquery-on-ubuntu/ https://osquery.readthedocs.io/en/4.6.0/deployment/logging/13:28
oerhekspagios, ^ ^13:28
Demosthenexso i'm reformatting my mediaPC, it was previously running an old ubuntu (14?). i tried installing 22. i have a radeon r9-270X graphics card with HDMI out to the TV. worked great in 14. in 22 i get no video unless i set "nomodeset" on my kernel in grub. when i boot. radeon and amdgpu can't make up their mind. i downgraded to 18, it's working better but now i have no sound over HDMI and no video14:18
Demosthenexacceleration so the screen crawls. again conflicts between radeon and amdgpu. i'm considering downgrading again to 16 or 14. can someone tell me whether i can use this r9-270x or not?14:18
ravageDemosthenex, i dont think the amdgpu driver makes sense for this old card14:20
ravagemake sure not to use it and see if the included radeon/mesa driver works14:20
Demosthenexravage: me either. but i've spent hours tinkering, passing exotic kernel params like "amdgpu.si_support=0" etc14:21
Demosthenexand the HWE support and modeset are often making Xorg skip the radeon driver14:21
Demosthenexi even disabled wayland to see if that helped14:21
Demosthenexvainfo never shows accel, and firefox/netflix are unusable14:21
ravagefor vulkan you may need amdgpu14:22
ravagebut you dont need that for firefox or netflix14:22
Demosthenexworse, it's not even detecting the HDMI resoultion, and defaulting to some odd generic value14:22
Demosthenexno, not gaming. just a media pc. watching videos from my NAS with VLC, firefox to YT/NF/D+14:22
Demosthenexonly caveat is the HDMI out14:22
Demosthenexi dug around, the r9 is the only card i had with the hdmi out14:22
ravageput "blacklist amdgpu" in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and run "sudo update-initramfs -u"14:22
ravagereboot and make sure with lsmod that amdgpu is not listed14:23
Demosthenexat times, i haven't seen either loaded. lsmod and lspci -vk14:24
Demosthenexi think nomodeset breaks x11 and maybe it's using framebuffer14:25
ravageremove any modifications you did before14:25
Demosthenexunfortunately, if i don't do nomodeset, hdmi doesn't work at all. it may have booted, but even C-A-F1 doesn't get a console.14:25
ravageif you can reproduce them do a clean install14:25
Demosthenexok, i'll try blacklisting.14:25
Demosthenexit's basically a clean install ;]14:25
Demosthenexif i install again, it'll be from 18 to 1614:26
ravage18.04 is the oldest supported version here14:26
Demosthenexyeah. i was hoping to get on another LTS version14:26
Demosthenexi'm only considering downgrading because it was a known working config14:27
Demosthenexand it seems to just be this card. maybe i can replace that :P14:27
teason30I am having a problem with a 22.04.1 system where /boot/efi and /boot/grub are mounting underneath /boot (local-fs.target is running before zfs.target).14:37
xxyou have /boot/grub as a separate mountpoint?14:39
teason30/boot/efi/grub  /boot/grub      none    defaults,bind   0       014:45
teason30it is a bind mount setup by the system14:45
bancroftHello, I'm on ubuntu and I'm trying to make `systemctl edit` non-interactive. I created a file at /etc/systemd/system/<unit> to automatically overwrite the /lib unit by the package manager over at /lib/systemd/system/<unit>. However, daemon-reload and restarting does not use the new unit file over at /etc/systemd/system/<unit>. When I run systemctl cat <unit> I see my unit file, but when I run14:55
bancroftsystemctl status <unit> I see the old one. Am I missing some magic incantation?14:55
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eelstrebordoes snap auto update packages without user interaction?15:11
pycuriousI'm trying to make ssh ubuntu@localhost go without password - and it does not like my id_rsa.pub inside my authorized_keys - any ideas if i am doing anything that is not allowed?15:27
Demosthenexpycurious: check perms on the user's authorized keys and .ssh. check the syslog output for sshd.15:27
Demosthenexor spin up a temp sshd on another port in debug mode and watch teh messages15:28
Demosthenexthe most common error is insecure perms on the user files15:28
rob0also can check with ssh -v15:28
pycurious"ssh localhost" works without password. But - ssh ubuntu@192.168.x.x doe snot15:28
