=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [04:35] hi [04:50] /join@IrcsomeBot === floown_ is now known as floown [07:42] I think all this messages are important and should be pinned (re @IrcsomeBot: That way we can keep track of who's talking to who.) [07:42] This particular insights you dropped [10:22] greetings, I just saw this strange message in my terminal "Failed to connect to a Wayland server" when I'm not running wayland. [10:51] 7Y64 [11:04] Hi folks, quick question: is the LTS life cycle of Kubuntu the same as for Ubuntu? (So 5 years support). Couldn't find it easily on the website, so I thought I might get an answer here =) [11:08] I think it is 5 years although Ubuntu-Mate is 3 years so it may depend on the developers and what they commit to. [11:10] "Hi folks, quick question: is the..." <- 3 years [11:11] Thanks a lot! [11:12] https://kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/ [11:12] Kubuntu 22.04 supported with security and maintenance updates, until April 2025. [11:12] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JammyJellyfish/ReleaseNotes/Kubuntu [11:13] Support lifespan [11:13] Kubuntu 22.04 will be supported for 3 years. [11:14] For anyone wondering - I installed kwin-bismuth on Kubuntu - fabulous tiling window manager. sudo apt install kwin-bismuth FYI [11:51] Hi all === floown__ is now known as floown [13:39] is there any good whatsapp program well equiped with QT platform? [13:40] what's wrong with whatsapp web? :- º (re @crooked_sailor: is there any good whatsapp program well equiped with QT platform?) [13:41] Used it but when I clear up my browse history logs me out everywhere (re @lord chencho: what's wrong with whatsapp web? :- º) [13:44] Look for whatsie. It is available in flathub. (re @crooked_sailor: Used it but when I clear up my browse history logs me out everywhere) [14:31] I still can't upgrade 22.04 to 22.10. This is frustrating. After updating->upgrading->dist-upgrade, I still get "Please install all available updates for your release before upgrading". What gives? [14:31] I've been trying since 10/20. [14:47] apt list --upgradable [15:02] iomari891: according to http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release release upgrades from 22.04 to 22.10 are enabled. so it will be due to the local system state. the files in /var/log/dist-upgrade/ may provide more information on what causes the release upgrade to be cancelled. === MareMagnum is now known as faLUKE0 [16:41] tomreyn: Thanks. Files and folders in /var/log/dist-upgrade are all very old. Any idea why there are not up to date? [16:42] iomari891: no. but i have very little information to work with. [16:43] will deleting the contents help? [16:43] no [16:46] iomari891: blaze requested your output of `apt list --upgradable`; or send us the output of `apt full-upgrade`; without it, we can't help you [16:47] iomari891: what you can do is capture and share the full output, as well as these commands, as you run them: apt policy; apt list --installed | grep ',local\]$'; sudo apt update && sudo dpkg --configure -a && sudo apt -f install && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt full-upgrade === faLUKE0 is now known as faLUKE [16:50] ok thanks, give me a minute .. === warmana1 is now known as warmana [17:14] * tomreyn falls asleep [17:16] I expect that in about three days, we'll see iomari891 post this here: "I still can't upgrade 22.04 to 22.10. This is frustrating. After updating->upgrading->dist-upgrade, I still get 'Please install all available updates for your release before upgrading'. What gives?" [17:26] Yeh I think I've seen that about 20 times now, and equal times they asked for information but wasn't provided [17:31] same [17:35] mmikowski: Hm, okay, thanks. But Kalendar never worked for me, even before I had mysql-server installed. I only tried that as it was one of the suggested solutions for possible problems. [17:37] tomreyn: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/TgnYDtHSBb/plain/ [17:38] sorry, guys. My work keeps me very busy and not at my laptop at times. [17:38] Mrokii: I installed kalendar in a clean 22.10 install, and it worked out of the box. FYI, it does require a mysql server, but mariadb is what the KDE devs tend to test it with [17:42] iomari891: what happens if you run: apt install libheif1 [17:45] RikMills: Thanks. It may just be a problem when trying to run it from years old installation that just got upgraded all the time. I'll see if I have mariadb installed. Thanks. [17:45] that's a wild mix of incompatible package sources :-( [17:46] and lots of installed packages without an upgrade path [17:46] tomreyn: do you know when packages are "held back" due to phased updates, if do-release-upgrade then complains it can't upgrade because there are held packages? [17:47] alkisg: i would not know. but that's not the (main) issue here. [17:47] Eh, it's the one they complain about :D [17:47] interesting question, though, hopefully someone thought about it [17:48] not exactly. the message provided by iomari891 was "Please install all available updates for your release before upgrading" - and supposedly (untold) this is from do-release-upgrade [17:49] ...which I believe is due to libheif1 currently [17:49] alkisg: gives an error. 