=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc === IchabodCrane is now known as DalekSec [06:44] Unit193, yay [06:44] It was a very anticlimatic openssl release. Howdy, knome. [06:52] hmm [06:52] what was the deal then? [06:52] i read about the vuln in the news but that was it [06:52] Crafted client certs could cause a crash, basically. Remote DoS or whatnot, but... [06:53] define crafted c c [06:53] Has to have a specifically malformed email, I believe. [06:53] right [06:53] https://ubuntu.com/security/notices/USN-5710-1 [06:53] hmmh [06:54] ok [06:54] better that it was anticlimatic than apocalyptic nonetheless, i think [06:54] [18:20:43] < Unit193> Yes, anticlimatic openssl security releases is a good thing. [06:57] Tons of new Xfce releases, I should likely get to them. :( [06:57] wp release, coding session and other stuff to deal with today [06:57] at least my head, neck eyes don't hurt like yesterday [06:57] knome: Oh, oh, oh! A couple of the upstream maintainers randomly give updates on wayland stuff, they're really re-assuring they're trying to keep Xfce what it is in a port. :3 [06:57] (: [06:58] "trying to keep" [06:58] "in a port" [06:58] okay [06:58] Hrm, another one? They just had one. I guess that means I need to look at dev.x.o again. [06:58] not 100% reassuring but i guess it's not bad news... [06:59] That is, they're not going with one shell DE or whatnot, they're looking for ways to keep panel plugins alive, and somewhat like they are now. Looks like they found a good way too. [06:59] okay [06:59] I mean it's me, I hate all things new and I'm somewhat positive about this. :3 [07:02] well that's quite a bit more reassuring than the last comment XD [10:42] Very cool that they’re finding solutions for the Wayland issues [10:43] And good the openssl issue isn’t as horrible as it was hyped up to be === arraybolt3_ is now known as arraybolt3 === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [23:36] hey everyone, i'm at the ubuntu (developer?) summit next week and will be on a "flavors panel" with some canonical folks - and naturally representatives of the other flavors [23:37] if there's anything you'd like me to ask (or rant about) please ping or PM me [23:38] i might tweet this ahead of time too, to see if there are community questions or pain points [23:39] not sure who has the xubuntu twitter creds, but retweeting (or even tweeting from the official account to begin with) might be nice(r) [23:39] the panel is on Tuesday, so there's still a bit of time [23:40] pleia2 and I (at least) have the Twitter creds [23:40] I can share them with you ofc :)(