lotuspsychje_Demosthenex: i wonder if mythtv would give you better luck with your older card, or perhaps lubuntu/xubuntu15:28
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rob0who are you logged in as, when trying to ssh to ubuntu@localhost? Maybe su/sudo is a better choice for what you want to do?15:29
rob0oh, you need your public key in ~ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys15:30
pycuriousrob0: Thank you! That was the issue!15:30
eelstreborravage, thanks. i had password file changes that were identified for snap and snapd15:31
rob0pycurious, cool, yw.15:32
gnomethrowerHi there15:38
gnomethrowerI have a system running ubuntu 22.04 which won't boot - it appears to be a cloud.cfg issue15:38
gnomethrowerrunning cloud-init schema --system as it suggests gives the following output15:38
gnomethrowerCloud config schema errors: format-l1.c1: File None needs to begin with "#cloud-config"15:38
SteelRoseAny Redis master here? I have the following problem: https://dpaste.org/mNGx7 -- thanks!15:42
sarnoldgnomethrower: did you supply the file? or is it from your hoster?15:42
gnomethrowerIt's from our hoster15:43
gnomethrowerit uses the ec2 data source type15:43
sarnoldgnomethrower: pastebin the file?15:44
gnomethrowersarnold: https://gist.github.com/Zorlin/4d37131881648cb0099c5348d4d9a53415:44
gnomethrowerunmodified from their version except for adding #cloud-config at the top as the error message we got from the parser indicates it needs it15:45
gnomethrowerbut it doesn't work with or without15:45
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sarnoldgnomethrower: dang :( it looks pretty sane, I'm not sure what to suggest next :(15:46
Demosthenexlotuspsychje: is myth it's own distro now? i used that years ago. this last working one was just stock ubuntu with vlc, firefox, and kodi.15:51
ravagegnomethrower, "File None" looks like it does not find any file at all15:55
pycuriousI'm trying to shutdown nginx on a machine. I tried systemctl stop nginx - and it says its failed. But nginx still is running on the machine. pkill nginx doesnt work - any other ideas on how to stop nginx?15:55
ravageare you sure it is in the right place?15:55
pycuriousravage: what do you mean?15:56
ograDemosthenex, i think mythbuntu died a few years ago ... but thre is UbuntuStudio which is very media focused15:56
ravagethat was not meant for you15:56
pycuriousnginx - systemctl status -> Failed to start A high performance web server and a...15:56
xuroshello everyone,can someone help me?15:57
xurosi have a rather weird issue15:57
ograhow would we know ?15:57
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:57
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xurosokay give me a sec,u apologise i am new to this :)15:58
xurosi apologise*15:58
ograno need t apologise ๐Ÿ™‚15:58
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xurosi have a fresh xubuntu 22.10 on acer espire es1-331 laptop,basically it boots properly,everything works without problem;however when i open FadeIn(screenwriting software) i get a very weird flicker on the page portion of program15:59
xuros when i run it from terminal i get following error: GTK Critical gtk widget size set request failed15:59
xurosand when i change focus to a different window it doesnt flicker16:00
ograxuros, i assume fadein comes from the scripttool snap ?16:03
ogra(or did you install it from source ?)16:03
gnomethrowersarnold:ย  Cloud config schema errors: disable_root: 0 is not of type 'boolean', ssh_pwauth: 0 is not valid under any of the given schemas16:04
gnomethrowerafter cloud-init schema --config-file /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg16:04
xurosi downloaded it from website as a file with .deb extension16:04
ograxuros, well, you should report an error to them then, we can only actually support software that is in the ubuntu archive (since we have no control over what third party apps do)16:05
xurosi see,i was wondering if anyone had a similar issue with a similar program that might be caused by a common problem16:05
xuroslike something with graphics drivers or something16:05
ograsounds more like an outdated gtk version it was built against or issues with wayland support ... but i'm wildly guessing here16:06