1 sec .... [17:49] that may be so, yes. [17:49] alkisg: The following packages have unmet dependencies: [17:49] libheif1 : Depends: libdav1d6 (>= 0.1.0) but it is not installable [17:49] E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. [17:50] iomari891: this then causes do-release-upgrade to complain, [17:50] and the reason for that ^ message is what tomreyn said; you have a mess in your apt sources and installed packages [17:50] (though i believe it will be so as a result of mixing packages from different ubuntu and debian releases, as well as having locally installed packages from unknown sources, defining dependencies, too) [17:51] should I remove all third part repos and try again. [17:51] No, that won't fix it, you also need to fix the already installed programs [17:51] What's the output of: apt policy libheif1 [17:51] if you do apt install libheif1 libdav1d6 [17:52] it should give you more info [17:52] libheif1: [17:52] Installed: 1.12.0-2build1 [17:52] Candidate: 1.13.0-1~22.04.sav0 [17:52] Version table: [17:52] 1.13.0-1~22.04.sav0 500 [17:52] 500 https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/savoury1/blender/ubuntu jammy/main amd64 Packages [17:52] RikMills: libdav1d6 isn't a dependency of libheif1 in normal ubuntu [17:52] !paste | iomari891 [17:52] iomari891: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [17:52] iomari891: use pastebin next time. Now, do delete the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ [17:53] Then try again `apt full-upgrade`, it should then show there are no packages to upgrade at all [17:53] alkisg: yes it is [17:53] https://packages.ubuntu.com/kinetic/libheif1 [17:54] RikMills: 22.04 [17:54] Depends: libaom3 (>= 3.2.0), libc6 (>= 2.34), libdav1d5 (>= 0.1.0), libde265-0 (>= 1.0.7), libgcc-s1 (>= 3.3.1), libstdc++6 (>= 11), libx265-199 (>= 3.5) [17:55] * RikMills head is still in kinetic [17:55] 22.04 is soooooooooooooooo long ago [17:55] Hahaha [17:55] A toddler's full life! [17:56] I am waiting for 2304 archive to open :P [17:56] 23.04 [17:57] iomari891: when that's all done and do-release-upgrade starts, it may still fail due to the chaos you have of bad sources and installed packages; ping me then for a more harsh way of restoring sanity [17:57] hello, it's possible to run .exe apps in kubuntu? sry i'm new with this system [17:57] the blender ppa needs disabling 1st of all [17:58] and they pinged out..... [17:59] bye iomari891! [17:59] * RikMills goes back to watching python 3.11 rebuild in the Lobster [18:00] Nico: to *some* degree, using WINE. but before you go down this rabbit hole, consider alternatives. what are you trying to run? [18:18] bob win. bobcera [18:19] it's a front end with batocera. for retro gaming [18:20] already I instaled wine but there is a pop up saying that WINE can't be opened [18:22] tomreyn, maybe you can recomend a video or YT channel for kubuntu beginners? [18:24] Nico: i think your best option to do retro gaming on kubuntu is to use one of the softwares provided for this purpose in the (k)ubuntu repositories. there are several. [18:25] i do not know anything about the software you mentioned (bob win. bobcera, a frontend with batocera), so i do not know what it emulates or how you would do so on kubuntu, though [18:26] apparently, batocera is actually a linux distrobution around retro-gaming: https://batocera.org/ [18:33] Nico: i can't seem to find anything about this front-edn you mentioned, though, "bob win. bobcera" [18:33] do you have a url for it? [18:37] https://t.me/BOBcera/2860 [18:46] oh, i don't have telegram, so i can only see the preview image === liberalartist is now known as philip1 [18:51] np! thx for your time tomreyn [18:51] Nico: i'm not sure what this software does, but you'll probably find that batocera itself provides similar functionality, and you don'T actually need this front-end. [18:51] I see. Thanks! [19:55] Hi, which ntp server is being hit by default. How do I change it? [20:15] ksenchy: ntp.ubuntu.com, NTP=... in /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf in the [Time] section [21:50] Yep. I already changed. Thanks [21:51] Is there a reason why the poll interval is around 30mins by default? I reckon once a day is enough, the clock doesn't go bad in 30mins [22:27] ksenchy: Many years ago, I know NTP had issues syncing if the drift was too much. I don't know if this remains an issue, but that might be the reason for the relatively frequent polling. [23:44] what is this