xurosokay,thank you:D16:06
ograyou *could* try t switch to an X11 session and see if it goes away16:06
ogra(log out, click your name and a little gear should appear that allows you to sees the X11/Xorg session)16:07
ogra*to select16:07
pycuriousI've a wierd problem. When I reboot a machine - systemctl status nginx -says green/running. When I do systemctl stop nginx - port 80 is still being listened to by nginx. Any ideas on how to stop nginx?16:07
pycuriouspstree shows nginx -> 4*[nginx]. I tried kill -9 on all those 5 process IDs. It respawns.16:08
AirwolfGreetings. I've added 2 hard drives to a machine (server, ver. 22.04.1, that already has 1 OS drive and two 6TB drives in a RAID 0 array. This array was picked up during install and is working, AFTER doing an install, and getting the same problem I'm having now, trying to add a RAID 1 array. After setting up the array, the machine fails to boot, the BIOS thinks the GPT header is corrupt. I can boot it by selecting the OS drive to boot with.16:14
Airwolfgdisk shows the following after creating the array with SDD & SDE:   https://pastebin.com/CA25G2CQ16:15
AirwolfAny ideas ?16:16
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konradosHey, I just installed ubuntu 20, how to check router's IP and subnet mask? Google gives me answers from 2015 :)16:45
konradosifconfig isn't there, btw, and then I found a suggestion, that I should `ip` but can't see the answer for these simple questions16:48
ograman ip ?16:51
konradosYeah, but I only have a few minutes ogra16:51
ograthe manpage is not *that* long ๐Ÿ™‚16:52
Airwolfifconfig isn't there by default on desktop versions. You can install it with " sudo apt install net-tools"16:52
konradosOK, thanks Airwolf & ogra - netmask === subnet?16:56
konradosI get "inet  netmask  broadcast"16:57
Airwolfsounds right if you're getting you address from a home router of some sort.16:58
konradosI need to connect fuuuu MAC to the cable, and it used to work, now it doesn't :)16:58
AirwolfYour carrier may have your MAC tied to your account; if the MAC has changed, you may need to contact them16:59
konradosRight, but for some reeason this stupid MAC changed the IP and subnet mask, and I don't have permissions to change that16:59
konradosNo, no permissions17:00
Airwolfsudo gives you root access on Linux17:00
AirwolfBut if it's your carrier, then you might have to contact them. I used to have to do that with Spectrum17:01
konradosIt's a business laptop, MAC, in a moment I'll have a talk about about the issue, on my private computer I wanted to know the IP's thank Airwolf ogra17:02
konradosIt's funny, that I, being a developer, have no access to the business laptop :)17:04
konrados* no permissions17:05
AirwolfNot from the company's IT department's view. Before I retired, I had lots of supposedly smart people screw network things up. Everyone has their own skill sets.17:05
kkkssfyou need to bring the device down before you can change the mac17:06
konradosTrue, but I need to wait weeks to change a small thing o.O17:06
AirwolfTalk to your boss, tell him that's why you aren't getting stuff done.17:07
konradoskkkssf, no, I have no rights to change anything17:07
konradosAirwolf, I did, a few times17:08
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AirwolfWell, if you don't have root access, you're screwed.17:08
konradosyeah :)17:08
tomreynkonrados: actually, you can overwrite your mac address by editing your network manager connection profile, which doesn't require root on a default ubuntu desktop installation.17:14
kkkssfyou can change/spoof mac in network-manager applet17:15
kkkssfah yes17:15
Jari--I need to reset audio device, jack makes noise on inserting the headphones to my laptop, so softawre is broken and I cant get audio. Headphones work with another, a handheld mobile device. Though.17:29
Jari--Laptop, no audio problem, on Ubuntu !17:29
Jari--apparently audio test works, but no audio on Firefox17:31
Jari--*on System Volume / Ubuntu 2217:32
Jari--ok, now it works17:33
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johnathanHello there17:43
nickgawHi, What package in ubuntu tells you if you enter in a wrong command what package it is installed from?17:46
arraybolt3nickgaw: Pretty sure that's command-not-found.17:50
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nickgawWhy when doing a test install of ubuntu on a virtual machine does the live environment's settings not come over to the installed system?17:58
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kotilo25HI, I need some help with a sof-firmware issue getting speakers to work on US22.04.  I have a fresh install and I"m following a set of instructions, but I don't have a certain sof.conf file in the directory the instructions anticipate.  Details in this thread https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/yikcnc/need_help_porting_a_manjaro_tutorial_for_a_ubuntu/18:02
nickgawWhy did they get rid of the dual booting of ubuntu on windows where you could install ubuntu from windows and it was in it's own image on your windows hard drive?18:04
ogranickgaw, you mean the "wubi" installer ?18:06
nickgawyes where you use to be able to boot ubuntu from windows.18:06
ograthe community person that maintained it simply abandoned it and nobdy picked it up18:06
nickgawCan it still be used or is it dead now?18:06
ograit was bit-rotting for a few releases in ubuntu (but still available) but at some point it was simply to broken to be shipped18:07
nickgawIs the source code for that installer still around anywhere?18:07
ograi think it is completely gone now ... but yu might find old code googling for "wubi installer" or "wubi ubuntu"18:08
nickgawunderstand that page was that a popular feature in ubuntu?18:09
ogralast change in 2014 ...18:10
nickgawso dead then18:10
ograOH !18:10
ogralook at that ๐Ÿ™‚18:10
ogra(dont ask about it here though, i doubt anyone in here can help if you run into issues)18:11
nickgawbut in order to use it with a modern ubuntu I would have to do a lot of work to put it all together.18:11
ogradunno, there seems to be a wiki on github for it18:11
nickgawWhat is the name of the ubuntu installer that is used to do a normal installation of ubuntu and where is the sources for it?18:13
ograubiquity ... but i think that will be dropped this coming release18:13
nickgawSo how will users install new ubuntu releases and why are they dropping it?18:13
arraybolt3nickgaw: I believe they intend to replace it with Canary. Ubiquity has a lot of problems.18:14
nickgawFrom the end users point of view will it be the same or very different and are there any test images I can test with for accessibility reasons as I am totally blind and want to make sure it works with orca?18:16
ograarraybolt3, so doe canary ...18:17
arraybolt3nickgaw: It's a much different user interface but still nice. Also, yes, there are testing images. I can link you to one very easily.18:17
arraybolt3(Keep in mind that this image is **experimental** and should not be used on any machine that you want to use for actual work.)18:17
nickgawI was going to use it on a virtual machine.18:17
ograsee there18:18
arraybolt3nickgaw: https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-canary/current/18:18
arraybolt3A virtual machine is an ideal place to test this.18:18
* ogra isnt sure the installer will actually be caled canary once it gets released though 18:18
arraybolt3The link is to a page containing the ISO and the needed verification data (SHA256SUMS).18:18
arraybolt3It will install a daily image build of Ubuntu 22.04.1 using the Canary installer rather than Ubiquity.18:19
ograIIRC the name just stems from the "canary images" (i.e. "test images")18:19
nickgawShould I first connect to my wireless network before I do this installer?18:19
nickgawIf it is on a virtual machine then wireless network should not matter right it is like the normal stable versions where it would use my existing network connection right?18:20
ogranickgaw, perhaps https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/canary-desktop-image-how-do-i-use-it/23230 helps18:20
nickgawIs the source code for this new installer anywhere for me to look at?18:23
ograi think it is linked from the first discourse link i posted above18:25
nickgawWhat is the point in rewriting the installer?18:26
ograwell, the installer was actually newly written for server and cloud about 10y ago ...18:28
arraybolt3nickgaw: I was wrong, the link I sent you is to the Ubuntu **Kinetic* (22.10) Canary ISO. My bad. It should still work for testing though.18:28
ograthe new desktop installer is now just a flutter based frontend to that18:29
ograi.e. there as been a new installer for a long time to fulfil cloud and server requirements that d-i could not serve18:29
nickgawI don't mind testing development releases.18:29
ograthis new desktop installer just reduces the maintenance work of having to maintain two installers18:30
nickgawDoes ubuntu have any cloud server tools inside it for doing testing virtual servers on my own hardware?18:30
ograthere is cloud-init in al images nowadays i think18:31
ograto apply config defaults and such18:31
arraybolt3nickgaw: You can easily install Ubuntu Server into a VM, if that's what you're asking.18:35
ioriasnap info ubuntu-desktop-installer18:38
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jhutchinsI would think that the installer would be fairly dynamic, evolving to work with new OS features as they release.19:04
jhutchinsThe release upgrade process has to evolve as well.19:05
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jpmhI would like a script to be able to tell if the hdmi monitor is connected.   Clearly the system and monitor do communicate.  How can I detect that it is on?19:21
ravagexrandr --query|grep ' connected'19:22
ravage(that may not work on wayland. but im not sure.)19:23
ravageyou can try wlr-randr there19:25
jpmhravage: previously tried that - for some reason it seems to remamber what the monitor was set as and so reports fully and no error19:25
jpmhravage: what is wlr-randr?19:26
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jpmhI read up on wlr-randr - installed on a sacrifical machine - does never see the display19:30
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ravagewlr-randr only works with wayland19:33
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tomreynalso note that the "wlr" in "wlr-randr" stands for "wlroots" (or "wayland roots"), which wayland compositors *can* be based on, but GNOME's mutter is not. As such, wlr-roots does not work with GNOME on Wayland.19:45
tomreynAt least that's what much of the issues on the wlr-randr issue tracker seems to say - i have not actualyl tried it.19:46
jpmhravage: and tomreyn ty both - but we still have no solution19:49
yrdsbHow do I get chrome os like os on ubuntu19:49
yrdsbSince I don't have a Chromebook and my school have one19:49
arraybolt3yrdsb: Chrome OS is basically just a fusion of Android, Chrome web browser, and maybe a Debian VM if you want it. You can get a similar setup by just installing Chrome and maybe Waydroid if you need Android apps.19:51
arraybolt3(As an alternative, you could install Chrome OS Flex, but that won't be able to run Android apps due to restrictions put in place by Google.)19:51
yrdsbHow to install chrome os flex vm that my only question19:51
arraybolt3yrdsb: Oh. OK. That's kind of tricky. I'll start by finding the Chrome OS Flex image.19:52
* arraybolt3 actually has to go afk, sorry19:54
yrdsbHow do I install chromeos flex vm19:59
=== realivanjx5 is now known as realivanjx
tomreynjpmh: if you just want to know whether the monitor is connected, you could possibly probe it with read-edid or ddcutil. a better option may be wayland-info, which is part of wayland-utils, which does not seem to be packaged for ubuntu.20:02
tomreynjpmh: another option may be to just use gsettings to get the "current configuration", which may (or not, have not tried) include monitor details.20:03
jpmhtomreyn: will try those ideas TY20:04
jpmhtomreyn: I do see that my system has read-edid installed but it is not a command - what is it?20:06
tomreynjpmh: it'S a package providing a couple tools. you probably want to    sudo read-edid | parse-edid20:07
jpmhtomreyn: and gsettings just seems to need some param that I do not understand20:08
tomreynnote that this is ooold stuff, just like dccutil is, i don't know how well these work as standalone tools nowadays20:08
jpmhtomreyn: read-edid just gives me command not found20:09
tomreyngsettings is a CLI to query and change gtk4 / gnome4 settings, you would need to start with something like   gesettings list-recursively > /tmp/gesettings-all.txt   and then look for the right schema to contain relevant info on your monitor (if any)20:10
tomreyndpkg -L <somepackage>     tells you which files are contained in a package. those in "bin" and "sbin" directories, are usually executable by you or root (or via sudo)20:12
tomreynsometimes, when running commands through sudo, you need to specify the full path to a command which only meant to be run with root permissions.20:12
tomreynjpmh: sorry, i made a mistake on the read-edid example:    sudo get-edid | parse-edid20:14
jpmhget-edid tells me that i2c was unavailable20:17
Guest68When it comes to ubuntu as well as spins like kubuntu or xubuntu or what have you, how many years is stuff under the universe repo supported for? Only 3 years?20:17
HabbieGuest68, universe isn't really supported at all, i thought20:18
tomreynjpmh: hmm, if you ran it with sudo then this means it's not an option for you. also, i don't think read-edid tools will be able to tell what's connected where, just provide information on connected monitors.20:19
jpmhtomreyn: yep - it just seems clear that SOMEHOW the OS does interact but I can't see how to detect20:19
tomreynGuest68: generally, packages in universe only get community support. there is (or was, this may have changed now that the new ubuntu-pro subscription was introduced) an undisclosed list of packages in universe which the security team watches and provides updates for on a best effort approach. also, the packages in universe which are part of the other ubuntu flavors (see !flavor) do get support by those flavors for the duration of the support20:22
tomreynthey offer.20:22
Guest68With esm-infra, can I select or pay for what packages I use to get extended support for in universe?20:23
tomreynwith ubuntu-pro, a commercial Canonical offering with a free tier for personal / non-commercial use, you can get 10 years of support for (all?) packages in universe20:23
tomreynPlease contact Canonical to gain a better understanding of what their offerings are beyond what is documented on ubuntu.com/pro and /esm20:24
Guest68Thank you.20:24
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tomreynhi gstoeh, if you have a question, just ask.21:10
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nickgawcdimage.ubuntu.com/releases does not have the normal installation images with the new installer so where are these located?21:19
tomreynnickgaw: here's an example url the 22.10 desktop installer for am64 would download from: https://releases.ubuntu.com/22.10/ubuntu-22.10-desktop-amd64.iso21:23
tomreyndoes this answer your question?21:23
tomreyni think the "cdimage" site is used for any non-default (or non ubuntu) images (incl. those of flavors)21:28
oerhekshttps://ubottu.com/y/dl gives https://ubuntu.com/download/desktop21:28
nickgawI want the new canary installer to test with and directions for downloading the source for it should I want to do this?21:29
oerheksDesktop? https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-canary/current/21:32
nickgawyes that one21:32
tomreynhttps://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-desktop-installer is the source code21:34
sucicf1I have downloaded the wsl2 ubuntu preview21:42
sucicf1but i don't know how to update it? is it enough to run sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade or something else needs to be done?21:43
tomreynsucicf1: you probably want to add   sudo apt full-upgrade   to this21:44
sucicf1thank you is that all or ?21:44
tomreynthat should be all you need to keep all installed supported software up to date (in terms of bug fixes and patches)21:45
tomreyn*security patches21:45
sucicf1the preview contains daily ubuntu build, how to get that changes?21:46
tomreynwhat does this report:   lsb_release -ds21:47
sucicf1it displays21:47
sucicf1Ubuntu 22.1021:47
tomreynthat's the latest ubuntu release indeed.21:48
tomreynhttps://ubuntu.com/blog/explore-whats-in-store-ubuntu-preview-on-wsl provides more information on what you chose to install21:49
ubottuWindows 10 and newer have a feature called "Windows Subsystem for Linux", which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide21:49
tomreynsucicf1: For general help with Ubuntu, you may want to read up on https://help.ubuntu.com/21:51
sucicf1thank you22:00
tomreynjpmh: oh, there's gnome-randr also: https://www.baeldung.com/linux/primary-monitor-x-wayland#2-changing-the-primary-monitor-in-gnome22:13
TecklaWSL--specifically WSL2--is awesome!  I have probably used it almost every day for years now!22:14
jhutchinsTeckla: If you have that much use for Linux, why not just run it as the base OS?  At least run it in a VM.22:15
TecklaThe Ubuntu flavor of WSL2, of course!  :)  I haven't figured out how to upgrade it from 20.04 to 22.04 yet... lol22:15
jhutchinsWSL is crippled in very annoying ways if you get into the system at all.22:15
Tecklajhutchins: Work computer.  Windows required.  But allowed to install Ubuntu/WSL2.  \o/22:16
TecklaTakes a bit of the pain out of using Windows, if you know what I mean.  ;)22:16
jhutchinsTeckla: What about Virtualbox?  That's what I used for that.22:16
TecklaI do run straight up Linux on some of my own hardware.  It seems far more professional than Windows and macOS these days.22:16
jhutchinsTeckla: Work hasn't discovered Linux yet?22:17
Tecklajhutchins: That would work, and I've done that in the past.  Also Hyper-V.22:17
Tecklajhutchins: They love Linux... on the server.  But unfortunately, still a Windows on the desktop company.22:17
jhutchinsTeckla: That's actually a reasonably good solution for a corporate environment.  Windows does corporate desktop integration best.22:18
jhutchinsTeckla: No Macs?22:19
TecklaFor my personal use, though, I prefer pure Linux.22:19
Tecklajhutchins: I've noticed that some of the non-developer folks have Macs.22:19
jhutchinsOops, got carried away, we're off topic for #ubuntu.22:19
TecklaOops, sorry.22:19
TecklaAll this reminds me, though, I still need to figure out how to upgrade Ubuntu (non-desktop) from 20.04 to 22.04.  Time for some digging around on the web.22:20
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kannonanyone know how to install vmware on ubuntu 20.04 ? total cluster_f#23:19
kannonall the keys stuff. in the installation they never mention them, then you try to run a vm....23:19
kannonthe tutorials don't mention them either23:21
jhutchinskannon: Did you install the extensions?23:30
jhutchinsWhat is it, VMWare Workstation?  Player?23:30
kannonthat's ubuntu stuff right jhutchins ?23:31
jhutchinskannon: No, VMWare is it's own thing.23:31
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware23:32
kannonthanks, I had a hell of a time with virtualbox too. jhutchins23:32
jhutchinskannon: I have not had good luck with their desktop systems.23:32
ELFrederichhow do I launch the utility that shows all your disk space?23:33
jhutchinsELFrederich: du or df23:33
jhutchinsELFrederich: sudo23:33
kannonmy admin suggested I just run it on a windows host. what do you think jhutchins is that easier?23:33
ELFrederichjhutchins, I'm asking about the GUI tool23:34
nickgawIn order to use the WSL system do I have to use the windows store or can I do a direct download?23:34
nickgawThe feature is enabled on my windows 11 pro system.23:34
murmelnickgaw: doesn't matter23:35
jhutchinskannon: I've had good luck with vbox on Windows and on Linux.  VMWare on Windows was not good.23:35
jhutchinskannon: I would not be surprised if VMWare was better on Windows than on linux, but I haven't tried it.23:35
nickgawIs there a way to do a download of ubuntu for windows without using the windows store?23:36
murmelnickgaw: wsl --install23:36
kannonthanks kindly jhutchins23:36
nickgawIs it the full desktop or just the console?23:37
murmelnickgaw: it's always console23:37
nickgawThat is fine but I don't think you can decide how much disk space you can use or processors you can use right?23:38
murmelyeah it adapts23:38
murmeland hdd is always full c:\23:38
nickgawCan the images be backed up for later restoration?23:39
ELFrederichjhutchins, vbox on Windows is only good if you have a decent graphics card.  Crazy unreponsive if you're using intel embedded graphics23:39
murmelnickgaw: no idea23:39
murmeli gues snot23:39
murmelnickgaw: as wsl i only for devwork, you have the files on windows anyway23:40
TecklaIf anyone is interested, `sudo do-release-upgrade` worked like a charm to upgrade Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04 on WSL2.23:59
TecklaPretty darn fast, too.  I don't think it was even 10 minutes.23:59

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